The Film Daily (1943)

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Friday, May 21, 1943 w EQUIPMENT NEWS 11 DAILY Hew Warehouse Setup Established by NSS (Continued from Page 9) warehouses. This new innovation, It is declared by William B. Brenner, vice-president in charge of operations, is one that will have far-reaching effects toward offsetting present6 shipping and servicing difficul i nese warehouses will stock lobby materials for all new pictures covering the releases of Paramount, Metro, RKO, and Warner, plus a stock of older productions currently in release but material hard to get. This library of advertising material will go back several years. The two main objects are to overcome present transportation problems, and have on hand plenty of posters and displays to cover all the needs of the exhibitor. The New York warehouse will supply the following exchanges: Albany, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, New Haven, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Washington; Chicago warehouse will supply Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Oklahoma, Omaha, St. Louis and Kansas City; the Atlanta warehouse Charlotte, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Memphis and New Orleans, while the San Francisco warehouse will supply Los Angeles, Portland, Salt Lake City and Seattle. NSS contemplates the opening of additional warehouses as the need arises. It is planned to have warehouses for trailers in various strategic points around the country, which v ill supply the National Screen offices with sufficient numbers of prints to meet every exhibitor's booking requirement. Blaze Destroys Dunlap Dunlap, la. — The Dunlap Theater was destroyed by fire with damage estimated at $20,000 on the building and contents. Local firemen were unable to cope with the blaze and firemen from Woodbine responded to a call for aid and were able to coiifine the fire to the two-story brick structure. Carlin's Theater Burns Spalding, Neb. — Fire of an unknown origin destroyed the $10,000 theater here owned by Henry Carlin. Loss was partially covered by insurance. WE CAN STILL SUPPLY all standard 35mm. precision projector replacement parts. We do not sell to theatres, direct. FREE — Our latest complete projector parts catalog. GIVE your dealer's name, when writing to get your copy of our catalog. WENZEL PROJECTOR CO. 2505-19 South State St. Chicago, III. I . S. Army Photographic Unit Demonstrates Necessity To Be The Mother of invention Camp Livingston, La. — Thrown on their own during night maneuvers here, the 4th Signal Photographic Laboratory Unit found itself faced with the problem of developing and printing film, — both motion and still — , without disclosing position by use of a noisy generator. Problem had them right under the enemy guns. Unable to employ their generator, the lads were forced to substitute automobile headlight bulbs for the regular printer lights. A standard printer was used and a small watchman's electric lantern placed inside a cardboard box provided stisfactory safelight. Film Industry May Opening of Chi. Theater Adopt Army Scene Selector Postponed by Management Chicago — Opening of the Grand Theater in the local Loop district by RKO interests has been postponed for another month, due to inability to make the improvements originally planned for the house, it asserted. (.Continued from Page 9) training purposes, while the Bureau of Public Relations chooses film for newsreels, the former group comprising representatives of the various Army branches, such as engineers, ordnance, tank corps, medical units, etc. Revieweis sit in a small theater in the huge Pentagon Building, the table in front of them, in the rear of the "auditorium," is equipped with some 20 built-in switches. When a reviewer sees footage which he wants, he throws his switch and a red light glows to remind him that his switch is on. These switches are connected electrically with taperecorders in the projection booth. There are four of these recorders, each providing selection records for the switches of five reviewers. Recorders are synchronized with the projectors. As a screening starts, perforation tapes pass through the recorders, and, when a switch is thrown by any reviewer, perforation on the corresponding track ceases. After the screening, the tapes are read automatically and transcribed on laboratory work sheets. System was developed by the Army in co-operation with Western Union. WHITEWAY ELECTRIC SIGN & MAINTENANCE CO. Thomas F. Flannery, President 315-17 W. Walton St. Chicago, III. Delaware 9111 usAIRco IS PLANNING tomorrow's cooling Today The majority of the nation's exhibitors, their architects and engineers have long relied on usAIRco for comfort cooling. Because they know that usAIRco' s designing and manufacturing policy is based on a sound and simple business principle. To engineer and manufacture comfort cooling that will make a profit for the exhibitor — This principle includes not only designing a system for the house, but also a system that will not eat up the owner's profits. So systems are always designed with consideration for the operating budget. Regardless of the size of house usAIRco can furnish comfort cooling that will make a profit for you. Right now, we're heavily engaged in building material for the war effort, but still find time for engineering talent to develop better systems for tomorrow's cooling. Refrigerated Kooler-Aire This Unit, a masterpiece of engineering simplicity combines every phase of refrigerated cooling in a Single Unit. Manufactured in various sizes, it can be used singly or in combination with other units to give you the precise capacity you need . . . Refrigerated Kooler-Aire is a good unit to be acquainted with. Books describing this system are available. We'll be glad to send you a copy. UNITED STATES AIR CONDITIONING CORPORATION Profits in Cooling for the Exhibitor NORTHWESTERN TERMINAL . MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Eastman Gun Sight Telescopes in Work Rochester — Panoramic telescopes that sight field artillery, howitzers and guns are being made by Eastman Kodak Co. here, it has been announced. The M-12 gun sight is mounted rigidly to its gun and then is corrected so that both it and the gun operate together in all positions. The sight works in conjunction with the aiming circle, also made by Kodak. Exhibitors of America have many duties to perform these war days. You build unity and morale through motion picture presentations— and you promote and support the various government drives that are initiated to spur war production and civilian defense. RCA Service, like exhibitors, is carrying on important war duties: RCA engineers are rendering scheduled service to projection room equipment in thousands of theatres to "Keep 'em Running"—and other RCA Service groups are installing military equipment and instructing personnel, in this country and at the battlefronts. The RCA Service organization is today more than nation-wide ... it is world-wide . . . serving the home front and battlefronts too! RCA SERVICE CO., INC. RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA Subsidiary Camden, N. J.