The Film Daily (1945)

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Friday, April 27, 1945 ^•^ DAILY 23 DuMont Labs. Unveil Tele Set Designs (Confinued from Page 4) which has achieved this high result. iDuMont is prepared, he said, to present the finest image yet shown, and this will even be improved upon. The DuMont Home Theater unit, tele and FM, was unveiled. It is expected to reach the home consumer at a cost of some $1,250. An impressive projection unit for theater lobbies, schools, hospitals and other potential locations was shown and may be marketed at around $1,800. Other units were a 60-inch directviewing cabinet design featuring the •'DuMont disappearing screen" and a similar unit styled to conform with modei'n interior decorative schemes. The projection unit produced the largest image yet presented for home use, three feet by four feet, approximately four times as large as any picture for home projection yet demonstrated. IN NEW POSTS Spokane Theater Asks Curfew Edict Exemption Spokane, Wash. — Awaiting decisFRANK E. STUART, manager, Midway Theater, ion by the WMC after filing an ap Dearborn, Mich. ! pg^j asking exemption from the na PHIL TRENT, UA salesman, Boston. , ^^ ■ ^ -. j WALTER DYER, Universal salesman, Boston. ; ^1°^^! entertainment CUrfew Order, FRED SHOHET, Universal junior salesman, Bos' James A. Pike Nu-Rex and Empress *""■ t manager, is continuing to operate the ROGER SECREST, acting manager, Center Theater, ! ^u-Rex from midnight to 6 a.m. Detroit. • Tifl 1 ^i. J? Ti-i JACK HAUER, manager of the "Drive-In," Cin Justin Maloney, attoi'ney lOr riKe, cinnatl. said his appeal showed he is operat WILLIAM KEMP, manager, Loew's State, Mem i^g the Nu-Rex without infractions P*"' of the spirit of the curfew order be ARTHU^R GROOM, manager. Victory. Evansville, ^^^^^ ^^^^^, n^jdnight Pike, his wife Maico Theaters, ' ^"d ^ 67-year-old employe manage Ind. HIRAM MEEKS Jackson, Tenn. R. MacEACHRON, city manager. manager, MaIco, Memphis. — Speed Total Victory! — No 10% Blanket Increase Under Philly WLB Ruling I Philadelphia — The recent ruling of local Regional War Labor Board, approving a system of job classifications with minimum and maximum wage scales and increases retroactive to Dec. 1, 1943 for over 300 workers in 24 film exchanges in Pittsburgh, Washington, and Philadelphia, does not actually give blanket approval of the 10 per cent increase as requested, it was learned yesterday. According to reliable information, the decisions handed down do not make it possible to pay the increase in all the exchange centers. It may be possible under the rulings for some exchanges to pay the 10 per cent increase in some situations and not in others. It is understood that the film companies are checking carefully to ascertain just where and what amounts can be paid and to clarify the decision so that it will be correctly interpreted and payments made wherever possible under the decision as rendered. — Speed Total Victory! — "Flame" in Four at Woods Chicago — Republic's 10th anniver Morgan to Hold Regional Meets on Para. Shorts ' j the theater. Pike indicated several weeks ago he believed the theater should be kept open to accommodate service men in town overnight and unable to get hotel rooms or lodging. John H. Thomas, area director of WMC, advised the appeal had been received and would go through regular channels. The special appeal was made to the area management com ( Continued from Page 4) City, May 23-24; Chicago, May 25 26, and Cleveland, May 27-28. Several radical changes in distri .^^ ^. „.-,^ , . „ , bution policy will be discussed at I »""ee ol WMC and m case of an adthe sales meetings, Morgan said. Re l^^'^^ decision another appeal will also will announce an augmented ad be^»^^^de to the regional office m — Speed Total Victory! — 20th-Fox Asks Dismissal Of 2 Infringement Suits vertising schedule Morgan said that 5ale.s flfrui'e.s indicated a definite trend to play more shorts than ever before. Besides a greneral over-all increase in shorts sales over the previous year. Morgan said it had been noted that some large circuits in strong double feature territories had materially increased their use of shorts by replacing the second feature with shorts in many key points Thi: Twentieth Century-Fox yesterday asked for the dismissal of two suits starts the fifth year of Paramount in Federal Court. One, in which An snorts as a separate department and the 4.u„„., d p\y.f.\ r>]a\r,ipr\ that 9Mh Fox encouraging pnogress after its establishment }'^°^} ^ -f mci cia med tnat ZUtn-^ OX in 1941 is attributed to the concentration j inlringed on his play 'Woodrow Wllon shorts. All matters pertaining to the ^ son" in the production "Wilson," waS distribution of shorts clear through Morgan , disclaimed because 20th-Fox COnunder the direct supervision of Charles M. i , 1,^1., 1 ., t-. • ,11 1 Reagan, vice-president and general sales man ; tended that, while Pmci sent the play ager. The policy has paid off. Morgan '■ to the company On two occasions, the said, through the finest balanced program ! envelope was returned Unopened and ni the company s history. I ,, „, ^ j. j.i. 1 1 • The line-up of product for 194.5-40 will j that no part of the play was used in be essentially the same as last year mth a j the picture. few minor changes. Instead of six George rpi ., ■, , , , Pal Puppetoons in Technicolor, there will be I The other SUlt was brought by eight. There will be six Technicolor Musical I Maude Nugent Jerome who claimed Parade Featurettes. 20 Technicolor cartoons ' infringement of her SOng "Sweet iticluding eight Popeys, six Little Lulus and Rogjg O'Grady" in the picture Of the SIX Noveltoons. Jerrj Fairbanks will make! t^, j , , ... six Speaking of .inimais, six Popular Science Same name. Defendant asked dismis and six Unusual Occupations. Jack Eaton sal on the grounds that the COm wiii produce 10 Grantiand Rice sportiights. { poser was not the real party to the This makes a total of 62 subject nine series. Paramount New's editorship of A. J. Richard, will continue to release two issues a week. — Speed Total Victory! — embodyint i -j. u j_i "• 1 ," ,1 under the | ^^^^ because the screen rights to the song had been sold to Columbia in 1925. — Speed Total Victory! — 'U" to Make Available 'Destry Rides" in June Monogram's "Dillinger" Breaks Victoria Record To Seek Adjustment Of Theater Curfew (Continued from Page 4) proper authorities. He said there was no selfish motive in having the theater curfew curtailed or cancelled, but that it was unfair to the service men who, with a limited amount of money to spend, were deprived of the most inexpensive form of entertainment after 9 or 9:30 o'clock. He pointed out that while a bar or night club can take money over the counter or bar until almost midnight, a theater has to stop selling tickets two or three hours before 12 o'clock or else a patron would not be permitted to see the full program for which he was paying. Tickets for a show that runs three hours can't be sold after 9 o'clock. The organized effort for action on the curfew is expected to be handled through the ITOA. — Speed Total Victory! — New Metro District Mgrs. Will Meet Press Today Universal announced yesterday that it would make available "Destry Rides Again" to exhibitors dur Monogram's "Dillinger" set an alltime record at the Victoria Theater, Broadway, on Thursday, the opening William F. Rodgers, vice-president and general sales manager for M-GM, will formally introduce to the trade press the four field executives recently promoted at a luncheon to be held today at the Astor Hotel. The men who will meet the press are Rudolph Berger, former Charlotte and Washington branch manager and now Southern sales manager; Ralph Maw, Buffalo manager; Herman Ripps, Albany manager; and Henry Friedel, Denver manager, all three having been promoted to district posts. John S. Allen, Washington branch manager, also will attend. — Speed Total Victory! — South Lines Up Solidly For "Showmen's Seventh" sary picture, "Flame of Barbary 1 ing the month of June. Picture stars ^ate, when the picture grossed $6,. Coast" is now set for a four weeks' ! James Stewart and Marlene Diet ^^0. Despite a heavy downpour, the engagement at the Woods. The South is solid for the "Showmen's Seventh" War Loan, with state chairmen rapidly organizing committees which are swinging into action for the drivejJi^tional Chairman SamueWrfianskiannounced yes_j£rday. Reports from the field to E. W. fG^e) -Street, Southern Co-ordinator, indicate that the Southern states will have the greatest^-oyganization of any Bond drive m that' territory's history. STORK REPORTS UJEDDIRG BELLS rich. 700-seat Victoria played to 8,116 ad — Speed Total Victory!— missions during the day's 10 show Reception for Miss Parsons j^"/^' bettering by $1,400 the the . , _ „„„ _ ,. jaters previous high mark which, Harriet Parsons, RKO Radio pro prior to the curfew, ran 12 shows a ducer, was guest of honor at a press ^jay. reception given yesterday by home 1 —Speed Total victory! — I office executives in the Hotel Plaza. | p . -, ^ „, . Milton J. Salzburg, president of ; Miss Parsons produced "The En i ""^® ^'°° ^ylam Pictorial Films, Inc., announces the j chanted Cottage" which opens at the ; Chicago — Ernie Graff, a former birth of a son, Richard Bruce, to Mrs. : Astor Theater today. Top execs, of ; ttnp^ employe of the DeVry Corp., „^^.^™.^ _ „„^ ^, „„ Salzburg at the Kew Gardens General RKO and representatives of the trade : ^^ was killed in action in Ger1 ager, has announced her engagement Hospital on Tuesday. There are two j press, fan magazines, newspapers '^*^ many, relatives here have been I to Sgt. Edward DeMott, AAF. Weddaughters ia the family. land syndicates were present 1. . , , .., _ _ Comiskey-DeMott New Haven — Rosalie Comiskey, secretary to Ray Wiley, UA man SPEED VICTORY — SELL BONDS * informed. ''SHOWMEN'S SEVENTW ding will be in October. SPEED VICTORY — SELL BONDS