The Film Daily (1943)

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Intimate in Character international in Scope Independent in Thought FILE COHH DO NOT REMOVE The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Four Years Old -1FDAILY I r,^83, NO. 91 NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1943 TEN CENTS GOV'T JIAY ASK FOR FULL DIVORCEMENT MPPDA Abandons Over-all Manpower Plan VAC "Limited Essential" .istings Suggestion Not fet Submitted to WMC \\uhi»<jton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington— The MPPDA has aparently abandoned its attempt to rork out an over-all plan to insure t least the minimum necessary taint manpower requirements for the tudios. Rep. John D. Costello, Calif., aid last month that he was expectig a basic plan from the MPPDA, nd that he would then attempt to rain approval for it from Army auhorities. It was assumed that the plan (Continued on Paqe 9) rVPB Lifts $5,000 ieiling on Pic Sets INDUSTRY LAUNCHES UJA CAMPAIGN Film, Stage, and Radio Leaders Hear Dr. Silver Declare That Human Rights Will Be Reaffirmed >• ashington jBurcaii of THE. FILM DAILY Washingtolw — WPB yesterday anounced the lifting of the $5,000 eiling on individual production sets, ,'ith producers hereafter to request naterials on a calendar quarter asis, with no cost limitations on inividual pix. The system, which is (Continued on Page 8) ndustry Brief Opposes ». R. Block-Booking Bill Sidney Schreiber of the MPPDA ;gal department is in San Juan, verto Rico, to present the indusy's brief on the proposed anti (Contiuued on Page 9) f i Dimes Fund Already at $1,317,554 Mark With several important states still not reported, total collections reported to the March of Dimes headquarters through Monday already vvere $1,317,554, only $132,446 behind 1942's total of $1,450,000, according to figures released by Nicholas M. Schenck, chairman of the drive. Final reports, missing from New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, California, and Arizona, are certain to send the 1943 total ahead of the 1942 figure. By GEORGE H. MORRIS FILM DAILY Staff Writer Uigent necessity of extending maximum aid to the War Emergency Campaign for refugees, overseas needs and Palestine, keynoted the impressive and patriotic annual luncheon yesterday in the Hotel Astor, held under the auspices of the Amusement Division of United Jewish Appeal and attended by some 500 leaders of screen, stage, radio and their related branches. Signalizing the opening of the Amusement Division's drive, co-chairmen of which are David B-ernstein, Barney Balaban and Albert Warner, the event, it was announced by UJA headquarters later in the day, brought an initial contribution of in excess of $85,000, with further pledges certain to rocket this figure (Continued on Page 10) Appeal Board Finds No Wilmington Delay The "iiu'dvertent error" of the appeal board in affirming the decision of the arbitrator in the case of the Sidney Theater Corp., Milford, Del., does not change the aspect of the award, the appeal board has ruled in a decision issued yesterday. The appeal board previously had (Continued on Page 12) Stockholders Must Okay 20th-Fox NT Stock Deal A special meeting of 20th CenturyFox stockholders will be necessary to authorize the exercising of the company's option to buy Chase National Bank's holdings in National (Continued on Page 7) Tells Ohio IT0 Metro Will Adjust Rentals By ELSIE LOEB FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Columbus, O. — William F. Rodgers, M-G-M vice-president, divided stellar honors with Si Fabian, WAC general chairman, at the opening session of the tenth annual convention of the Independent Theater (Continued on Page 2) Paramount Signs Pact With Local 109 for 400 Paramount Pictures and its subsidiaries, Famous Music Corp. and Paramount Music Corp., have signed a contract with the Screen Office and Professional Employes Guild, Local (Continued on Page 9) Zanuck Salary, 20-Fox Tops $168,269 to Skouras, $155,700 to Goetz Springfield's Juvenile Attendance Ban Lifted Springfield, Mass. — Children under 16 were permitted to enter Springfield pic theaters yesterday for the first time since last February. The public health council voted late Mon(Continued on Page 8) Total remuneration received from the corporation by directors and officers of 20th Century-Fox for the last fiscal year was $1,096,396.79, it is revealed by the notice of annual meeting sent to stockholdehs. Largest individual amount, $175,100, was paid Col. Darryl F. Zanuck, director and vice-president until Aug. 31. Col. (Continued on Page 9) Decision Not Yet Reached, Says Wright; Griffith Proposal Called Unacceptable By ANDREW H. OLDER Washington Bureau of THE FILM (DAILY Washington— Although no decision is looked for in the immediate future, the Department of Justice "very seriously" is considering pressing for complete divorcement of theaters from distributors, Robert L. Wright, one-man unit handling the New York consent decree for the anti-trust division, said yesterday. (Continued on Page 12) OWI, Surles to Talk Belter Combat Pix Washinaton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington— Lowell Mellett, OWI motion picture chief, will confer soon with Major General Alexander D. Surles, Army public relations chief, (Continued on Page 10) SAG Holds Up Autonomy Plan for Class B Members West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Until NLRB reaches a decision on the question of holding (Continued on Page 8) Art Is Long, And — So Is Appreciation A dozen key screen, stage and radio artists, in addition to giving their personal services in the "Round Table Discussion on the Jewish Fight for Survival" at yesterday's big annual luncheon of UJA, are listed as contributors to the 1943 campaign. Moved by their inspiring performances and personal sacrifice, Barney Balaban, Amusement Division's cochairman, rose at the dais and announced that he has given, as a testimonial to the artists, a check for $1,000 to UJA. They are: Conrad Thibault, Al and Lee Reiser, Joseph Schildkraut, Arleen Whelan, Doris Nolan, Sam Jaffee, Alexander Kirkland, Ben Grauer, George Hamilton Combs, Tony Leader, and Wilbur Evans.