The Film Daily (1947)

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FILE COPY Building Remodeling Equipment Maintenance 1^ L.fJl.liO. 125. In Two Sections. Sec. II NEW YORK, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1946 TEN CENTS loom THJflT(ER COnSTRUCTIOn KCn f OR '47 tuMuber Price Dip Forecast Clieers Builders ABOL'T TUE TRADE St Louis, the Tower Theater, located on the site of the old Florissant at North pnd and Florissant, re-opened Christmas iy, adding a de luxe neighborhood house fnparable to the finest show houses in the ilintry Completely re-built from the bund up, in the interior, house has latest iind and projection equipment, air-conTioninj, modern seats and scientific light 6 Exterior was also re-done in mod ii vein First bill was "Two Guys bm Milwaukee" and "Home Sweet Homi fle." . . . • Wsber Machine Corp., Chester, N. Y., manufacturers of projects, soundheads and sound systems, has jmbined soundhead and projector into their ifncro-Dynamic unit New unit suc issfully combining the two systems, gives le exhibitor dependable performance plus isy operation, maintenance and repair bart of the Syncro-Dynamic unit is the rnamic filter which pern-its control of the kary film drum Ojcillograph tests tve proven this to give smoother, more 'in:tcnt speed to the f Im drum reber is in full p^oduc^ion and already has II limited number of the new units ready lir field distributicn. iOKAN THEATERS, Kansas City, ^* Mo., hive purchased property on io'Zege St., in Springfield, where they till build a n"iv theater. ... • Royal listic Co., Kansas City, Mo., is turni|T out lucite vnding machine fronts, sing a recently developed process '■wo painted surfaces can be bonded toether, vci h the opposite transparent (ice pr,:senting an unblemished appearI (Continued on Page 6) Seeks Zoning Change To Operate Drive-in Pittsfield, Mass. — A public hearing will be held shortly by the zoning board of appeals on a petition of Harry Lazarus who wants to operate a drive-in theater here — the first F"cS theater in Berkshire County, Decision rests with the board, since the area sought for the theater is now zoned Residence B, which does not permit commercial amusement. Four Factors Contribute To Lumber Operators' Prediction of Spring Drop Thaater building was given a shot in the arm by word fr^m lumber operators in the Pacific Northwest that prices will begin to decline by next Spring. Forecast is based on four factors: Buyers are beginning to show resistance. Big operators have refused to hike mill prices "more than moderately." Production has reached capacity, and this is likely to continue — bringing supply nearer to demand (Continued on Page 5) RCA Announces 1-KW Projection Arc Lamp Camden, N. J. — A completely new one kilowatt high intensity projection arc lamp, for use in small and medium theaters with seating capacities up to 800, is now in production at RCA's Brenkert plant in Detroit, it was announced by J. R. Little, manager of the RCA theater equipment section. New projection lamp, known as the (Continued rn Page 4) Toledo Houses Asked To Plug Precautions Toledo, 0. — Toledo theater operators have been asked by City Manager George N. Schoonmaker to advise patrons of nearest fire exits and how to reach them with a minimum of confusion. The city manager asked that the theater owners and operators make spot announcements informing patrons of fire exits. He sa'd he preferred the theater operators to carry out the safety program under their own direction. Warners Open New House In Washington Xmas Day Washingtnn Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The new Ebersonlesigned MacArthur Theater, on MacArthur B'vd., was opened by Warners on Christmas Day. The 1,000-seat house is a semistadium type theater, with a modern (Continued on Page 3) Schlesinger Returns From Coast Survey Leonard S. Schlesinger, president of Warners' Service Corp., has returned from a West Coast business survey covering all the Western Warner houses, as well as those in Milwaukee and Chicago. In a routine checkup o' the vending setuT)s in the various Warner theaters, Schlesinger found candy selling at a brisk pace. Schlesinger declined to comment on the vending situation during next year and said that the various companies are sitting back waiting for events to shape the course (Continued on Page 6) fiuge Overall Building Program is Set With Theaters in Big Spurt By M^INNING CLACETT Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — G'^vernment experts yesterday predicted a "considerable" increase in theater building early next year, shooting up to a near boom in*the latter half of 1947. Department of Commerce experts are now preparing a detailed analysis of the 1947 construction outlo-ik for next year. This report, induding a survey of prospects for (Continued on Page 4) RKO Introduces New Diesel Generators ; W<"t Cnast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Six portable dieseldriven generators, the first ever to be used in the motion picture in-^ustrv, now are being assembled at ^he RKO Radio Studio. They will be shipped to Mexico for use in filming the forthcoming Technicolor feature, "Tycoon," in which John Wayne will (Continued on Page 3) ^alabcrn Circuit Plans '$500,000 Improvements S. SCHLESINGER B & L Producing Trivision Lens New ThreeDimensional Photography Exhibited Sickles Defers Plans To Open Maine Branch Chicopec, Mass. — F. W, Sickle Co., manufacturers of component parts for television receivers and a wholly(Continued on Page 4) Rochester, N. Y. — Bausch & Lomb is now producing a large, fast, Balcoted lens for a three dimensional photographic process invented by Douglas F. Winnek, University of Rochester-trained optics engineer. Winnek's picture-taking method, (Continued on Page 7) Chicago— H & E Balaban Theater circuit plan half million dollar improvement program for the coming vear. Included in the setup is the expenditure of $100,000 for modernizing the Downtown Theater, Detroit, (Continues on Page 4) Vodvil Resurrection Unearths Ivory Cache Detroit — The Deluxe Theater, managed by Adrian D. Rosen, is returning to vaudeville after a IS-year lapse. Durin^ the course of housecleaning backstage, Rosen uncovered a Steinway grand piano in the wings, hidden behind a pile of scenery, completely forgotten all these years, for which he was offered $1,000 by the man called in to tune the piano.