The Film Daily (1941)

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M I » i» \u > n I J l b T ST F L Intimate in Character International in Scope independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Two Years Old ^. 79, NO. 101— In Two Sections. Section I. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941 TEN CENTS ILLIED "YES-AND-NO" ON DECREE EFFECT ! ndustry Old Age Pension Bill New Cuban Worry alls for 2% Tax on Gross •f Distribs, Levies on andlords and Exhibitors Havana (By Air Mail) — A bill to ovide for old age pensions and mpensation for all employes in the m industry with the disbursements be raised by additional tax burns on the film industry, is curl ntly being studied in Congresi ;onal committee here. However, J [formed quarters do not expect the 11 to pass because it is a com1 etely discriminatory measure. Plain to raise the disbursement (Continued on Page 3 ) anada's H of C rofesfs 20% Tax TA Denies Film Delivery Charges in Schine Case Buffalo — Denying the Government's charges concerning film delivery procedure and attacking defiitions of terms used in the amended rimplaint in the anti-trust suit (Continued on Page 7) Montreal — A storm of protest is -ewino among members of the ominion House of Commons of all iroups against the new 20 per cent ix on motion picture entertainment. The members want this new tax ■duced or alternatively to have it ade applicable to other forms of uisement such as concerts, stage , wrestling, hockey and rugby (Continued on Page 3) Scandal in Expansion? National Allied foresees the possibilities of "an open scandal" in the New York consent decree's restrictions on circuit expansion. Branding the provisions of Section XI "a sham," Abram F. Myers in a bulletin released yesterday prior to the Cleveland board meeting next Monday, said: "The ineffectiveness of Sec. XI to prevent the consenting defendants and their affiliated chains from expanding in the exhibition field during the three-year test period was pointed out by Allied to the Department of Justice and to Judge Goddard, but its advice fell on deaf ears. "From many parts of the country come reports of such acquisitions and building and to the extent that Allied members are affected thereby these reports have been lodged with the Department of Justice. "The provisions of Sec. XI are a sham and unless the Department of Justice can (Continued on Page 8) Golfers Prepared For Any Blackout In the event of a blackout Tuesday night, the club-wielders attending The Film Daily's annual golf tournament at Glen Oaks will be able to find their way home without difficulties — thanks to the National Carbon Co. E. A. Williford, manager of the (Continued on Page 6) Rep. Planning 15 For First Quarter Arbitrate Biordi Demand In Pittsburgh Thursday Hitler Goes into Red With Film in Frisco San Francisco — Film row figures Hitler went into the red on Frisco's showing of "Blitzkrieg in the West," Nazi propaganda picture. It pulled out of the Tivoli after 13-day run to bare seats. Four customers in the house during one evening show. Theater ran quite a bit of newspaper ad copy and operated with full union crew. Everything was paid up in advance. Pittsburgh — Arbitration hearing of the complaint filed by Frank and Concetta Biordi, of the Majestic Theater, Ellwood City, Pa., against RKO Pictures, Inc., 20th Century-Fox and Vitagraph, Inc., will be held here next Thursday, with Horace F. (Continued on Page 7) Chicago — Republic for the first quarter of the 1941-42 season, starting in late August, plans to have eight features, seven westerns and a serial available, with the probability that some five will be ready for delivery as the new film year bows in, it was reported as the com (Continued on Page 8) Arnold Succeeds Goldwyn As Charities Com. Head West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — ■ Edward Arnold was elected chairman of the permanent charities committee succeeding Samuel Goldwyn. Executive committee to represent the Guilds and the producers con (Continued on Page 7) May Restore Mich. Anti-5 Bill Failing That, Senate Believed Apt to Kill It Urges Legion Film Stand as Catholic Press's Ad Guide Peoria, 111. — Editors of Catholic papers should not accept advertising of films rated "objectionable in part" by the Legion of the Motion Picture Department of the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae, said The Rev. John J. McClafferty, execu (Continued on Page 6) Detroit — Text of the amendment to the anti-five bill as passed by the Lower House indicates a gross confusion that may make the bill ineffective if retained. The text of amendment to Section 2 of the bill reads: "Subject to being trade shown and offered in blocks of not more than five, and also subject to decree of any court of competent jurisdic (Continued on Page 7) Myers Sees Some Beneficial Aspects, But Insists That Definite Weaknesses Exist Operations under the New York consent decree to date receive both laudatory and negative criticism in a bulletin made public yesterday by Abram F. Myers, general counsel of Allied. Among the beneficial aspects resulting from the decree, Myers points to (a) adjusting of many grievances by distributors before claims are filed and ( b ) the granting of some run and (c) obtain (Coutinucd on Page 8) Skouras Houses in Americanism Agenda An outstanding example of the industry's co-operation in bolstering interest in national defense and in fostering better relations between (Continued on Page 7) ABRAM F. MYERS "Sergeant York" Will Dupe "69th' Dinners Ballyhoo More than 5,000 members of the 82nd Division will hold meetings (Continued on Page 3) Tliis Star "Boarder" — Closed The House! Detroit — The Grant Theater owed Charles Brown, carpenter, some money for repair work — in his own opinion. So, Brown proceeded to nail up the theater, and neither operators nor prospective patrons could get in Sunday for the show. He was arrested for disturbing the peace. The theater management pointed out that Brown was employed by a subcontractor who was liable for the payment.