The Film Daily (1947)

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'^ DAILY Tuesday, December 3, 19*^ Vcl. 90, No. 108 Tues., De«. 3, 194S 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. VV. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120. 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd.. Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 6417 Dahlonega Road, Wash. 16, D. C. Phone Wisconsin 3271. Manning Clagett. 2122 Decatur St. NW. Phone, Hobart 7627. CHICAGO, 45, 111.— Joseph Esler. 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON -Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127133 Wardour St. W. 1. MANILA— Homer Stuart, Hotel Manila. HAVANA — Mao Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. BOMBAY— Ram L. Gogtay, Sandhurst Bldg. ALGIERS— Paul Saffar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. STOCKHOLM — Gunnar Ruud, Jaktvarvsplan 30.g. HONOLULU— Eileen O'Brien. MEXICO CITY— Airi Andrade. Mexico City Herald, Colon 14, D. F. MONTREAL— Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER— Jack Droy. 411 Lyric Theater Bldg.;"~ SYDNEY— Bowden Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. W. Phone, UY 2110. BRUSSELS— Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paquerettes: MOSCOW— Raymond A. Davies, Hotel Metropole. COPENHAGEN— John Lindberg, Jembanealle No. 3, Copenhagen-Van Loese. AMSTERDAM— Dr. J. F. Van Oss, Rubensstraat 80. ROME— John Perdicari, Via Ludovisi 16. Phone, 42758. FINANCIAL i^ii (Mon., Dec. 2) i^ NZW YORK STOCK MARKET H'jh Lew C'l^e Bell & Howell 19 ^SV^ I8V2 Columbia PIcts. 211/2 21'/2 211/2 East. Kodak 220 218 220 Cen. Prec. Eq 22% 2^1/4 221/4 Loew's, Inc 27 26 26 P'rimount 32^4 321/4 3234 RKO leVs 153/4 1534 Republic Pict 714 73/, 71/2 Reoub'ic Pict. pfd... 1434 1434 1434, 20th Centu'Y-Fox ... 40 3Wa 3%% 20fh Century-Fox pfd. 48 48 48 Universal Pet 27 25i/i 251/2 Univ3rs3l Pict. pfd... 81 80 80 Warner Bros 18l/<! 175', 177/8" NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. ... 5 4% 5 RKO 51/4 5 51/4 Sonotone Ccrp 3''ii 3 3 Technicolor H'/g Hl/j ^'^Vg Trans-Lux 41/2 41/, 41/2 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Cinecotof 4''^g Pathe 53/8 Net Ci?. 1% '/4 -■'i/z ¥4 -"i/i ',4 23/4 1^4 iy2 3/8 Asi-ed 51/8 63^ MERVIN ASH & CO. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE (ASSOCIATE! CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE T«l*phoni: HAnovcr 2-3050 (1 IIOAOWAY NEW YORK cominG nno Goinc ALFRED CROWN, SAMUEL GOLDWYN PRODS' fore gn sales manager, returned to N^w Yo;k over the week-end after a nine-week trip to France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark and England. EDWARD L. CERSHMAN, vice. president and business manager of United Productions of America, is in Washington. SID MESIBOV, assistant exploitation manager of Paramount, is on a week's vacation in upstate Chester. BA'NZY BALABAN left ty plane yesterday for New Orleans. He is due back in tcwn on Thursday. MRS COMPTON BENNETT, wi'e of Hie British director of "The Seventh Veil." arrived in New York yes'erday by air. Mrs. Bennett, accompanied by her young daughter, will go on to Hollywood. CHIPS RAFFERTY, Australian star, returned to New York yesterday from Toronto to re Tiain for one week before departing for Sydney. JOHN CORFIELD, producer of Eagle-Liin's "Bedela," leaves New York tomorrow fof HolIwcod by train. PAUL SOSKIN, British producer, arrived in New York from London Sunday aboard the Kungsholm, for a brief visit. JACK GOLDSTEIN, RKO studio r-o., is vacationing this week, in Florida and Nassau. JOSEPH BERNHARD in New York from Hollywood. 3 New Foreign Heads Appointed by Warners Appointment of three new managers of branch offices in the foreign field is announced by Warners. W. Wedesweiler, formerly a member of the sales staff working out of Brisbane, Australia, has been promoted to branch manager in Bangkok, Siam, succeeding J. R. Lambert, re;igned. Douglas J. Granville becomes a general manager of the Chile office, succeeding I. Rosenfeld. Pedro A. Pietri has been appointed manager of the Santo Domingo branch, replacing I. Seralles. $27,200 for "Best Years" In Three Days at Astor Samuel Goldwyn's "The Best Years of Our Lives," maintaining its b. o. pace at the Astor, garnered $27,200 Friday through Sunday, it was reported yesterday. For the peak Sunday night attendance period, top price again was advanced from $1.80 to $2.40. Goldwyn's stress on the desirability of seeing the pic from the start is bearing fruit. Vast majority of each audience comes from the scheduled start of the show, files out en mas:e at its close to find another virtually complete new audience in line. MOVING PICTURE PRODUCERS — Are your cuts sick? Experienced script airi will nirse your producticn problems in studio or on location and will nip your cutting room diseases In the bud. Plione AC 2-09^2 or write Box No. 104, THE FILM DAILY, I50i Broadway • New York 18. N. Y. SAMUEL GOLDWYN, who sails for London on the SS. Queen Elizabeth on Dec. 14. will make only a brief stay, re-boarding the beat on its return voyage. FORTUN 0 BONANOVA left Hollywood ever the week-end by plane for M.xico City to star in "Kneeling Gcddess," Pan American picture GEOXCE SHARF. of M-G-M's legal department, returns today from a brief business visit to Boston. HERB CROOKER, M-C-M publicity manager, returns from the Coast the end cf the week. THERESE STONE, of M-C-M, arrives today 'n Kansas Citv. Mo., to speak before the local Women's Club. ARTHUR GREENE, Chicago film financier. Is in New York for business conferences. MAUENE DIETRICH is due from the Coast 'or commitments in connection with her fcrthcoming "Golden Earrings." Later she hops for .'ars. She'll be back next Summer. D'BOPAH KERR is here from England and i" it tHe Waldorf-Astoria with her husband, R. C hartley. L. t. "DOC" THEIMER closes the Cha-lotte Drive-ln on Dec. 15 and then leaves for At. anta with Charlottesvil'e, Va., to follow. JOHN VALLIN and DAN ROSENBERG, PRC field reps., are at the Minneapclis exchange. HEIMUTH SPANDOW, FOTO 'KAND'A or«xv -' Stcckholm, Sweden, and KEITH DUREAU Melbourne, Aust'alia partner, in Brown and 1-i>a. photo C'lioment distributors, vsiting AMPRO Corp., Chicago headquarters. GEORGE ALLEN. Soundies Company prexy, in New York for conferences. EMIL STERN, Essaness circuit general mana-•er. returns to Chicago from Palm Springs' vacation. T eaal Brrrriers Block Seized Films' Release Court action and claims against "^he Government still block the reVase of several hundred films seized ^uring the war and held by the Alien Property Custodian. However, Conq-res-ional opponents to the release ->f the films, headed by Congressman Emanuel Celler and Helen Gahagan Douglas, have indicated their assent •■o release for domestic sale so that apnarentlv onlv legal obstacles remain before the pictures can be ')ff°'>'ed for sale. The American Civil Liberties Union, represented bv Thurman Ar•T^ld, Dr. Al-°xander Meiklejohn and Edmund C. Camiobell, has urged the release of the films on the ground that the Government should not act as censor. The films had been attacked r^n the ground? that they fostered Nazi sympathies in German language theaters, onlv four of which are left to take the pictures if they become available. FOR RENT All or part of 25,000 square feet suitable and approvsd for any film use. 100% fireproof, sp-inklered, well -constructed building. Contains screening rooms, cutting rooms, vau'ts. office space, all mostly air conditioned. Well located in Astoria, near subways, 15 minutes frcm Times Square area. Principals only. Mr. Regen — spring 7-3760 73J Broadway, New Yori< City Allied Resignation Cites Jack Eirsch's Dual Role Chicago — Protesting against Ja Kirsch's dual capacity as preside of Allied Theaters of Illinois a: head of a so-called Allied booki! and buying organization, th^ la Theater, Cicero, 111., has iv-igr: from the Illinois Allied unit. In its letter of resignation, 1 Palace pointed out that it was not member of the booking and buyii combination. The near-by Annet' aowever, is a member and, accor ing to the Palace letter, the Annet management has requested the di :ributors to grant it a prior run the Palace which always had clea ance over the Annetta. One d: tributor, the letter alleged, has censed its product to the Annetta ■ a run prior to the Palace. The letter charged that Kirs sat in on a meeting at which t change in run was discussed, ad ing that "we feel that your presen at such a meeting does not make f unity in Allied." The letter cc eluded with the assurance that t theater would be pleased to rejo the association when Kirsch ceas his dual role. ^^t^ .\nd. oh yes, il of ^pec^al tr-il FILMACK'S Filmcck's new prevue service isn't ready yet . . . bui il isn't too early :o thirV about it. U you went to kaow more aboul it, ^mle |r:r—|JH,',|rTT! 1327 S. WabosK At*. Chicago 5. nL CINEMATOGRAPHER Nationally known industrial concern located in Louisville. Kentucky, requires man experienced in industrial documentary film work. Must have thorough knowledge of film cutting, script planning, and silent 16 mm. color equipment. No dark room work. Some travel Give complete experience. Information and salary required. P. 0. Box No. 360, Louisville, Ky. REEVES SOUND STUDIOS, INC. , BKOADWAi N t •* Cl'clf «-6<S8i Complete Film and Disc Recording Facilities LoetBarnstyn Distributing Corp Exporters — Independent Distributors Major Company Releases for Europt 141 W. 54th St., New York 19. N. Y. Tdephone: CI. 6-6060 Cable: LOETSIE