The Film Daily (1943)

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3W IUILY Friday, May 14, 1943 UA Stages Series of Eight Regional Meets , {Continued from Page 1) today at the Warwick Hotel with Sam Lefkowitz presiding and the following branch managers in addition to salesmen attending; H. G. Bodkin, Philadelphia and Mark Silver, of Washington. James Winn will conduct his Boston meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel with the following managers in attendance: John Dervin, Boston; Lou Wechsler, New Haven and M. V. Sullivan, Jr., of Buffalo. Cleveland meeting will take place at the Statler Hotel with Jack D. Goldhar presid . ing and the following branch managers present: M. Dudelson, Detroit; Maury Orr, ' Cleveland; Harris Dudelson, Cincinnati; and , Morton Magill of Pittsburgh. Rud Lohrenz, district manager in the Chicago territory, will hold his sessions at the Blackstone Hotel and the following branch i managers will attend; Sid Rose. Chicago; I G. R. Frank, Indianapolis ; Nat Nathanson, I Milwaukee ; and Ralph Cramblet of Minneapolis. New Orleans meeting will take place at ! the Roosevelt Hotel with Fred M. Jack presiding. The following branch managers II will attend: T. L. Davis, Atlanta; C. W. i Allen, New Orleans ; Earl Collins, Dallas ; i and Byron Adams of Charlotte. T. R. Thompson, Jr. will preside at the Kansas City meeting now in session wfth the following branch managers present : William E. Truog, Kansas City ; Eddie Ashkins, St. Louis and D, V. McLucas, of ' Omaha. W. E. Callaway will preside at the San Francisco meeting with the following branch managers in attendance : Cresson E. Smith, Los Angeles ; Bernard McCarthy, Denver ; 1 Clarence Olson, Salt Lake City; John J. i O'Loughlin, San Francisco, and Frank M. ' Higgins, of Seattle. David H. Coplan will preside at the Can 1 adian session in Toronto with the following I branch managers attending: J. H. Reid, Cal i gary ; Charles S. Chaplin, Montreal; George Heiber, St. John; A. J. Jeffrey, Toronto; Edward Schriber, Vancouver; and D. V. ' Rosen, of Winnipeg. Acquit Jackson, Miss. , Exhib. in Blue Law Case WAR SERVICE • • • on the Film Front Jackson, Miss. — After deliberating i less than five minutes, a Hinds county jury returned a not guilty verdict for A. Virgil Posey, manI ager of the Joy theater, charged I with operating the theater on SunI day in violation of Mississippi's 100' year-old Sunday blue laws. Action I by the jury in the Posey case marked the sixth verdict of acquittal returned by as many juries in Hinds county since the Sunday picture show fight started last summer. Wiethe Takes Cincy Jackson Cincinnati — Louis Wiethe, circuit operator, has taken over the Jackson, formerly operated by Jerome Jackson, deceased. WEDDING BELLS Halifax, N. S. — Sylvia Lipton, of Halifax, formerly of Glace Bay, was ■ married here to Peter Herschorn, \ manager of the Community, Halifax, I and only child of M. Herschorn, viceI phesident of Franklin & Herschorn Theaters. Exhibition of the captured two-man Japanese suicide submarine in Greater New York and Westchester under the auspices of the WAC's Theaters' Division resulted in sales of well over a million dollars in War Bonds and Stamps in seven days, it was announced yesterday. The tour of this area was under the direction of Harry Mandel, public relations chairman for the New York Exchange area, and was aided by Loew's Eddie Dowden, city publicity chairman. . . ._ V . . . — West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Monogram has just completed the purchase of $100,000 in U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness through Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, according to an announcement by W. Ray Johnston, president, and George D. Burrows, treasurer of the organization. Considering the size of Monogram and its limited personnel, it is pointed out, the amount invested at this time compares very favorably with the outlay of other and much larger film producers. ... — V ... — Buffalo — Appointment of Vincent R. Mc Faul, president and general manager of Buffalo Theaters, Inc. (Shea circuit), as chairman of the recreation committee of the Buffalo War Council was announced by Chairman Daniel J. Kenefick. The committee will be reorganized and expanded. ... _V ... — Buffalo — Through co-operation of Robert T. Murphy, general manager of the 20th Century Theater, and the Red Cross Blood Donor Center, 300 passes to see "Corregidor," playing at the theater, were given away in three days to blood donors, so they could see how the blood plasma they contributed was administered to wounded men of the armed forces. . . .__ V . . . — Richmond, Va. — The nine local Neighborhood Theaters went way over the top in their drive to sell $350,000 worth of War Bonds during the month of April to buy a Flying Fortress to be named "The Spirit of Richmond." Bob Coulter, manager of the Byrd, went out and really did a big job of selling $1,201,975 in War Bonds and Stamps. He claims the record for the country. The entire sales amounted to $1,285,575 in Bonds and $6,707.95 in stamps. Century Would Block Local 303 — Empire Merger (Continued from Page 1) County Supreme Court to show cause why a temporary injunction to halt any steps to dissolve Empire should not be granted. The temporary restraining order was granted on Monday by Judge Peter P. Smith in Kings County Supreme Court on the representation of counsel for Century that coercion was being used to get Empire members to vote for the dissolution of the union as a corporation. The order forced the cancellation of a meeting on Tuesday at which the members of Empire were to vote on a proposal to join forces with Local 306. A vote in favor of the proposal would have sounded the death knell of Empire. It was understood that the membership had been prepared to approve the absorption of Empire by Local 306. Yesterday Empire sought an adjournment of the hearing on Century's motion for a temporary injunction. The application for adjournment will be passed upon today in Judge Hooley's court. The temporary injunction will be continued until the hearing is held. No date for the hearing has been set. Almost half of the membership of Empire State is made up of operators employed by the Century Circuit. The others are employed by independent houses. Merchant Marine Recruit Drive Tied In With WB Pic With plans set for extensive National Max-itime Commission co-operation in the launching of "Action in the North Atlantic," Mort Blumenstock and members of his department return to New York today from Washington. Home office group, which also includes Mitchell Rawson, Will Yolen and Irving Yergin, conferred for four days in the capital with Mark O'Dea, director of the NMC's division of public releations, and his aides. Charles Einfeld was called back to New York earlier in the week. Under the details worked out, "Action in the North Atlantic" will get the benefit of nation-wide promotion tied in with NMC recruiting activities. In addition to special premieres in several hundred coastal and inland ports, there will be follow-up activities with Commission co-op. in key city openings throughout the country. Special program also has been mapped out for the Strand premiere on May 21. L of D Bans "Lady of Burlesque" The National Legion of Decency has placed "Lady of Burlesque" on its Class "C" list, condemning it as entertainment for Catholics. Henry Kaiser Sponsors "Action" World Premiere West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Henry Kaiser, Sr., will sponsor a special world premiere of Warners "Action in the North Atlantic" as a highlight of the ceremonies marking the tapping of the first open hearth furnace on the West Coast tonight at the Kaiser plant in Fontana. Kaiser personally requested the showing of the Warner pic.