The Film Daily (1944)

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Cfl\ DAILY Friday, October 27, IS 20ih-Fox in Mexican Production Tie-up! (Continued from Page 1) are proceeding at so dizzy a pace that even a hard-working correspondent finds it hard to keep up. 20th-Fox Mexican Studios? One current report has it that Twentieth-Fox, together with a Mexican syndicate organized by Dr. Antonio Fernandez Moreno, is planning to 'make pictures in Mexican studios to be erected after the war on a site already obtained for the purpose. Local 20th-Fox officials refuse to confirm or deny the rumor but confess to "having heard something to this effect." (Murray Silverstone, 20thFox foreign head, who recently returned from a Latin-American tour that included Mexico, was not available last night for comment on any Mexican production plans 20th-Fox may have). Executives at the Mexico City offices of RKO-Radio told The Film Daily that Emilio Azcarraga is fronting for a group linked with their organization and which is now building studios on the grounds of the Churubusco Country Club, on the outskirts of Mexico City. Whether these studios will be used for the production of RKO films, however, they decline to reveal. Huge Pool Reported The most sensational of current reports concerns the supposed formation of a 15,000,000-peso "pool" for the acquisition of Clasa Studios, Clasa Productions, Film Munaiales, and the Motion-Picture Bank. Associated with the movement are said to be some of the city's most prominent bankers as well as Carlos Trouiye, who has purchased all the shares of Films Mundiales. According to the reports, the Motion-Picture Bank is slated for an important role in the control of the enterprise. Recent changes in the bank's directorship include the nam Ark. (Hit Loan Drive to Honor Mac Arthur Little Reck — Arkansas motion picture theaters will dedicate their services in behalf of the Sixth War Loan to Arkansas-born Gen. Douglas MacArthur whose invasion of the Philippines "will make possible a final assault on Japan," district chairmen resolved at a meeting here. A goal of $4,000,000 in Series E Bonds was set. Persons who buy Brnds at theaters will be invited to sign a scroll honoring heroes of Bataan and Corregidor, living and dead. This scroll will be sent to MacArthur. Claude C. Mundo of Little Rock will head the Arkansas theater drive. • • • "OF ALL SAD WORDS of Tongue or Pen. the Saddest are These, "It Might Have Been" And no one knows that better than Paramount's Tom Waller, whose services Barney Balaban has made available to the WAC for the Sixth War Loan drive Tom came up with a stunt for that kickoff Bond show at Madison Square Garden on Nov. 20th that would have been good for unprecendented wire service, syndicate and press breaks across the country Stunt called for nothing less than a boxing bout between, in this corner, fisticana's Benny Leonard, and, in the other, none other than THE VOICE himself Benny was agreeable And so. too, was Frank Sinatra The hitch came when Frankie's attorney stepped in with a firm "Nix!" They pointed out that there could be a ring mishap to the bobby sox idol and murmured plenty about contract liabilities, etc., etc But wotta stunt it would have been, wotta stunt! T T ▼ • • • CUFF NOTES: Theresa Stone of M-G-M's public relations department will be the guest of honor today at the New York City Federation of Women's Clubs' annual convention at the Hotel Astor. . . # Sgt. Ben Grimm, Jr., son of the RKO advertising manager, was a home office visitor recently with an air medal with two oak leaf clusters on his chest Ben, Jr., has completed 30 missions out of England. . . # New clerks in arbitration tribunals in St. Louis, Kansas City and Des Moines will be announced shortly. • /. Noble Braden, AAA executive secretary, is Coast-bound. . . • Herbert I. Brown, manager of the Greenfield, Mass., Victoria {and a FILM DAILY subscriber of more than 25 years) has taken on the post of Sunday School teacher at the Greenfield Hebrew Congregation Herbie warns exchange heads and salesmen not to get too tough if they wish to avoid long excerpts from the Bible. . . 9 Wanda Tuchock's script for "Sunday Dinner for a Soldier" is being studied by Dr. Frederic M. Thrasher's NYU classes. . . • /. L. Beddington director of the MOI Film Division, London, on behalf of the Newsreel Committee has cabled Paramount an expression of regret on the death in action of Cameraman Damien Parer in the South Pacific. T T ▼ • • • WE'RE AVENGING PEARL HARBOR! Canadian Conciliate Decision In 30 Days ing of Enrique Sarro as president — trend toward mergers, has decided with full powers to "conduct the business as he sees fit" — and the shifting of Carlos Carriedo Galvan from the bank's management to the administration of Films Mundiales. A development expected to follow shortly is the transfer of Salvador Elizondo, present manager of Clasa Productions, to a post in charge of the distribution of the 24 films to be turned out annually by the combine, which will be known as "Clasa Films Mundiales." Usually reliable sources likewise insist that La Filmadora Mexicana, i while remaining aloof from the to terminate its distribution contract with Panamerican Films in favor of opening its own agency. New Grovas Company? Jesus Grovas, the "father of the Mexican motion-picture industry," : is also said to be founding a production company in combination with the well-known directors Fernando de Funtes, Miguel Zacarias, and Juan Bustillo Oro, and the actor, Jorge Negrete. Finally, a brand-new outfit, headed by Juan de la C. Alarcon and E. Gallardo, is engaged in constructing studios in Mexico. Mono. Preferred Stock To Public At $10 Share Emanuel & Co. will underwrite $1,000,000 worth of Monogram convertible preferred stock which will be sold to the public at $10 per share. Application will be registered with the SEC today or early next week. Brain Tumor is Fatal To B. Fassio, Producer B, Fassio, 53, head of B. F. Enterprises and producer of "The Fighting Priest" and other subjects, died yesterday of a brain tumor at Metropolitan Hospital. Fassio had just completed arrangements for (Continued from Page 1) tario and the Independent The Owners Association of Ontario. decision is expected within 30 i and if the proposals are apprc conciliation will become a fac Ontario. It is planned to set up a boai each of the six exchange centei the Dominion, with the Ontario b recognized as the central board filing fee of $10 is to accompany complaint. Six articles comprise the co tution, according to the latest d. It points out that the object oJ proposed Ontario Board of Con tion "shall be to furnish a ( and inexpensive method of set differences and grievances w the industry." Board's membe will consist of eight representa two from each of the exhibito ganizations, two from the affi] circuits and two from the disl tion branch, with an equal nu of alternates. Any exhibitor, circuit or dis; tor will be entitled to bring a plaint before the board on such ters as ethics of clearance and ing, unfair and unreasonable iums, games contests and other tices that may be considered i and the exhibition of 16 mm tures in competition with legit theaters. UJEDDinO BEL! Leah Marcus of C. C. Ryan's, chasing department at Warner j will be married to Lt. Howar < penoff next Sunday in New j Lt. Sapenoff was recently re I from a prisoner-of-war can Rumania. Florence, Italy — Betty Brev the films, who is touring the zones with "The Barretts of j pole Street" company, was ml| to Lt. Robert A. Hester, AAFI Portsmouth, N. H. — Doris L. j kern, a former secretary at tl tional Screen Preview Co., and ' Ernest J. Hutchins, AAF, were ried recently in nearby Kitter | Joseph Losey, former M-G-! rector and now attached to th! nal Corps at Long Island Cit I Louise Stuart, former Para I contract player, were marri<| cently. the production of a picture il "Hitler At the End of a Rop|| the independent market when taken sick. There are no 1 survivors.