The Film Daily (1942)

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iiirsday, April 23, 1942 DAILY 'right To Try Schine rust Suit tor Gov't (Continued from Page 1) ; partmental unit assigned to fol w the operation of the decree. Simon said he is leaving Washingm Sunday and is scheduled to reDKfc to the Navy May 4. At an informal session yesterday Federal Judge John Knight's bers, Simon introduced Wright ^ his successor, and opposing coun;1 discussed with the Judge several ;eps in preparation for trial. Simon and Wright for the Govrnment and Schine counsel, led by /illard S. McKay, reached an in>rmal agreement on extending the me for the Schine defendants to apply the D of J data on admission i ices and price changes for some 90 leaters in 37 towns. Time granted y court's order to answer a Governlent interrogatory would have exired Saturday. It was agreed that data for 22 jwns should be provided by the rial date and that the information nould be turned over to the Govinment as rapidly as it is compiled. Opposing counsel also discussed a roposed stipulation that at least 0 per cent of the feature films exibited by the defendant exhibitor.'ere supplied by the eight piincipal istributors. No decision was reached n this question or on others argued iformally. iaines and Sachson Off or WB Hub Regional Meet Roy Haines, Eastern and Canadan sales manager for Warner Bros., nd Arthur Sachson, sales executive, o to Boston tonight to conduct the rst of two regional business meetngs. The second will take place on londay in Pittsburgh. Hub conference will be held in he Ritz Carlton Hotel, with dele■ates including Sam Lefkowitz, New 7ork Metropolitan district manager; <Iorman Ayers, Eastern district manger, and the following branch man-gers: John R. Mahan, New York; 3aul S. Krumenacker, Albany; ieorge W. Horan, Boston; Max *oth, Buffalo; and Philip Sherman, >few Haven. In attendance with Haines and Sachson at the Pittsburgh meeting n the William Penn Hotel, will be -larry Seed, Central district man.ger; Robert Smeltzer, Mid-Atlantic listrict manager, and the following oranch managers: F. D. Moore, Pittsburgh; Robert H. Dunbar, Deroit; Charles Rich, Cleveland; John Eifert, Cincinnati; William G. Manel}, Philadelphia, and Fred W. 3eiersdorf, Washington. WEDDING BELLS Richmond, Va. — Hilda Garnett, rashier, East End Theater, was marked to Clifton Fuller. Crack of the Day Crack of the day by Station WNEW'S Hollywood chatterer: "Victory will be ours when the following three scenes can be shot in sequence: Hitler drinking borscht behind Russian prison bars; Hirohito taking in laundry for the Chinese; Mussolini making an appearance on the Good Will Hour." Chas. Skouras Assumes NT Presidency Today (Continued from Page 1) fer the chain's headquarters to the Coast, where Skouras will continue making his home. Appointment of a New York executive to function in the event the switch to the Coast is decided upon, will be made at the board meeting, it is understood. Gary Cooper in Trailer For Army and Navy Relief (Continued from Page 1) in the Army and Navy Emergency Relief drive, May 14-20. Trailer will be made at 20th-Fox's Coast studios. C. C. Moskowitz, co-chairman of the drive, reports 2,500 pledges were received in the first mail yesterday, making close to 5,000 houses already enlisted in the campaign. All the larger circuits are in. Metro Plugging "GWTVV Over Air in 32 Cities Metro will use up to five "Gone With the Wind" announcements on each radio station on 58 outlets in 32 cities, on the opening day and the day following, it was stated yesterday. Donahue & Coe is handling the account. Cities in which the air announcements will be made are Akron, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Bridgeport, Canton, Columbus, Dayton, Evansville, Harrisburg, Hartford, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City, Kans., Louisville, Memphis, Nashville, New Haven, Norfolk, Pittsburgh, Providence, Reading, Richmond, Rochester, St. Louis, Springfield, Mass., Syracuse, Toledo, Washington, D. C, Waterbury, Wilmington and Winchester. Start Para.-Astoria Lab Parley Negotiations for a contract covering workers at the Paramount Astoria laboratory will be started by representatives of the company and Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians' Local 702 today at the Paramount home office. Eighty workers are involved. The lab is now under an employes' union. Saul Gottlieb Promoted Pittsburgh — Saul Gottlieb, city salesman for the local M-G-M exchange, has just been promoted to sales manager. WAR SERVICE . . . on the Film Front GLORIFY MERCHANT MARINE West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Exploits of the American Merchant Marine will be highlighted in Warners' "Heroes Without Uniforms," forthcoming feature to star Erroi Flynn, Edward G. Robinson, George Raft, Humphrey Bogart and John Garfield. Theme was taken from the list of 30 topics submitted to the industry by Lowell Mellett, co-ordinator of Government films. Topics were suggested for shorts but several are now planned for features. ... — V ... — Aid Scrap Metal Drive Rochester — Schine houses here will cooperate with the city as the scrap metal drive is held Saturday by staging coat hanger matinees, according to Bud Silverman, Schine city manager. Every youngster bringing 20 metal coat hangers will be admitted free. And for each additional 20 hangers, the youngster will receive a pass good at any time. ... — V ... — CLUB FOR OFFICERS' USE Chicago — Film industry-ites are prominent among the sponsors of the Skyline Athletic Club, designed to provide club facilities for Army and Navy officers. Mrs. Richard McClure, former president of the Better Films Council, Mrs. Eddie Silverman, wife of the Essaness circuit prexy and the Chicago Council of National Defense, which includes John Balaban, Eddie Silverman and James Coston in its membership, are among the sponsors. . . . _ V . . . — TO BUY FIGHTER PLANE Houston — Proceeds from the Defend U. S. All Guard, youth patriotic organization sponsored by Interstate Theaters, will be used to buy a fighter plane for the U. S. armed forces. Admissions to the Saturday meetings will be turned over to the Government, and in addition, the youngsters will bring in tinfoil, waste paper, alumnium, tin cans and other salvage which will be sent to collection agencies. Initial meeting resulted in 863 kids joining up. . . . _ V . . . — JUNIOR MINUTE MEN Chicago — Treasury Dept. officials are said to be looking into the Junior Minute Men of America, sponsored by Bob Griffith and Bill Manchester, manager and publicity director of the Plaisance, with a view to making a national stunt of the plan. The Indiana-Illinois circuit will use the idea for their Americanization drive at the Lido Theater. Kids are given free Saturday shows and war stamps as rewards for selling bonds and stamps. The alpha group lias already turned in several thousands of dollars in stamps-bonds sales. RECRUITS FOR MARINES Springfield — A recruiting station in the lobby of Loew's Poli during the run of "To the Shores of Tripoli" resulted in eight recruits accepted and now in training with the Marines. Station was part of Marine Corps Recruiting Week, proclaimed by Mayor Roger L. Putnam during the run. Manager George Freeman also had a recruiting station for Nurses' Aides for the Red Cross in the lobby and scores of women registered. kHOTtttK Iftfv&lW LAUGHS «Nd MUSIC ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► BIG PICTURE FROM the SENSATIONAL MUSICAL COMEDY HIT that BROADWAY! HOWLED AT for MONTHS COMES REPUBLIC'S GREAT screen SMASH — "YOKEL BOY I" If EVER there was a need FOR laughter, now is the TIME. And if ever there WAS a picture designed TO fill that need, "YOKEL BOY' is the one. It's an UPROARIOUS farce comedy WITH music with lots of very FUNNY people. EDDY FOY, JR., plays the FOCAL yokel; JOAN DAVIS is HILARIOUSLY VOCAL. And they HAVE ALBERT DEKKER, ALAN MOWBRAY, ROSCOE KARNS, MARILYN HARE, MIKHAIL RASUMNY, and MARC LAWRENCE to help them in the HIGH-jinks and shenanigans. When BUGSIE M ALONE, America's FOREMOST mobster, decides to BECOME a glamorous movie hero, THE laughs pile on so fast that you'll ENJOY every minute of it. There IS a lot of fine music, too — in fact, EVERYTHING to entertain you. "YOKEL BOY," 1942's best ; J£ COMEDY, is A REPUBLIC PICTURE