The Film Daily (1942)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Four Years Old FDAILY >L. 82, NO. 84 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1942 TEN CENTS MAJORS TO DISTRIBUTE BRITISH WARFILMS British Exhib. Ass'n and 20th-Fox in Peace Pact Booking War Ends With CEA Winning Restoration oi Status Quo in Sales Policy London (By Cable) — Settlement \ of the CEA's booking "war" with Twentieth Century-Fox which broke out in September when the American distributor revised its sales policy here was announced yesterday at a meeting of the exhibitor association's special negotiating committee and officers. The agreement, as finally drafted following a series of conferences (Continued on Page 7) — Scrap Socks Japs — Stringent New Wage Regulations Issued Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — New and stringent l|i wage regulations were issued yes1 terday by James F. Byrnes, Eco1; nomic Stabilization Director. The | War Labor Board receives jurisdicH tion over all wage payments and (Continued on Page 4) — Scrap Socks Japs — B RKO to Tradeshow Next j Block, Nov. 9-10, 12-13 National trade screenings on F RKO's next group of five pictures W* were announced yesterday by Presil| dent Ned Depinet. The tradeshows L will be held Nov. 9-10 and 12-13 and (Continued on Page 6) ;i Gen. Osborne to be Guest of Pioneers Gen. Frederick H. Osborne, Chief, Special Services Branch, War Department, will head the list of the honor guests at the Picture Pioneers Thanksgiving dinner which is to be held at the Waldorf-Astoria, Nov. 19, Jack Cohn said, following a meeting of the dinner committee yesterday. The luncheon of the dinner committee contained a surprise for Cohn in the form of a birthday cake. GRIFFIN ELECTED SMPE PRESIDENT Fall Meeting Hears Claude Lee on Industry's "Coming of Age" as Power for Good By LOU PELEGBINE FILM DAILY Staff Writer Herbert Griffin, executive vicepresident of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, yesterday was elevated to the presidency at the opening session of the organization's three day Fall meeting at the Hotel Pennsylvania. He replaces Emery Huse. Griffin, who is vice-president of the International Projector Corp. of this city and president of the Librascope Co. of will be succeeded HERBERT GRIFFIN Burbank, Calif.. as executive vice-president by Loren L. Ryder, director of recording at the Paramount studios. Arthur C. Downes of the research Laboratories of the National Carbon Co., Cleveland, and Wiliam C. Kunzmann, technical engineer of the same company, were re-elected editorial vice-president and convention vicepresident, respectively. E. Allan Williford of the National Carbon Co. was elected secretary as successor to P. J. Larsen, while M. R. Boyer of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., New York, was named treasurer to replace G. Friedl, Jr. Elected to the board of governors were William A. Mueller of the Warner Bros, studios and H. W. Remershied of the Bell & Howell Co., Hollywood. War Role of Films The role of the film industry in war time was the theme of yester(Continued on Page 8) Award to Waverly Upheld on Appeal Motion picture appeal board has affirmed the award of the arbitrator in the complaint filed by the Waverly Theater, New York City, against RKO, Warner Bros, and 20th Century-Fox. The appeal was (Continued on Page 8) Stock Allocation Up At MPPDA-WPB Talk Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Representatives of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America discussed various aspects and provisions of the film allocation order (L178) with Harold Hopper, chief of the motion (Continued on Page 4) Coast Base for WB Newsreel? Clapper, Pearson Mentioned for Editor Schlesinger, SCG Settle Dispute; Studio Reopens West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Leon Schlesinger and the Screen Cartoonists Guild have reached an amicable agreement of their dispute and the studio reopened yesterday. The studio was (Continued on Page 5) West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Setting a precedent, Warners may edit its projected new newsreel at the Burbank studio instead of in New York, general scene of newsreel operations, it was reported here yesterday. In all probability, post of editor will go to a top name, with persons both in and out of the industry (Continued on Page 7) Eight Features and 15 Shorts on Roster; to Go On Regular Programs War films of the British Ministry of Information will be distributed in the United States by the eight major companies under a deal announced yesterday by Sidney Bernstein of the British Information Services. Bernstein returned to London yesterday after five months here. Eight features and 15 shorts are on the program, although Bernstein was dubious over the possibility of completing the full proposed lineup. The pictures will be sold on the (Continued on Page 5) — Scrap Socks Japs — Oust Consent Decree From All Ascap Suits In the first ruling of its kind since the entry of the New York consent decree, Federal Judge Edward A. Conger yesterday ordered all reference to the decree to be (Continued on Page 5) — Scrap Socks Japs — Warner District Managers To Meet in Chicago Nov. 13 A meeting of all Warners district managers has been called bv Ben Kalmenson. general sales manager, for Nov. 13 at the Blackstone Hotel, (Continued on Paae 6) "Moon and Sixpence" In Rivoli Premiere With the industry, society and the arts represented by many a "name," the Loew-Lewin production of W. Somerset Maugham's "The Moon and Sixpence" had a gala charity opening at the Rivoli last night, the entire proceeds benefiting the French and American War Work of the Coordinating Council of French Relief Societies. THE FILM DAILY, reviewing the UA release on Sept. 9, rated it a "gilt-edge attraction with powerful story and fine acting" and ranked it "among the best biographical films." Last night's audience obviously shared that opinion. YOUR SCRAP WILL SEND THE AXIS TO THE SCRAP HEAP — START IT OJV ITS WAY TODAY £|