The Film Daily (1943)

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StMBEBfs WLEH WWGSl »AT O'BRIEN as the devilInay-care bombing trainer, fc/ith his fighting eye on Tokyo. . . . t old in a blasting bomb-run of romance and thrills... in the story of a lovely girl — and of three fliers who knew how to make a direct hit on a woman's heart!... The mighty picture that shows the making of the boys now making it hot for the Axis! SEE THE BOMBING OF TOKYO RIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES!!!! RANDOLPH SCOTT as cocky, lone-wolf pilot, v inga one-man war of hisc STARRING WALTER REEDas the Bombardier Cadet, caught between the two veteran rivals. PAT O'BRIEN RANDOLPH SCOTT ANNE SHIRLEYEDDIE ALBERT Produced by ROBERT FELLOWS • Directed by RICHARD WALLACE Screen Play by JOHN TWIST LIIHO U S A|S