The Film Daily (1947)

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EQUIPMENT NEWS Cf^^Suiy Friday, December 27, 194 In two Sections — Section II A Section of THE FILM DAILY comprehensively covering the equipment industry, published every second week by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., 1301 Broadway, New York City. John W. Alicoate, Publisher; Donald .\I. Mersereau, Associate Publisher and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Editor; West Coast Bureau, 6425 Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood, Cal., Ralph Wilk, Bureau Chief. Eberson Firm Opens New Mexican Office Extending their sphere of operations into new countries, John and Drew Eberson, architects, have recently opened a Mexican branch for their firm. The Eberson branch office in Mexico City is manned by staff members of the N. Y. organization, specially chosen for their familiarity with the Mexican language. In cooperation with outstanding Mexican engineers, a corporation was formed, serving the building developed in Latin America. With American organizational talent and capital, the Eberson firm has been making surveys of the Latin American market throughout the war years, when domestic construction was at a deadlock. Finding great developmental potentialities in the country, company is now reaping the advantages of their foresight. Finding splendid co-operation with Mexican engineers, a policy of leaning on each other's shoulders has proven outstandingly successful, according to John Eberson. Returning from an extended survey of their Latin American interests. Drew Eberson, partner, this week reported progress being made in a number of developments on the Eberson schedule. Eberson's itinerary included stops at Mexico City, Acapulco, Guatamala, Panama City, Caracas, and Port-au-Prfnce, Haiti, where the firm is negotiating with the president on plans for a complete housing development, including several theaters. Phillimore Namecl B & H Lincolnwoocl Manager Chicago — Charles Phillimore has been named vice-president and works manager of the Bell & Howell Lincolnwood factory. Raymond Longnecker was named assistant manager for the new dealer's department. Nasliviiie Sctiools Buy 21 Victor 16ni's Twenty-one new Victor sound motion picture projectors were added to the audio-visual department of the Nashville, Tenn., city schools recently in a step designed to enrich the curriculum in all fields of study through increased use of visual aids materials. The purchase of the new 16 mm. equipment by the Nashville city board of education was announced by John Forte, sales manager for the Nashville Audio-Visual Equipment Co., local distributors for Victor projection equipment. Acquisition of the new machines brings to 44 the number of sound projectors now in use in the Nashville city schools. Each school in the system has an audio-visual chairman who supervises the projection equipment and orders all films from a central film library maintained by the city schools. For the present school year, a budget of $15,000 has been set up for the audio-visual department. About $6,500 of that amount will be spent in the purchase of films, records, slides and filmstrips. In addition to this library, the Nashville schools also have access to the Yale University Press materials, a $14,000 collection of motion pictures, lantern slides and books donated by James G. Stahlman, publisher of the Nashville Banner. rORT-A-CIDE THE "MIRACLE" ODORLESS DEODORANT AND DiSINFECTrANT For Hospital — Clean Rest Rooms ASK YOUR DEALER Van Theater Destroyed By Fire Starting in Booth Van, Tex. — The Van Theater, owned and operated by J. H. Stagner, was totally destroyed by fire which started in the projection booth. The operator, upon discovering the fire, rushed downstairs to inform the owner and forgot to close the fire door. Stagner rushed to the booth and attempted to close the door but failed. He was badly burned about the face and arms. All equipment was destroyed as was a print of "Night Train to Memphis." House was well filled and was emptied quickly with no one being injured. House was not fully covered by insurance as this town is yet unincorporated and has no fire department except a small unit operated by a local oil refinery. Geveart Gets License From City Comtnittee North Adams, Mass. — Pending purchase of the North mill of the Hoosac mills, by the Geveart Co., of Williamstown, for the manufacture of sensitized photographic products, moved nearer consummation when the license committee of the city council granted the firm a permit for the storage of inflammable fluids, solids and gases at the mill. Approval by the committee of the application was, according to Frans Fonteyn, head of production at the Williamstown plant, one of the more important factors on which the ultimate purchase of the mill was conditioned. Used Upholstered Opera Chairs Any Quantity We have the Cream of the Crop Write or wire for exact photo CHICAGO USED CHAIR MART Sam Levinsohn, Owner 829 So. State Street, Chicago 5 Cocoa and Chocolate Near Luxury Stage Cocoa and chocolate may become luxury items in the average civilian budget within the next few months. Prices of cocoa in the New York spot market have gone up about 180 per cent in a little more than two months. Until Oct. 1, the OPA had held a tight rein on cocoa bean prices. Brazilian and African cocoa, which account for most of the U. S. imports, were priced slightly under nine cents a pound. Now dealers and manufacturers are paying 25 ^/^ cents a pound for these types. Price jump will inevitably mean higher prices for cocoa and chocolate products. The traditional five-cent chocolate bar is already up to six and eight cents. World production of cocoa beans is lower than pre-war levels and efforts to stimulate production will bring slow results because it takes five to six years for a cocoa seedling to mature and bear fruit. Importers believe that the current price rise will be the best stimulus to increased production. If it goes too far, though, they foresee a definite drop in consumption. Stocks of cocoa in the country are estimated at a little better than a two-month supply. IF YOU BUY STADIUM. AMUSEMENT PARK O" ^ CONTACT INTERNATIONAL TICKET! * Your needs supplied efficiently with Roll, Machine Folded, Reserve Seats, etc. ,. Samples, prices on re , , quest. INTERNATIONAL TICKET CO. 52 GRAFTON AVE. NEWARK 4, N. J. Sales offices in New York and Principal Cities New RCA Yoltmeler To Test Amplifiers Camden, N. J. — Production of new, highly sensitive vacuum tui audio voltmeter for use in industr: laboratory, and radio servicing, df| signed to measure a-c voltages ov€ ranges of frequency and ar^nlitud far beyond the limits of |biar a-c voltmeters, has been ai.-.j^nce by the RCA Engineering Product Department. The unusual sensitivity of the ne audio voltmeter makes it possible t measure the electrical conductivit of switches, circuit breakers, relays buses and grounds, in addition t transmission losses in lines and cir cuits and the response of special fil ters and compensators. New instrument is also applicabl for testing radio receivers and soun systems and is used to measure gaii and noise level in power amplifier and ripples voltages in power sup plies. Meter is also used to locate sources of frequency distortion ani faulty amplifier components in re ceivers, phonographs, and public ad dress systems. Weber Machine Names Doner Co. to Handle Ads Detroit — Weber Machine Corp. the world's largest independent manufacturer of motion picture projectors and sound equipment, has announced the appointment of W. B Doner and Co. as their advertising agency. The Syncro-Dynamic Sound Projector, combining the sound-head and projector into one unit, is one oi their feature products. THEATRE PROJECTORS AND SOUND SYSTEMS . . , built to spedfications that far exceed geaerally accepted commercial standards. . . . Learn how you get so much for so little when you buy DeVR Y Write DeVRY CORP., 1 1 U Armitage Avenue, Chicago 14, Illinois. 5-TIME WINNER! DeVRY has earned five conMcative Army Nary "E'l" for excellence in production of Motion Pie'ure Sound Equipment, MOTION P CTURE SOUND EQUIPMENT