The Film Daily (1941)

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1W DAILY Friday, October 24, i Allied Will Discuss Unity With Dislribs (Continued from Page 1) pected to ascertain the film companies' reactions to the unity proposal and to determine the extent to which they will co-operate and participate. Result of the sessions probably will be the appointment of a distributors' committee to confer with Allied's group. It is understood that the distributors will invite the MPTOA, other organized exhibitor groups and production forces to join in one big joint session at a later date. Allied's board sent by telegraph a copy of its statement on the unity plan, most of which appeared in the daily trade press yesterday, to the presidents of all the film companies. Allied's committee which will confer with the other branches of the industry is composed of Col. H. A. Cole, Roy E. Harrold, Jack Kirsch, Sidney Samuelson and Martin Smith. Schreiber Heads Detroit Community Fund Com. Detroit — Committee to organize the Motion Picture Division of the Detroit Community Fund is being formed, headed by Alex Schreiber, manager of Associated Theaters. Committee includes: John R. MacPherson National Screen Service, manager; Irwin Pollard and Samuel Seplowin, Republic Pictures; Arthur C. Robinson, premium distributar; Charles Garner, roadshow distributor; Moe Dudelson and Sydney Bowman, United Artists; Max Blumenthal, Film Projection Service; Lieut. Charles W. Snyder, film censor; George Bremen, manager, Wyandotte Theater, and Daniel J. Lewis, chief booker, Wisper & Wetsman Theaters. Cornell-Columbia Game To Be Telecast by NBC Telecast of the Columbia-Cornell football game will be the sports highlight of the television week over NBC's Station WNBT. Jack Fraser will again give the expert's view of the strategy at Baker Field from 2 to 5 p.m., on Nov. 1. L & G Shifts Managers Waterville, Me. — Resignation of Edward Harrison, manager of the Opera House, Lockwood & Gordon unit, has resulted in several changes in the chain's managerial staff. Harold Leand, formerly of Revere Theater, Revere, Mass., coming to Opera House; Lawrence B. Libby, returning from State Theater, Madison, to State, Waterville; and Walter Teed, former assistant manager of Avon in Providence, R. I., going to Madi Rename and Open House Claymont, Del. — Pike Theater, formerly the Don and previously known as the Green Lantern, has opened under local management. PREVIEWS Of THE I1EIU flLfnS^ "Gauchos of Eldorado" with Bob Steele, Tomy Tyler, Rufe Davis Republic 56 Mins. THE THREE MESQUITEERS RIDE AGAIN IN A ROBUST AND FAST-MOVING WESTERN. Latest adventure tale of The Three Mesquiteers is an entertaining program film. Customers will go for the fast riding and general display of fistic fireworks in which the trio indulges. Story is one of those formula concoctions which are implausible dramatically but furnish a vehicle for The Three Mesquiteers to ride on to an ultimate triumph. The Mesquiteers come across a Mexican fleeing a gang of robbers. The Mexican is killed but before he dies he asks the Mesquiteers to deliver the money to his mother's ranch. The mother, who has not seen her son since he was a small boy, believes Steele is her son. Not wishing to hurt her feelings Steele remains quiet. Steele and his two friends stay on the ranch and become involved with the local banker who is trying to foreclose so he can get the property which contains a valuable bauxite deposit. They withstand all efforts to dispose of them and run down the villains. Les Orlebeck's direction is concerned more with the action sequences which he reels off smoothly than with the tale's continuity. Three Mesquiteers do all that is demanded of them. Lois Collier attracts attention by her good looks. CAST: Bob Steele, Tommy Tyler, Rufe Davis, Lois Collier, Duncan Renaldo, Rosina Galli, Norman Willis, William Ruhl, Tony Roux, Raphael Bennett, Yakima Canutt. CREDITS: Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director, Les Orlebeck; Screenplay, Albert DeMond; Original, Earle Snell; Cameraman, Reggie Lanning; Film Editor, Charles Craft. DIRECTION, Okay. PHOTOGRAPHY, Good. * SHORTS * French-Can. Comedian Will Produce 16 mm. Pix Montreal — Gratien Gelinas, who undr his stage name of "Fridolin," is the most outstanding comedian in French circles in Quebec province, plans a career as a producer of French-Canadian films and recently visited Hollywood to study production methods. Gelinas will confine himself to 16 mm. productions, to be shown at village halls throughout the province, and in Montreal at such halls as the Montreal Repertory Theater and St. Alphonse parish hall. Studios in St. Denis are now being equipped. Pal Signs Jack Miller Hollywood — George Pal has signed Jack Miller and Cecil Beard to write the screenplay for "The Rain Beau", forthcoming Technicolor Puppetoon for Paramount. WB Ritz Opens Oct. 30 Wilmington, Del. — Oct. 30 has been set as opening date for Ritz Theater recently acquired by Warners from Loew's. "Triumph Without Drums" (A Miniature) M-G-M 11 mins. Punchy, Dramatic Subject contains a lot of human interest, tracing the finally triumphant battle waged by Harvey W. Wiley to induce the Congress of the U. S. to pass pure food laws. Reasons for his intensive and unremitting crusade are graphically shown by the poisoned canned foods turned out prior to and shortly after the turn of the century, and which caused death to many soliders serving in the Spanish-American War. Eventually, and dramatically, Wiley convinced President Theodore Roosevelt of the necessity of legislative control to eradicate the evil, and the means whereby the Chief Executive was persuaded that Wiley should be heeded instead of the powerful canning barons was the setting up of a temporary laboratory in Roosevelt's office in the White House where the dangers then prevailing in food were scientifically revealed. Out of the crusader's efforts came the Pure Food and Drug Act under which Americans enjoy clean and wholesome fare dispensed by all manufacturers and dealers in food products. Audiences will like this subject for its punch and drama. "Taking the X Out of X-Rays" Al O. Bondy 10 mins. Highly Interesting This tab subject, — one of the Excursions in Science series produced by General Electric Co., — packs high interest for pic audiences, showing as it does, and in a clearly under standable manner, the development and current usage of the X-Ray, which has been a boon to humanity as a diagnostic medium in both medi cine and surgery following the dis covery of the rays, late in 1895, by Professor Roentgen while working in a small lab in Bavaria. Producers have injected additional appeal, into the footage by having Doctor William D. Coolidge, of G-E's research labs and credited with having developed and introduced the hot-cathode X-Ray tube, appear in the film and deliver the narration. "Helping Hands" (Our Gang Comedy) M-G-M 11 mins. Timely and Amusing Right in tune with the times via showing the kids forming their own army to help the cause of national defense, as well as generously spiked with comedy, this latest "Our Gang" opus is sure-fire entertainment for old and young. The "army" is scarcely a well-organized outfit, nor with a great purpose, until it is called upon to collect aluminum, scrap metal, and rubber, for Uncle Sam, and aid in the community pi chase of defense stamps. The set of the latter being bought by a me ber of the Gang is side-splitt stuff. This short will enliven a program. "Sailors With Wings" ^ (March of Time) W RKO 20 ,£. Worthwhile Subject The air arm of America's Navy projected into the spotlight by t March of Time with the edito usual alertness and timing. Dev opment of the Navy's air service briefly traced since the period of t first World War. Then a peek the present Naval air force. The are some exciting glimpses of t planes aboard the airplane carrie Shots that reveal enough to make absorbing program material. It a well-deserved salute to our saile with wings. "Picture People" No. 2 RKO-Pathe 9 Mir Fairly Interesting Helen Broderick offers a mc erately interesting illustrated co: mentary on film folks at play, sho ing Gail Patrick and her baseb team, Guy Kibbee and his son fis ing and a tennis match at which number of notables are present a playing. Other sequences show R Rogers opening his own store a James Craig hunting pheasants. "Lend a Paw" RKO 8 Mil A Howl Mickey Mouse, Pluto and a kitt share the honors in this very fun short from Walt Disney. Wh Pluto rescues the kitten from an i floe and takes it home to Mickc Pluto immediately is smitten wi jealousy. A battle rages between t dog's good self and bad self o\> the destruction of the new arriv the good self winning out in the er Plenty of laughs in this one. "Donald's Camera" RKO 8 J One of the Best Packed with laughs, this Disne. Donald Duck short hits the ma for hilarious entertainment. Decidii to shoot animals with a camera i stead of a gun, Donald goes into t woods and gets into a great de of trouble with a chipmunk and wooapecker as well as wrtn och inhabitants of the forest. Enrag< over his treatment by the little it , lows, Donald rushes back to a spoi ing goods store and buys a gun ai goes after revenge. "Dog Obedience" RKO-Pathe Good Subject Dog lovers will go for this on It shows dog owners having the' pets trained at the New Englai Dog Training Club where Bert Tur: quist, an expert, presents the ste by-step procedure in turning o well-mannered dogs. Should be i teresting to most audiences.