The Film Daily (1943)

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r iu.fc» ww QQ NOT REMOVE Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Four Years Old _L 83. NO. 99 NEW YORK, MONDAY, MAY 24, 1943 TEN CENTS DETROIT EXCHANGES FJCHT 48-HOUR WEEK Appeal Board Sets Precedent In Sosna Case Board Proposes "Satisfactory Run"; Exhib. Wins Without Counsel For the first time, the motion picture appeal board has set up what, in its opinion, constitutes a satisfactory run that is not calculated to defeat the purpose of Section VI of the consent decree. Case involves the complaint filed by Louis Sosna, operating the Sosna Theater, Mexico, Mo. Case is regarded as interesting inasmuch as Sosna, a small independent exhibitor, filed his complaint, received an award, appealed it, had it remanded to the arbitrator and returned to the appeal board without the services of an attorney. Sosna originally charged that Vi (Continucd on Page 6) USO to Ask Rating For Actors Over 38 USO Camp Shows, Inc., this week is expected to appeal to either the War Manpower Commission or Selective Service for an essential rating. Purpose of the move is to permit actors over 38 years of age who might be ordered to get jobs in factories or other war industries to serve in the USO Camp Show units. USO leaders are of the opinion that men who have spent their lives in the entertainment field would be (Continued on Page 8) Morey Leaving Rep. to Supervise for Monogram M. Edward Morey, district manager for Eepublic in New England, will join Monogram on June 1 as supervisor of exchange operations. He will move to New York from Bos (Continued on Page 8) Warners to Release One in June and July Warners will release one pic in June and another in July. "Action in the North Atlantic" goes out on June 12 "Background to Danger" on July 3. PARA. SLATE UP FOR RE-ELECTION Will Name 16 to Board June 15 — Balaban's $242,695 Top Company Salary for Year Re-election of the entire slate of 16 directors will be recommended by management at the annual meeting of Paramount Pictures Inc. stockholders, June 15, according to the notice of meeting. Term of office will be one year. Directors include Neil F. Agnew, Barney Balaban, Stephen Callaghan, Y. Frank Freeman, Harvey D. Gib son, A. Conger Goodyear, Stanton Griffis, Duncan G. Harris, John D. Hertz, John W. Hicks, Jr., Austin C. Keough, Earl I. McClintock, Maurice Newton, E. V. Richards, Edwin L. Weisl and Adolph Zukor. Stock Holdings Listed Proxy statement included in the notice reveals that Agnew holds no (Continued on Page 3) $13,283,114 in April Ticket Tax Receipts Washington Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — A rise of nearly one and one-half million dollars in the total national amusement tax collections for the month of April, on March receipts, was announced over the week-end by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. April collections totaled $13,283,114.99 as compared with March collections of $11,874, (C ontinued on Page 3) Ohio Bill Would Jail Operators of Lotteries Columbus, O. — The Senate Judiciary Committee has recommended passage of the amended resolution governing lotteries, which has al (Continued on Page 6) Five Major Points In MPTOA Decree Memo An outline of MPTOA's proposals for changes in the New York consent decree are embodied in a current organization bulletin released today by Ed Kuykendall, MPTOA president. The summarized proposals were included in a memorandum prepared for submission to the Department of Justice and were said to {Continued on Page 8) paramount Calls Its 4% Outstanding Debentures At a meeting of the executive committee of Paramount Pictures, Inc., held last week, the committee authorized the calling for redemption on June 23, of $3,000,000 of the com (Continued on Page 8) Huge Goal Is Set For Copper O'Donnell Speech Launches Local Campaign Hearing on "U" Merger May Close on Wednesday Hearings before New York Supreme Court Justice William T. Collins on the fairness of the proposed plan to merge Universal Pictures Co., Inc., and Universal Corp. and for termination of a minority stockholders' suit were practically con (Continued on Page 6) By GEORGE H. MORRIS FILM DAILY Staff Writer A "pledge" that the industry will return 6,000,000 pounds of scrap copper for the coming year, equivalent to 20 pounds for every pound theaters will require to continue operation, was voiced Friday by Bob O'Donnell, national chief barker of the Variety Clubs, speaking at a (Continued on Page 8) Shift from Existing Schedules Held Not Practical; Time Element Is Stressed By H. F. REVES FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Detroit — Local exchanges will seek to be excused from the 48-hour week order recently mailed to most branches. Letter from War Manpower Commission officials asked exchanges to explain why they are not working 48 hours as required of all establishments in this area and, in the case of Paramount, demanded that the branch increase its hours. One exchange voluntarily asked for approval to work 40 hours before receiving the notice and permission (Continued on Page 6) Para. Sfockholder's Resolutions Opposed Resolutions affecting the rights of stockholders to inspect director and committee meeting minutes, eligibility of directors, reports of annual meetings and selection of auditors will be offered June 15 at the annual meeting of Paramount Pictures, Inc., (Continued on Page 3) Sullivan Named Seattle Branch Manager for UA Appointment of A. J. Sullivan as UA's Seattle branch manager, succeeding Frank M. Higgins, resigned, was announced at the week-end by (Continued on Page 6) Scully Off Today For Studio Huddles William A. Scully, vice-president and general sales manager of Universal, leaves today for the studio where he will view the remaining product on the current season's program and confer with studio executives on the 1943-44 program. The parleys will be held preparatory to a single sales meeting or a series of regionals, the plan to be adopted upon Scully's return.