The Film Daily (1942)

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&*\ DAILY Tuesday, October 13, 1942 Vol. 82, No. 73 Tues. Oct 13 1942 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Ralph VVilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Van Beuren De Vries, 732 Woodward Building. LONDON—Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, Le Film, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU — Eileen O'Brien. BUENOS AIRES— Dr. Walter P. Schuck, Casillo de Correo 1929. MEXICO CITY— Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Depto. 215, Calle del Sindicalismo, 99, Tacubayo, D. F. FINANCIAL The stock markets were yesterday, Columbus Day. Einfeld Back on Coast For Studio Conference West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Charles Einfeld, Warner director of advertising and publicity, returns today from two weeks of parleys in New York, Washington and Chicago. A studio conference on plans for the new season as well as longrange policies, will be held this week, with Harry M. Warner, Lt.-Col. Jack L Warner, Ben Kalmenson and Einfeld participating. Kalmenson arrived here from the East last week. — Uncle Sam Needs Your Scrap — Films Speed Up Army's Training 40 Per Cent Training films are reducing the time required for getting soldiers ready for battle up to 40 per cent, according to reports of officers in the field to the Signal Corps Photographic Center now housed at the former Paramount studio in Astoria, it is disclosed in the third issue of the Public Relations Committee's Motion Picture letter, edited by Glen Allvine, and distributed at the weekend. About 125 training films now in various stages of production will be used in the visual and vocal education of recruits. H The Broadway Parade ® Picture and Distributor Theater Pride of the Yankees (RKO Radio-Samuel Coldwyn)— 13th week Astor Wake Island (Paramount Pictures) — 6th week Rivoli The Major and the Minor (Paramount Pictures) — 4th week Paramount Tales of Manhattan (Twentieth Century-Fox) — 3rd week Music Hall Manila Calling (Twentieth Century-Fox)— 3rd week Globe Desperate Journey (Warner Bros. Pictures) — 3rd week Strand 'Panama Hattie (Mefro-Goldwyn-Mayer Fictures) — 2nd week Capitol Cirl Trouble (Tv/entieth Century-iFox) 'Roxy Wings and the Woman (RKO Radio Pictures-Wilcox) Criterion The Boogie Man Will Get You (Columbia Pictures) 'Rialto Jungle Siren (Producers Releasing Corp.) Gaiety Here We Go Again (RKO Radio Pictures) (a) Palace Escape from Crime (Warner Bros. Pictures) (a) Palace Texas to Bataan (Monogram Pictures) — Last day (a) New York Law and Order (Producers Releasing Corp.) — Last day (a) New York Inside Britain (12 factual shorts) — 2nd week 5th Ave. playhouse ♦ TWO-A-DAY RUNS ♦ Yankee Doodle Dandy (Warner Bros. Pictures) — 19th week Hollywood ♦ FOREIGN LANGUAGE FEATURES ♦ In the Rear of the Enemy (Artkino Pictures) Stanley Mother (Artkino Pictures)— Revival 55th St. Theater Landstormens Lili Lotta (Scandia Films) — 2nd week (a) 48th St. Theater Kokskavaljerem (Scandia Films) — 2nd week (a) 48th St. Theater ♦ FUTURE OPEMIMGS ♦ You Can't Escape Forever (Warner Bros. Pictures) — Oct. 16 Strand For Me and My Cal (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures) — Oct. 21 Astor The Forest Rangers (Paramount Pictures) — Oct. 21 Paramount My Sister Eileen (Columbia Pictures)— Oct. 22 Music Hall A Yank at Eton (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Fictures)— Oct. 15 Capitol The Moon and Sixpence (United Artists)— Oct. 28 Rivoli The Devil With Hitler (United Artists)— Oct. 17 Globe Sin Town (Universal Pictures) — Oct. 17 Rialto The Class Key (Paramount Pictures) (c) Criterion Iceland (Twentieth Century-Fox) — Oct. 14 Roxy Across the Pacific (Warner Bros. Pictures) — Oct. 22 (a) Palace Get Hep to Love (Universal Pictures) — Oct. 22 (a) Falace Baby-Face Morgan (Producers Releasing Corp.) — Opens tomorrow (a) New York The Phantom Plainsmen (Republic Pictures) — Opens tomorrow (a) New York (a) Dual bill, (b) Subsequent run. (c) Follows current bill. cominG fine goim "SCCKER" COE, MPPDA vice-prexy and general counsel, and FRED BEETSON. AMPP executive vice-prexy, are here from the Coast. RALPH STITT, 20th-Fox exploitation man, i< working in New Haven and Bridgeport on "Tales of Manhattan." MITCHELL RAWSON, Warners' Eastern publicity manager, left Friday on his annual vaca ROY HAINES and A. W. SCHWALBERG, Vitagraph vice-presidents, returned yesterday from a tour of Warner exchanges in the Central district. HARRY ROSENQUEST, short subjects buyer for Warner Theaters, returns today from a trip through the Cleveland and Pittsburgh territories. •CHICK" LEWIS leav Hollywood Thurs L. W. CONROW, Altec president, i New York from Washington. WENDELL L. WILLKIE, chairman of the 20th-Fox board, is expected to be back in America within the next two weeks. BORIS MORROS and S. P. EAGLE arrived on the Coast yesterday. RICHARD CONDON, 20th-Fox publicity manager, and MAX YOUNCSTEIN. executive assist?nt to Hal Home, the company's ad-publicity chief, returned from the Coast yesterday. President SPYROS SKOURAS of 20th-Fox departed Sunday for the Coast, where he will confer with William Goetz, production chief, and Joseph M. Schenck. He will be away about a week. the A. A. WARD, Altec Lansing Corp., New York from Los Angeles for executivi ferences here. GUS EYSSELL left Friday for the Coast. "For Me and My Gal" Preview and Benefit There will be a special press preview and benefit for "For Me and My Gal" at the Astor Theater, Oct. •20, with voluntary contributions and naid admissions going to the New Vork Infirmary for Women and Children. Regular engagement of the picture begins the next day. October 21. — Uncle Sam Needs Your Scrap — Family Club to Elect Elections of the family club recently formed by the 20th-Fox exchange personnel will be held this week. Report Illinois Allied To Book For 65 Members (Continued from Page 1) booking deals who heretofore have been opposed to them. The same authority stated that a new corporation will be formed to handle these bookings. Jack Kirsch. Illinois Allied prexy, was not available for comment on the report. — Uncle Sam Needs Your Scrap— Pic Names for Chinese Rally A United China Relief rally, for which the organization is lining up picture names, will be held on the steps of the Sub-Treasury in Wall St. at noon Oct. 15. Ask $500,000 Slash In Hollywood's Assessment Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., on Friday filed a writ of certiorari New York Supreme Court against the New York City Tax Commission demanding a reduction of $500,000 in the 1942 assessment on the Hollywood Theater. According to the petition, the Tax Commission fixed an allegedly excessive assessment of $1,100,000 on the theater. g % NEW yccK THEATERS RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Rockefeller Center NINE GREAT STARS FORTY-TWO FEATURED PLAYERS IN "TALES of MANHATTAN" A 20th Century-Fox Picture Gala Stage Revue Symphony Orchestra First Mezzanine Seats Reserved Circle 6-4600 DON AMECHE • JOAN BENNETT GIRL TROUBLE A 20th Century-Fox Picture PLUS A BIG STAGE SHOW ROXY nn»"»"".Y I SB in TT^Vr— Paramo unt^ BUY WAR BONDS AT THIS THEATRE HiJ.IM-lttttW WORLD PREMIERE "HERE WE GO AGAIN" Edgar Charlie Fibber McGee Bergen McCarthy Mo|)y — also — "ESCAPE FROM CRIME" SAMUEL GOLDWYN PRESENTS GARY COOPER in THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES (The Life of Lou Gehrig) Released Through RKORadio Pictures, Inc. ASTHTJ B'way Popular Prices Cont. AOIUJK &45fh Midnite Shows Pert. BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS "BRILLIANT— A HIT."— Anderson, Jour.-Amer. 50c tO$l 50 at aU Performances ex | Plus * ' •-'"cept Sat. Eves. 50e to $2.50 | Tax Sonja Henie & Arthur M. Wirtz present A Musical Icetravaganza STARS ON ICE CENTER THEA., Rockefeller Center. CO. 5-5474 America's Only Ice Theater Evgs Incl Sun. 8:40. No Monday Performance Matinees Wed. & Sat. at 2:40 and Sun. at 3 Mail Orders Promptly Filled