The Film Daily (1942)

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CO NOT REMOv/i; Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Three Years Old ? DAILY V\. 81. NO. 110 S NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1942 TEN CENTS JRGES UMPI AS PRIORITIES REPRESENTATIVE tValsh Slate in Clean Sweep at IATSE Election THE WEEK IX REVIEW Alstock Appointed — By L. H. MITCHELL = . PIC PERSONALITIES: Francis (stock succeeds his chief, John Hay hitney, as director of the m.p. dision of the Office of Co-ordinator Inter-American Affairs. Whitney Is been commissioned a Captain in e Army Air Corps. . . . William Kupper, who has been 20th-Fox's estern division manager, has been ^imed executive assistant in domes<ales to Tom Connors; Ray Moon is joined 20th-Fox as special h.o. p. . . . James M. Brennan was ap•inted head of RKO's Eastern theer zone, and Sol A. Schwartz of e Western zone. . . . Spyros Skous. 20th-Fox prexy, heads arrangeents for tour of 16 war heroes to cities. . . . Nate J. Blumberg, prexy, sees war's challenge to e industry met. . . . Richard F. alsh announced he was out for reaction as IATSE prexy against op•sition ticket headed by Vincent cobi. . . . William Green, A F of prexy, praised IA at its Columbus nvention, for its aid in building up Drale. * * * UNIVERSAL: William A. Scully, " sales head, named 48 titles of e company's 55 pix for the new ason; 34 of the new pix will be Id on percentage; the company 11 up its advertising budget by at ast 25 per cent, it was stated. * * * WARNER BROS.: Company's net as up $1,019,511 to $3,802,055 •reseeing rubber shortage, Warners id in a supply of tires for its sales2n. The company expects to do as jch biz with 35 pix of the new seam. as it did with 48 of the old leup, emDhasis being placed on ality instead of quantity. * * * THIS AND THAT: Para.'s quartly net seen at $2,915,000. . . . N. Allied, at its Atlantic City conntion asked for a uniform blackt system for the state and named committee to wait upon Si Fabian, A. Rosenberg and Bernard hultz on the subject of hurrying tion on theater priorities. Jacobi Ran Poor 3rd With 33 Votes Against 644 for Walsh, 292 for Bennett Columbus, O.— Richard F. Walsh and his slate made a clean sweep of the IATSE election of officers held here at Memorial Hall Friday afternoon. Walsh received 644 votes of 973 cast. Runners-up were William T. Bennett with 296 votes; and Vincent Jacobi with 33 votes. First Vice-President Harlan Holmden received 671 votes against Russell L. McKnight's 287. Elected second vice-president was William P. Covert, with 599 votes; and runnerup, Archie Prentice, 367 votes. Carl G. Cooper received 634 votes (Continued on Page 8) PCC Urges Season's Buy for the Duration West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Robert H. Poole, executive secretary of PCCITO, has presented the following statement on PCCITO's attitude toward UMPI's substitute sales plan to UMPI for consideration: "With gasoline and tire rationing (Continued on Page 2) Boston to Have Surprise Blackout Test This Week Boston — Boston will have a surprise air raid test this week. The Massachusetts Committee on Pub ( Continued on Page 3) Three Submit Plans For Victory Shorts Distribution plans of M-G-M, Columbia and 20th Century-Fox for the Government-suggested Victory shorts which each will produce parallel closely that of Paramount, with the exception of the $1 a day rental formula. The three companies have submitted their distribution plans to Joseph Bernhard, chairman of the WAC Theaters Division. Basic principles are said to be the same for each. rr U's" Production Budget $20,000,000 Universal's production budget for the new season is reported to be in excess' of $20,000,000. This represents an increase of approximately $5,000,000 over the production costs of the current season. The company's annual convention (Continued on Page 3) First City-Wide Blackout Has Little B. O. Effect New York had its first city-wide blackout from 9:30 to 9:50 p.m. Friday night, with the test virtually a surprise due to the short notice and scant publicity given. Mayor La Guardia gave the first (Continued on Page 3) Myers Sees '43 Critical Year Warns of Threat to Unity and Decree's Effects Film Censorship Boards To be Named Tomorrow Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The Office of Censorship tomorrow is slated to announce the appointment of the motion picture boards of review to be established in New York and Los Angeles. The boards will pass upon the suitability of films for export. Atlantic City — Whether the possibilities of the unity movement have been exhausted or whether UMPI can still serve a useful purpose is the main concern of all who have been active in the unity program. That assertion was made Friday by Abram F. Myers, Allied general counsel, who, in addressing the New Jersey Allied convention here, admitted that UMPI faces the fact (Continued on Page 8) Rodgers Says Unity Group Should Represent The Industry as a Whole Atlantic City— The UMPI should represent the industry as a whole on priorities, W. F. Rodgers, M-G-M general sales manager, c o n t e n ded Friday at the closing session of the annual New Jersey Allied con vention. The Government, Rodgers said, at present does not agree on this theory and wants individual r eports from sections. The Eastern Regional Conference (Continued on Page 3) WILLIAM F. RODCERS Allied Hears Kupper Pledge UMPI Support Atlantic City — Twentieth CenturyFox is wholeheartedly behind the UMPI sales plan, the Allied Theater (Continued on Page 3) Army-Navy Relief Cash Nears $1,000,000 Mark Total cash received from theaters in the national drive for Army and (Continued on Page 3) P. E. f . Theater Adds Four Bowling Alleys Summerside, P. E. I. — Bowling is strict opposition for pictures but for H. Gaudet, owner-manager of the Capitol, they will be Siamese twins. Gaudet is installing four alleys in space in his theater, after removing a soda fountain and lunch counter, he had been operating only about six months.