The Film Daily (1942)

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<?tfte Friday, October 16, 1942 Start Stabilization Regulation Today {Continued from Page 1) but it was pointed out that all tentative conclusions would be dependent on the final rulings from Washington. Because the lawyers have varied interpretations of the law, no procedure can be adopted until it is clarified. It was admitted, however, that the law will revolutionize the present system of contracts with players, directors, unions and all types of talent, as well as affect bonuses. The directive by Byrnes is expected to follow the issuance of the clarifying regulations. — Scrap Socks Japs — Name Merit Award Winner At Stanley-Warner Meet (Continued from Page 1) went to Al Reh, manager, Mastbaum, Philadelphia; John Roach, manager, the Ardmore, Ardmore, and Joe Bergin, manager, Stanley, Chester. They were in the form of plaques and cash. They will be presented at the national zone managers' meeting in New York soon. Addressing the meeting here were Zone Chief Ted Schlanger, Joseph Bernhard. Harry Kalmine, Everett Callow, Harry Goldberg, Samuel Schwartz, Lester Krieger, J. Ellis Shipmen, John Turner, Joe Feldman. Al Zimbalist, Bob Mills, and Bill Charles, who covered all phases of operation. Conservation and the place of the theater in wartime were highlights. The men were given a luncheon and a dinner, with Bernhard guest of honor at the latter. During the meeting, Schlanger was notified by the Federal Reserve that the local area had, in the matter of percentage of increase in sales, topped the country during September in War Bond selling, a signal honor. — Scrap Socks Japs — Hear 20th-Fox to Back Broadway Legit. Shows Twentieth Century-Fox is understood to have under consideration plans to finance a number of plays on Broadway, with Margaret Curtis' "A Highland Fling" mentioned as a possibility for the first production. The company also is reported bidding for the screen rights to "Flare Path," play by Terence Rattigan now on the London stage. STORKS! Tom J. Connors, distribution chief of 20th-Fox, became a grandpappy yesterday when a son was born to Mrs. Tom J. Connors, Jr., on the Coast. The child will be known as Tom J. Connors, 3rd. The father is an assistant director at the 20th:^ox studio. You Should Know That — • • • YESTERDAY, rain-flecked pedestrians along ole Broadway watched with ripe curiosity the dismantling of the huge attraction sign on the famous facade of the Astor Theater The action bespoke the about-to-conclude run of "Pride of the Yankees." which RKO-Goldwyn opus has made the stand's turnstiles click in swell style ever since early Summer It won't be long now that a new sign will go up, heralding another socko b.o. beauty. — Leo the Lion's Judy Garland starrer, "For Me and My Gal" The newcomer attraction will get a special preview showing on Tuesday night, preceding the premiere the following morning At the said preview will be a galaxy of big-name folks whose voluntary contributions and paid admissions will be presented to the New York Infirmary For Women and Children 'Mong the invited guests will be George Abbott, A. P. Blumenthal, Miss Katherine Brush, William Bayard Cutting, Harry Content, Bennett Cerf, Clarence Dillon, Walter Damrosch, Jules Glaenzer, Harvey Dow Gibson, Sam H. Harris. Moss Hctrt, Pierpont Morgan Hamilton, Lorenz Hart, Theresa Helburn, Mrs. William Hale Harkness, Frazier Jelke, Richard Jaeckel, Henry Luce, Lawrence Langner, Guthrie McClintic, F. A. Muschenheim, Brock Pemberton, Richard Rodgers, Lee Shubert, M. Lincoln Schuster, Bertrand L. Taylor, Jr., Irving Berlin, Rube Goldberg, Messmore Kendall, Jules Brulatour, Harry Sinclair, George Z. Medalie. and Judge Joseph M. Proskauer For Wednesday midnight, the magic mind of Mister Howard Dietz has contrived a big community sing for the soldier boys and John Q. Public right in Times Square, — thereby re-creating a scene from the picture T T T ^ ^ ^ AT 4:30 this afternoon in the offices of Chairman Marvin Schenck, a meeting of the full personnel of the producers' committee for the ninth annual "Night of Stars" will be held. ... • Last night clown at N. Y. U.'s Washington Sq. College, George (Rialto) Hoffman lectured to the film course students on "Theater Display Planning". . . • Said Bill Berns on his air program yes'day o'er Station It'iV£H': "Gene Kelly could have been another Mickey Rooney if movies had discovered him years ago. Now he's just another Jimmy Cagney" Chaplin and Welles at Second Front Rally Charles S. Chaplin will be the principal speaker and Orson Welles will preside at a second front rally at 8:30 o'clock tonight in Carnegie Hall, sponsored by the Artists' Front to Win the War. Other leading speakers will be Jan Struther, Lillian Hellman, Rep. Elmer J. Holland, I. F. Stone, Carl Van Doren, Rockwell Kent, Joris Ivens and Max Yergan. Greetings are expected from Vicepresident Henry A. Wallace and Senators Kenneth McKellar and Claude Pepper. Dramatic sketch called "My Brother Lives in Stalingrad," which was presented on Kate Smith's air show last Friday will be performed by Margaret Webster, Selena Royle and Hester Sondergaard. Roxy Experiments With Spot Analysis of News (Continued from Page 1) Coombs, Jr., WHN news analyst, in a joint stage discussion of reports coming over the news tickers. Duo are on three times daily, speaking extemporaneously, with of course the spot material different at each show. Theater reports the innovation well received by audiences. Steel and Coombs are spotted between a short and the feature pic, permitting the tail end of their pitch to serve as a plug for the film. — Scrap Socks Japs — Dame Marie Tempest Dead London (By Cable) — Dame Marie Tempest, 78, celebrated actress, died here yesterday in her London residence. — Scrap Socks Japs — Taylor, Post Get Term Pacts Hollywood— Kent Taylor and William Post have been signed to longterm contracts by 20th Century-Fox. Grierson Refuses to Cut Victory Loan Pic (Continued from Page 1) War" was regarded by the Montreal committee as unsuited in parts to the political views of the French Canadian Catholics who are stronffW anti-communist. It asked that G*n., son cut the film and omit the pwls they considered objectionable. In refusing the request, Grierson said: "We take the position that any local organization has a perfect right to reject or to use our film, but we cannot accede to a request from any local organization to cut a film. This particular film is being used everywhere else in Canada, and if the National Film Board were to start cutting films to meet local objections, there would be no end to it. Moreover, to cut this film would be simply to debauch it." "The People's War" is one of a number of films produced for use in the Victory Loan campaign across Canada. — Scrap Socks Japs — Industry Reps, to Attend Morgenthau's Conference (Continued from Page 1) ence of the War Savings Staff in Kansas City Oct. 26-27-28. Si Fabian, Francis S. Harmon, and Oscar A. Doob will attend the meetings from WAC. Ken Thompson and James Cagney, SAG president, will go from the West Coast groups. — Scrap Socks Japs — Swiss Market is Lost To U. S. Distributors (Continued from Page 1) pictures in France and French North Africa, effective yesterday. In the past, American distributors have been shipping a large part of their pictures to Switzerland through the Vichy territory. — Scrap Socks Japs — "Convert or Else," OPA Gives Warning on Fuel (Continued from Page 1) availability of conversion equipment and reasonableness of cost in determining whether furnaces in the larger structures can be converted, Dean said. Ration coupons for fuel oil will be available next Thursday. That Florida Sun! Frank Rogers here yesterday scouted reports that he would retire as prexy of Florida State Theaters, Inc. Quote Rogers: "What I really resent is the inference that I would ever retire from anything in the warmth of that Florida sunshine. You fuel-oil rationers can really take nate of that this Winter."