The Film Daily (1942)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought ~«SSS&, The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Four Years Old FDAILY m 82, NO. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 TEN CENTS NEW PRODUCT DEAKTAKE SUDDENJPURT Sept. Admission Tax Flood Doubles 1941 "Take" .Month's Collections Rise iTo $13,662,336; Theaters Account for $12,266,602 ■-Washington Bureau of THE FILM (DAILY Washington — Admission taxes to] railing $13,662,336.81 were collected j luring September, 1942, the Internal . Revenue Bureau announced yester' lay, the figure more than doubling I that of September, 1941, which stood j at $6,444,950.05. Of the total tax, admissions to theaters accounted for $12,266,602.77. [ The balance of the total tax collec j tion was divided as follows: on tick (Continued on Page 10) — Scrap Socks Japs — WB Swiss Shipment Beats Ban by Vichy "Yankee Doodle Dandy" arrived "over there" in Switzerland just in time to beat the new Vichy regulations which ban further imports of American films by Swiss distributors. Sole remaining channel for importation of American pix to Switzerland lately has been via unoccupied France. Other Warner films which went {Continued on Page 10) — Scrap Socks Japs — Welles to Do New Ending For "Journey Into Fear" WAR PIX AS "GREATEST SERVICE" Industry In Presenting Present Conflict May Prevent Future Catastrophes, Says Will H. Hays A new ending to "Journey Into Fear" will be shot by Orson Welles who leaves for Hollywood within a (Continued on Page 10) iff omund Trust Suit To Trial on l%ov. 16 The Momand anti-trust trial has been set back again, this time to Nov. 16. Federal Judge Bower Broaddus in Oklahoma City insisted, however, that he would not postpone the trial date again and that it would start definitely on the date specified. Meanwhile, depositions in the antitrust case are continuing in New York. The motion picture, in preserving j the living present for future study, "may be contributing the greatest service it has ever performed," Will H. Hays, MPPDA prexy, declared yesterday in a brief address delivered at the Museum of Modern Art. Occasion, was an invitation preview of four Metro shorts, including "The Film That Was Lost," which tells the story of the Mu seum's Film Library; William Saroyan's "The Good Job," "The Magic Alphabet," produced in co-op with the OWI, and "A C T A," story of the air-training program just inaugurated in the nation's schools. "In preserving the present moment for the eyes and ears of distant generations, in showing the actual grimness and horror which violent (Continued on Page 4) Metro Forums May Be Extended to Two Days Future Exhibitor Forums, sponsored by M-G-M, may be extended to two days because of the vast amount of information and service covered by the meetings, it was indicated yesterday following the successful Forum in Pittsburgh on Tuesday. It was the consensus of those (Continued on Page 7) —Scrap Socks Japs — Fxpect L. A. Scrap Drive To Yield 3,000000 Lbs. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Yield of more than 3,000,000 pounds of scrap is anticipated from the local theater scrap drive which is enlisting the co-op of 300,000 school children, according to (Continued on Page 7) Allied's Caravan Setup to Continue Allied's caravan committee will operate on a permanent and continuing basis, leaders indicated at AMPTO of Wesern Pennsylvania's convention in Pittsburgh this week. The caravan inaugurated a "resistance" campaign against alleged high selling terms by the distributors and (Continued on Page 9) — Scrap Socks Japs — D of J to Prosecute WPB's Building Order Violations Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Wilful violators of its order L-41 controlling the construction of motion picture theaters and other civilian projects will be turned over to the Department of (Continued on Page 7) Iowa Pix Biz Ahead of 1941 Femme Attendance Gains; Newsreels a Factor "McLeod's Folly" to Be , First Cagney Production West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Cagney Productions has purchased rights to "McLeod's Folly," novel by Louis Bromfield. James Cagney will be starred and (Continued on Page 4) By OTTO WEBER FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Des Moines la. — Business at Iowa theaters depends on the pictures, with most operators explaining that attendance is good with good pictures and not so good with pictures not so good. A survey of Iowa theaters made for The Film Daily revealed that (Continued on Page 10) After Slow Start Exhibs. Are Starting to Buy; Sales Below Last Season After what has been regarded as a slow selling season, sales of new product have taken a new spurt in the last few weeks. While exhibs. have been moving cautiously on new deals and have been laying off buying, the tendency appears now to be the other way around. Reasons for the slow start have not been clearly defined. It is reported that the "resistance cam (Coutinued on Page 4) -Scrap Socks Japs — "lirr U" Salesmen Stay Till Deal is Made Universal has instructed its salesmen to stay in a town until a deal is made and not waste gasoline and tires by making frequent calls on the same account. Inasmuch as worn-out tires cannot be replaced, salesmen have been (Continued on Page 9) — Scrap Socks Japs — Picture Pioneers Hold Harvest Dinner Nov. 19 Picture Pioneers' old-fashioned harvest dinner to honor people of the screen, stage and radio who have volunteered to entertain men in uni (Continued on Page 8) Defer Alstoch for U. S. War Program Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — Francis Alstock, chief of the Motion Picture Division of the Office of the Co-ordinator of Inter-American Affairs, who was scheduled for Army induction, has been reclassified by his draft board as "essential to the war production program," it was learned here yesterday. Alstock was given a 2B classification which is given those deemed necessary to the war effort. ^ IF YOtf CAjVT FIGHT, YOUR SCRAP CAN — TODAY'S SCRAP MS TOMORROWS ARTILLERY (^