The Film Daily (1943)

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m $j Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought fear The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Four Years Old -lFDAiiy 83, NO. 90 NEW YORK, TUESDAY MAY 11, 1943 TEN CENTS » H • PRODUCTION MAY DROP 15% NEXT SEASON VVPB Urges Patrons' Help in Preventing Fires L G. Smith Believes ublic Should be Told ie-Building Impossible Enlistment of theater patrons to ilp prevent theater fires is being •ged by A. G. Smith, chief of the nusement section of the WPB. nith believes that patrons should j made conscious of the fact that ieir motion picture theaters must ! made to last for the duration and iat their co-operation should be en?ted to assist the theater owners preventing theater fires. Smith reports that the amusements {Continued an Page 5) ioefz Stays at 20-Fox ill Zanuck Returns i: William Goetz will continue as ce-president of 20th Century-Fox itil Darryl F. Zanuck is relieved ' his military duties and until Goetz mipletes the pictures in production ; the time, according to the notice ' the annual meeting of stockhold•s scheduled for May 18. Goetz's mtract which has until May 1, 1952, run at a weekly salary of $3,500 as amended on April 19 to cover s studio duties until Zanuck re(Continued on Page 5) KO Acquires St. Paul yceum for First-Run St. Paul, Minn. — Operators of the (KO-Orpheum here announced over e week-end they had completed a ase on the St. Paul Lyceum and ill take over the latter house on Continued on Page 2) Three UA Releasing Deals Are Pending West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — It is understood UA is considering making releasing deals with David L. Loew and Arthur * S. Lyons; Leo Spitz and Jack Skirball; and with Harry Joe Brown and Sig Schlager who plan to make "Knickerbocker Holiday." Powerful Dramatic Presentation to Feature Big UJA Amusement Division Luncheon Today Today's fifth annual luncheon of the United Jewish Appeal's Amusement Division in the Hotel Astor, which will be attended by hundred of New York's important film folks, will be highlighted, in addition to the feature speech of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, by a powerful dramatic presentation of the Jewish fight for survival, in which Joseph Schildkraut, Sam Jaffe, Alexander Kirkland, Arleen Whelan and Doris Nolan will have principal roles. Radio announcer Ben Grauer will be the narrator. Also participants in the elaborate and impressive program will be Conrad Thibault, Al and Lee Reiser, and Wilbur Evans. Amusement Division co-chairmen are David Bernstein, Barney Balaban and Albert Warner. B. S. Moss is luncheon chairman and conceived the dramatic presentation. 300th Arbitration Complaint is Filed The 300th complaint to be filed since the inauguration of the present arbitration system in February, 1941, was received yestreday by the American Arbitration Association. The complaint came from Portland, Ore., and was the first to be docketed in that city this year. Charging that Paramount has re(Continued on Page 8) Albany Gives Texan Touch To O'Donnell's Reception Albany — Rebel yells from a dozen cowboy-costumed Variety crew members, led by Chief Barker C. J. Latta, yesterday gave the true Texas touch to Bob O'Donnell's visit here in behalf of the nation-wide (Continued on Page 2) Court Gets Crescent Proposal (or Decree Nashville — George H. Armistead, Jr., chief counsel for Crescent Amusement Co. and affiliates at the week-end submitted a form of the decree proposed by Federal Judge Elmer D. Davies, containing modifications for which defendant counsel pleaded in the hearing on motions last week. Chief modifications sought (Continued on Page 5) Population Shift Woes Before Ohio ITO Meet Columbus, O. — Problems of Ohio exhibitors in particular will be taken up today when the ITO of Ohio opens its annual convention at the Deshler-Wallick Hotel. Assistance to Continued on Page 2) Old20th-Fox Post for Zanuck Studio Will Back More Stage Plays --Schenck In Tunis They Ask: "Are We Going to See U. S. Pix?# One of the first queries hurled by the populace at allied forces when they captured Tunis last week was: "Are we going to see American films now?" This was revealed by John MacVane, NBC overseas reporter, in (Continued on Page 5) The 1943 FILM YEAR BOOK is now being distributed to all FILM iDAILY Subscribers.^Advt. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— That Darryl F. Zanuck will resume his old post as vicepresident in charge of production at the 20th Century-Fox studios, upon his release from the Army, was the statement made here yesterday by Joseph M. Schenck, executive production head for the company under a new seven-year contract, upon his return from New York. Zanuck will function, however, under Schenck as (Continued on Page 5) Ample Films for Both Single Feature and Twin Bill Houses Certain, Coast View By RALPH WH.K West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Despite raw stock limitations, casting difficulties and many other wartime problems, observers believe the drop in production for the 1943-44 season, at the most, will not exceed 15 per cent when compared with the 1942-43 output. They also point out that there will be ample product for single and double-bill houses, especially when the hold-over policy, on important pictures, is considered. Paramount, which made 42 pic (Continued on Page 8) i Subpoena Pic Execs. In Racketeer Case Chicago — Subpoenas were issued late yesterday by Federal Judge John Barnes for a number of top ranking films executives for their appearance tomorrow at the Chicago hearing into the extradition of Capone Continued on Page 2) Pathe Lab.-Local 702 Dispute to Mediation The dispute between Pathe Laboratory and the Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians Union, Local 702, IATSE, which has prevented the (Continued on Page 8) WB, 20th-Fox in Chi. Exchange Shifts Chicago — Changes have been made here in the personnel of two exchanges. James Abrose, Chicago sales manager for Warner Bros., has been promoted to exchange manager in Cincinnati. George Lefko succeeds him as Chicago sales manager. Clyde Echkardt, 20th-Fox exchange manager here, has been transferred to a similar post in Los Angeles, with Tom Gilliam succeeding Eckhardt here.