The Film Daily (1943)

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w Vol. 83, No. 98 Fri., May 21, 1943 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 520 Third St. N.W., Phone District 1253. LONDON — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, Le Film, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU — Eileen O'Brien. BUENOS AIRES— Dr. Walter P. Schuck, Casillo de Correo 1929. MEXICO CITY— Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Apartado 8817, Mexico, D. F. FINANCIAL (Thursday, May 20) NEW YORK STOCK High Am. Seat 16% Col. Picts. vtc. (2i/2%) 17V2 Columbia Picts. pfd. 38 Con. Fm. Ind 3% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 1 8 Vs East Kodak 169y4 1 do pfd Cen. Prec. Eq 22% Loew's, Inc 59% Paramount 273/s RKO 9 RKO $6 pfd 91 1/2 20th Century-Fox . .. 213/4 20th Century-Fox pfd. 30% Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros 15% do pfd 80 NEW YORK BOND Para. B'way 3s55 77 Para.Picts. deb. 4s56. 104 1 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 103 1 NEW YORK CURB Monogram Picts 3V4 Radio-Keith cvs. ... 1% Sonotone Corp 4 Technicolor 13'A Trans-Lux 4 Universal Corp. vtc. 181,4 Universal Picts MARKET Net Close Chg. 16% + % 17% + % 38 + % 3i/4 18% 1693/4 + % Low 16 1/2 17% 38 31/4 18% 69 22% 58% 263/4 8% 89i/4 20i/4 30 223/4 4. l/2 58% + % 26% 8% 90% + 1% 201/4 — % 30 — % 15 15 80 80 MARKET 77 77 04 104 + 1/2 03 103 + Yi MARKET 3 n/2 4 13 31/2 18 3% — % 1 % 4 131/4 + 1/4 3% + % 18 1/4 + 1/4 Kupper Returning to Desk William J. Kupper, executive assistant to 20th Century-Fox VicePresident Thomas J. Connors, has been home ill for five days but is expected back at his desk today or Monday. Edward McWade Dead West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Edward McWade, character actor and former screenplay writer, is dead. Survivors include his wife, Margaret, and a brother, William E. McWade. Reeling 'Round -WASHINGTON (Continued from Page 1) addition, other similar restrictions are contained in Army regulations. Writers are an exception, in that they may legally sell scripts or other writing provided they have the approval of their commanding officers. . . . Another exception was radio's Ezra Stone, who continued to play Henry Aidrich for some time after he donned an Army uniform. This exception was justified, an officer told us last week, because Stone was "the only Henry Aldrich," and therefore was not in competition with any other "Henry Aldrich." • • EUGENE LYONS' four-part criticism of *™ "Mission to Moscow," originally written for the New York World-Telegram, is due to break here coincident with the opening of the picture. We understand it went as a publisher's "must" to all Scripps-Howard papers, to run simultaneously with local openings in cities where Roy Howard has an outlet. Denies Intervention Move In "U" Merger Hearing Additional proof of the fairness of the ratio of three shares of Universal Corp. stock for one of Universal Pictures Co., Inc., was offered by Joseph M. Proskauer, general counsel for the former firm at the resumption of merger hearings in New York Supreme Court yesterday before Justice William T. Collins. Just before adjournment of yesterday's hearing, which lasted about sn hour, Joseph Nemerov, attorney representing some 5,000 to 7,000 stockholders, made a motion to intervene on the part of common and preferred stockholders. Justice Collins denied the motion, with leave, however, to present any facts or to make any comments Nemerov desired. The court told Nemerov that it saw no necessity for formal intervention, since all stockholders' rights would be protected. The hearings will be continued today. Exhibitors Guest of 20th At Astor Hotel Luncheon Some 60 exhibitors yesterday were the guests of 20th-Fox at a luncheon at the Hotel Astor following a screening of "Coney Island." A. W. Smith, Jr., presided. Other company executives present included Spyros Skouras, Tom Connors, William Gehring, Ray Moon, Martin Moskowitz, Hal Home, Roger Ferri, C. A. Hill, Larry Kent, Jack Sichelman, Joe Lee. Skirball Due in New York For Fred Allen Conference Jack Skirball is due in New York over the week-end for conference with Fred Allen on the new SpitzSkirball picture in which Allen is to appear. Picture is scheduled to go into production in late August or early September. DAILY Friday, May 21, 1943 I FPC to Appeal to WLSB Over Drafting of Employes Toronto — In connection with new Government compulsory labor draft regulations now in effect for 20 civilian occupations, including theaters, the policy has been adopted by Famous Players Canadian Corp. that appeal to the War Labor Service Board will be made in the drafting of key employes such as theater managers and projectionists to other employment unless for essential war occupation or for service in the fighting forces. The action is said to have been caused by the order to an important theater employe to take a job in a factory allegedly not engaged in war production, and the circuit decided to appeal all transfer cases where key men are directed to non-essential work on basis that inexperienced persons are not qualified to handle theater crowds in the interest of public safety and to provide proper care of irreplaceable theater equipment. Walter Coulter, Pioneer Virginia Exhibitor, Dead Richmond — Walter Jay Coulter, pioneer exhibitor, died here after a brief illness. Upon retiring from active operation of the Byrd and Brookland Theaters here, and Rex and Bluebird, Petersburg, about six years ago, he had been operating the Wakefield Grill and Tiny Town and Tantilla Gardens. Just seven hours before he died, his father, Mathew C. Coulter, passed away, after a lingering illness. Walter Coulter is survived by one brother, Robert, now manager of the Byrd, his wife, son and daughter and one sister. Cashman Named to Head RKO's Playdate Dept. John Emmet Cashman has been appointed manager of the RKO playdate department, succeeding M. G. Poller who has been promoted to assistant to Robert Mochrie, general sales manager. Cashman has been with the RKO organization for 23 years. Jamaica Exhib. Facing Second Lottery Charge Hearing of Ted Rodis, manager of the Linden Theater, Jamaica, on a charge of conducting a lottery in the theater has been set for Tuesday in Felony Court, Ridgewood, Queens. Charge is the second to be lodged against Rodis by Patrolman Charles Ducker. Initial charge was dismissed Monday when Magistrate Peter M. Horn found no conclusive proof that an advertised Bingo game was a lottery had been presented. The officer returned to the theater that night and witnessed a Bingo game which he claims was a lottery violating the penal code and again summoned the manager. Rodis pleaded not guilty and was paroled for hearing. COmiM and come NED E. DEPINET, CHARLES KOERNER and PERRY LIEBER, with FAT O'BRIEN, RUSSELL WADE, RICHARD MARTIN and MARGIE STE W, ART, are in Fort Worth today for the opening of "Bombardier." JOSEPH MOSKOWITZ, New York rep. of th( J 20th-Fox Studio will return to the home offics , today after several weeks of conferences^ witt studio executives on the Coast. Q ot^" ex RICHARD CONDON, head of the spt"*~ ex ploitation department at the 20th-Fox Studio arrives in New York Monday for a week's con ference with Hal Home. RUSSELL V. DOWNINC, comptroller of th< Music Hall, accompanied by his wife, is in thi South on a month's vacation. NAT WOLF, Cleveland zone manager fo the Warner Circuit, returns from New Yorl this week-end. HARRY COLDBERG. director of advertisin; and publicity for Warner Theaters, returnei yesterday from Pittsburgh. JANET BLAIR embarks on a voluntary USO Camp Shows tour at Portland, Ore., on Mon day. She'll wind up her stint at Paint Field Everett, Wash., on June 5. Will Defend Liberty of Expression, Says Harmon New Orleans — WAC's Francis S Harmon addressed an enthusiasti meeting at the New Orleans Rotar; Club Wednesday, with a six-city ra dio hookup embracing stations ii New Orleans, Mobile, Jackson, Ba ton Rouge, Shreveport and Alexan dria carrying his remarks. Harmoi outlined to an audience of civi leaders the motion picture industry' role in war effort, stressing the vol untary nature of the industry's ser vice. "We are fighting for preservatioi of liberty," said Harmon, "and a beneficiaries of freedom, intend % oppose any unwarranted attempt t impair liberty of expression." Ralph Nicholson, publisher of th New Orleans Item, introduced Har mon. Numerous industry represen tatives, both exhibitors and ex change managers, were honorei guests. Doctor of Law Degree for Willki Boston — Boston University oi Monday will award an honorar Doctor of Laws degree to Wendel L. Willkie, 20th-Fox board chair man, it was learned yesterday. MAY 21 Robert Montgomery Lola Lane Sam Jaffe Armida Jed Buell MAY 23 James Gleason George Stone Dorothy Lee Ben Silvey