The Film Daily (1943)

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10 EQUIPMENT NEWS mi Friday, May 21, 1943 DAILY A Section of THE FILM DAILY comprehensively covering the equipment field, published every second week by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., 1501 Broadway, New York City. John W. Alicoate, Publisher; Donald M. Mersereati, General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Editor; George H. Morris, Equipment Editor; West Coast Bureau, 6425 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal., Ralph Wilk, Bureau Chief. Gov't Seeks Bigger Copper Collections (Continued from Page 9) to channel their brass, bronze and particularly copper, via salvage, back into war manufactories, will be made shortly by the War Production Board, which estimates that some 99,000 pounds of copper can be furnished by theatermen during the next 12 months. Government estimates also that all copper drippings and strippings contain approximately 99.2 per cent of the metal in pure form, and that a minimum of chemical reclamation is therefore necessary. Pressing need for copper can be realized, WPB officials assert, by citing that a battleship contains some 2,000,000 pounds of the metal, and that a single radio finding device contains more than a ton. WPB and WAC leaders are hopeful that far more copper can be contributed by the film industry in the next 12 months than has been the case during the entire span from Pearl Harbor to date. Better organization and a greater degree of co-operation, as well as an appreciation of the urgency, are given as the reasons back of the expectation. O'Donnell to Talk Copper To New York WAC Group The War Activities Committee members in the New York exchange area will convene at the Hotel Astor today to break bread with and listen to a talk on copper, brass and bronze delivered by Bob O'Donnell, who has been touring the country for the past few weeks addressing other WAC groups on the subject. The luncheon meeting will also hear Allen Smith, Chief of the Amusement Section of the War Production Board, who will document O'DonnelPs remarks by emphasizing the enormous importance of the socalled "Copper, Brass and Bronze Matinee" in adding to the Government's depleted stores of the critical materials. Toastmaster Sam Rinzler will in TICKET REGISTER5 DADTC FOR ANY model THn 10 or type Knives Belts Electric Switches Motor Armatures Motor Brushes Double Lacquering of Film Eyed by Trade (Continued from Page 9) when footage is scarce, and in the post-war period when economic transition must be faced, it was asserted yesterday by authoritative sources. Method and advantages of the front-and-back coating to arrest film abrasion and counter oil dfmage in course of projection, as well as general preservation, has been demonstrated via intensive experimentation carried on by M-G-M, RKO Radio, and other production ■hannels, and the process has been used successfully for some time on negative by a large film laboratory, which, it is asserted, would not now be without it. Employment of lacquer on two sides mesns that the coating and lot the film "will take the beating" n the course of usage, and one balance of how effective the Talbot method is can be gleaned from the "act that the lacquer can be removed in an alkali bath, and the film re-lacquered, with the footage reaining its origin? 1 good condition. Application by both the Army and Xavy of the Talbot process is now ?nvisioned, plus use by the commercial film business. It is reported that one of the duties of Lester B. Isaac, whose designation as special industrial consultant to WPB was disclosed this week, will be furtherance of the front-and-back lacquer process. troduce the speakers mentioned above, as well as others including S. H. Fabian, chairman, Theaters Division, and Arthur Mayer. O'Donnell, after addressing this group, will continue on the itinerary which, when completed, will have brought the news of the theatermen's renewed efforts to relieve the copper shortage, to all but five exchange areas. Monday, May 24th, will find him in Buffalo, the 25th in Detroit, the 26th in St. Louis. The swing continues on June 8th for Dallas, June 9th for Oklahoma City; in both these cities O'Donnell will be joined by Francis S. Harmon, WAC executive vice-chairman. Following this O'Donnell will conclude his war-inspired "Chautauqua" with appearances at Memphis, June 14th, Atlanta, 15th and Charlotte, 16th. TICKET REGI5TER5 CD., QFAMER. 910 50. MICHIGAN AVE ■ CHICAGO Perfect Fit GUARANTEED THEATRE SOUND SYSTEMS AND PROJECTORS War-born DEVRY precision Theatre Projectors and Sound Systems present developments far beyond previously accepted standards. DEVRY Corporation, 1112 Armitage Avenue, Chicago, 111. DeVRY^ Hollywood • CHICAGO • New York Stand Was Stepping Right Along, Until — Newark — The Little Theater here, in the midst of a four weeks' run on "39 Steps," has been forced to take another step, clos'ng for at least one month, pending repairs and complete redecoration, necessitated by a fire of undetermined origin which swept through the interior a week ago. New Signal System Makes Theater Bow Latest Sales by WTSC To Theaters Reported Omaha, Neb. — The Western Theater Supply Company reports the following recent sales: U. S. Naval depot, Hastings, Neb., complete sound equipment, lamps and other booth equipment; State theater, Hastings, Neb., mechanisms; Fred Andersen, Clay Center, Neb., sound equipment; Rosecrans Field, St. Joseph, Mo., complete stage and lighting equipment; Clem Tramp, Crofton, Neb., sound equipment. Loma, Coloma, Mich., Burns Coloma, Mich. — The Loma Theater was destroyed by fire. Loss is estimated at $40,000. The fire was discovered by a night watchman and a telephone operator on duty at a nearby exchange. Both said they heard a series of explosions. (Continued from Page 9) audience. For the "Detection Period" warning signal, a yellow light is flashed across the panel, followed by a blue light to indicate the "Ale£t Period." The "Attack Period" is(<^ » dicated by a blinking red light, followed in turn by the second blue light to indicate that the attackers have passed but may return and finally, the white light indicating the "All Clear." Conceived by D. J. Shepherd, theater manager, primary purpose of the installation is to give civilian defense unit members attending the Rialto Theater, every assurance that they will be immediately informed in any emergency, thus enabling them to leave the theater in ample time to reach their respective posts. WAGNER COMPLETE LOBBY DISPLAY UNIT Colorful beauty-smashing display. One unit holds 3 lines of PLASTIC Translucent Colored Letters. Send for literature. WAGNER SIGN SERVICE, Inc. 218 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago FOR YOUR BOOTH EMERGENCY REPAIR PARTS Every National Branch has a stock of emergency repair parts for quick replacement. MAIL ORDER PARTS STOCK National is delivering the genuine Simplex parts exhibitors need, proved by shipments over the past six months greater than ever before. ,. LOAN SERVICE EQUIPMENT Emergency loan equipment more complete than ever, ready for use when you need it. Today National Theatre Supply provides protection for you on three fronts — a three-way contribution to better projection equipment maintenance. Remember, there has been no rationing of National's eagerness and ability to serve. More than 16 years' experience in serving exhibitors, day or night, is your assurance that National will see you through. NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY Division of NATIONAL -BLUDWORTH, INC.