The Film Daily (1943)

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WHAT ABOUT THAT GUY • Mere Bulk can be deceiving. Particularlythe Bulk of Mere circulation figures, which often serve only to trace billowing outlines 'round and about the sinews of a motion picture trade magazine. • Bulk, also, can be terribly expensive— for the advertiser. Far more economical than paying for mere numbers, is the practice of purchasing efficient circulation . . . circulation tailored to the precise measurements of the motion picture field. • Showmen's Trade Review measured Readership figures prove that one subscription per theatre does the work of three copies that we might and could sell if we wanted to go Bulky. • Why pay the price of costly duplication for distributing three copies of your advertisement when one copy, placed in a magazine with a proved threefor-one Readership record will do the job better? NO. 2 t4taS&uoi*L.S4to*L READERSHIP • REALLY • MEANS • LEADERSHIP