The Film Daily (1942)

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F ■ THI DAILY Tuesday, June 2, 194 Vol. 81, No. 106 Tues., June 2, 1942 10 Cents JOHN W. AL1COATE DONALD M. MERSEREAU CHESTER B. BAHN Publisher General Manager Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreisn, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Adddess all communication^ to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd.. Phone Granite 6607. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 127-133 Wardour St.. \V. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle. Le Film, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). MEXICO CITY— MarcoAurelio Gnlindo, Depto. 215, Calle del Sindicalismo, 99, Tacubayo, D. F. FINANCIAL {Monday, June 1) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat Col. Picts. vfc. (Zy2%) Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 7V2 7% 7V2 + Va East. Kodak 120'/2 1203/8 1203/8 — i/8 do pfd Cen. Th. Eq Loew's, Inc 40V4 40y8 40y4 + Ms do pfd Paramount 143/4 14% 145/8 + 3/8 Para. 1st pfd 108'/2 108 108 — Vz Para. 2nd pfd RKO 2i/8 2i/8 2i/8 — Vs RKO $6 pfd 20th Century-Fox . . lOVe 10 10y8 20th Century-Fox pfd. 23 23 23 + V2 Univ. Pict. pfd 147 147 147 Warner Bros 5 4y8 47/8 — y8 do pfd NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith B. F. ref. 6s46 Loew's deb. 3y2s46 Para. B'way 3s55 Para. Picts. cv. 3y4s47 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 100 100 100 -( y4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts Radio-Keith cvs Sonotone Corp Technicolor 8 8 8 Trans-Lux % % % — y8 Universal Corp. vtc Universal Picts N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER SECURITIES Bid Asked Met. Playhouse, Inc. 2nd deb. '45 . 64 67 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 4s 1st '57 61 63j4 Gould Resigns SPG Post, Lipskin, Temporary Prexy Joseph Gould, who will enter the Army Thursday" as a second lieutenant in the infantry, officially resigned yesterday as president of the New York SPG. Lawrence H. Lipskin of Columbia Pictures, SPG first vice-president, will act as temporary president. 951 IATSE Delegates Welcomed by Mayor {Continued from Page 1) on gasoline and rubber rationing at afternoon session. Temporary chairman was Robert Greer, president of Columbus Local 386 who turned over gavel to Richard Walsh, IATSE president. Five committees on grievance, auditing and finance, president's report, resolutions, and special problems were appointed. Chairmen and members not to be released until this morning. Additional welcoming addresses were given by Paul M. Herbert, secretary of Ohio State Federation of Labor; and Larry Buck, president of Local 12. International Projector's McGuire at I A Meetings Columbus, O. — Night sessions of IA District Meetings covering U. S. and Canada, and held here on the week-end in conjunction with the IA convention which opened in this city yesterday, were addressed by P. A. McGuire, advertising manager of International Projector Corp., manufacturers of Simplex equipment, on the subject of conservation in the field of projectors and sound apparatus during wartime. The addresses were very well received by the IA delegates, all of whom are anxious to co-operate with the conservation program as delineated by IA's president, Richard F. Walsh, and expanded by the SMPE's Atlantic Coast Section. McGuire said he believed that all locals will support the idea of educational committees, a step which he has long urged, and that important strides will be made toward this end and the kindred subject of conservation at the convention itself. $20,000 YDD Advance Sale Advance sale for "Yankee Doodle Dandy," playing on a $2.20 top reserved seat two-a-day policy at the Hollywood Theater, amounted to more than $20,000 up to last night, according to the Warner theater management. Figure applies to seats bought for performances over the next four weeks. Tickets are now selling six weeks ahead. "U" Renews Otterson West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Jack Otterson starts his sixth year as Universal Studio's art director, his option having been lifted for another 12-month term. Jimmy Sileo Back on Job Jimmy Sileo, ace industry photog who was absent from business for six months due to ill health, returned to his office yesterday. 6 for "Life" at Strand "In This Our Life" will be held for two additional weeks at the New York Strand, making a total run of six weeks. $350,000 in Checks For Army-Navy Relief (Continued from Page 1) plus $1,000 contribution from the company; Endicott Circuit, Brooklyn, $1,112; Fox Detroit Theaters $3,660; Black Hills Amusement Co., Deadwood, S. D., $1,012; Fanchon & Marco Theaters, $4,213; St. Louis Amusement Co., $6,900; Mort H. Singer Theaters, Chicago, $5,059; Atlantic Theaters, Philadelphia, $2,849; Robb & Rowley Theaters, Arkansas, $2,931; Newman Theater, Kansas City, $1,738; Center Theater, Passaic, N. J., $1,300. Baltimore — Army-Navy relief collections in Maryland exceeded $52,000. New Haven — Connecticut theaters report ■555.700 for Army-Navy Relief, with some exhibs. still to be heard from. Harrisburg' — Army-Navy relief collections here hit $4,000. .Tulsa. Okla. — Local theaters collected $4, 170.08 for Army-Navy relief. Columbus — Local exhibs.' Army-Navy relief drive netted $9,770. Providence — Army-Navy relief campaign in Rhode Island brought about $15,000. Chicago — Mort Singer reports $6,000 in Army-Navy Relief collections at RKO theaters. Jones. Linick & Schaefer collected $1,000. Films For Service Men In Overseas Hospitals Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Sixteen mm. versions of current features will be shown to convalescent service men in overseas base hospitals by the Overseas Motion Picture Service of the Red Cross. Hampton W. Howard is director of the new service which will screen the pictures with 16 mm. sound projectors powered by separate generators. Lou Pollock Opens Own Public Relations Office Louis Pollock, formerly Eastern advertising and publicity manager for Universal, has opened a motion picture public relations office in the Steinway Bldg., 119 W. 57th Street. His office has been engaged by John C. Flinn, executive secretary of the Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers, to handle publicity for the organization. James E. Wiley Dead Lincoln, Neb. — James E. Wiley, 49, former Lincoln theatrical producer and vaudeville manager and hero of the first World war. died in the Veterans hospital at St. Petersburg, Fla. Plumbers to Honor Stuart Detroit — Frank Stuart, manager of the Grande and Delray Theaters, will be guest of honor at a testimonial banquet to be eriven at Lansing:, Saturday, by Michigan plumbers — he was their state secretary for many years. COmiHG and G0IDG HARRY F. SHAW, Loew-Poli division manage New Haven, spent the week-end at Dow Fiel Bangor, Me. RALPH MURPHY, director, and C. HAROI "Lefty" Lewis, composer and technical dire tor, arrive in Syracuse from the Coast late tr week for Syracuse University's Alumni Day. BOB PORTLE, manager of the Colleg. (f Haven, is on vacation in his home town, \ / cester. RUSSELL HOYT, traveling salesman signed ij RKO as an actor, has arrived in Hollywoi to start his film career. VILOTTA ATHENS of the M-C-M shidi is at the Warwick. C. R. ABBEY, FILM DAILY correspondent Rochester, attended the Centennial commenc ment exercises at his alma mater, Ohio Wesley. University in Delaware, O.. over the week-en MR. AND MRS. ALLAN JONES and the] two children have arrived in New York. Scientific Films Sends Units to S. A. and Canad Two camera units, one to Sout America and the other to Canad. have been sent out by Scientif Films, Inc., which makes three Paramount's short subject serie They are "Speaking of Animals "Popular Science" and "Unusual O cupations." Jerry Fairbanks, president Scientific Films, said yesterday New York that the South Americ unit would work with the Rockef elli Committee on Inter-America Affair It will make a six-month tour of tl Latin-American nations. James 1 Shackleford heads the unit. Tl Canada unit, which will remain thr< months, is headed by Frank Ramsa Cuban Film Employes Organize; Alonso, Prexy Havana (By Air Mail)— Cuban fil employes have formed the Co-oper tiva de Empleados del Giro Cinem tografico, S. A. (Co-operative Employes of the Cinema). ManuB Alonso is president; Rafael RodiJ guez, vice-president; Rogelio GaratB treasurer; Pedro Poli, vice-treasure I Victor M. Cisneros, general admi ■ istrator; Roberto Blanco, director I propaganda; Alfredo Alonso, su director, and Dr. Nila Girado, ge [ eral counsel. PEOPLE WHO PREFER' FRIENDLY SERVICE USE_ Telegraph CHARGES FOR TELEGRAMS 'PHONED IN APPEAR ON YOUR TELEPHONE BILL