The Film Daily (1947)

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EQUIPMENT NEWS ^*fe Friday, December 27, 19^ (iilesinger Returns From Coast Survey (Continued from Poge 1) they would have to follow. With the current sugar and cocoa market in so uncertain state, Schlesinger said that prediction would be pretty much a waste of time since so many factors could drastically alter the situation. He attributed the rising labor costs partly responsible for the price rise on most candies. Warners will undergo a mass expansion policy in regard to candy counters as soon as construction and supply are on a more stable level. He cited the recent Strand installation in New York as a typical example of Warners' custom built installations which are proving so successful. Paint Price Climb Seen Through '47 Say Makers ■ Paint prices, which have risen between 50 and 55 per cent since removal of OPA controls early in November, will continue at high levels throughout the greater part of 1947, according to leading paint manufacturers. With a huge backlog of unfilled orders and rising raw materials costs, manufacturers could foresee no decline before the end of next Summer, and even then, price drops would be slight, they said. Reporting some buyers resistance at retail levels, it was not expected to affect wholesalers. Further rises in raw materials costs may cause another five per cent rise, but the trend throughout the country is to do everything possible to hold prices down. New Para. Periscope Finder West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Paramount's camera department, headed by James R. Wilkinson, has developed a telescopic periscope finder for cameras which provides cameramen with an adjustable height-finder for low-angle shots. Up to now periscope finders have lacked the telescopic feature. HOUSE DBALS The Lincoln to Interboro Samuel Strausberg, prexy of the Interboro Circuit, bought the Lincoln Theater in Brooklyn. Included in the transaction is an adjoining one-story garage. Title was insured by Home Title Guaranty Co. Leases North Troy House Troy — The Lansing, a 500-seater in North Troy, has been leased to Joseph Farnam, a former Marine Corps theater operator, by Charles Wilson, Troy, owner of the Lansing and Bijou in North Troy. Farnam handled film showings at Cherry Point, a Marine base. ABOUT THE TRADE (Continued from Page 1) ance. ... • The annual Xmas dinner and get-together of the Arcus Ticket Co., Chicago, was held at the Lake Shore Athletic Club, with J. S. Arcus the honor guest celebrating his halfcentury in the business. ... • Erwin G. Frederick, architect, is preparing plans for the enlargement of the Arcade Theater, in Gas City, Ind., operated by the Kalafat circuit Frederick has seeral other theater projects on the draiving boards, to be announced when completed and ivhen materials are available ... 9 In Detroit, Milton H. Aronson and William B. Greenwald have dropped organization of the National Dispenser Corp., which was recently established to manufacture a new type popcorn vendor, because of shortage of supplies. ... • Milton S. Carstens, Chicago theater architect, says that plans for new houses in the Chicago area are being rapidly developed Plans for the new Great States 2,000-seater in Decatur, III., are being prepared and tests are being made there for foundations. ... • The television tower proposed by W'^BKB station of the Balaban & Katz circuit may be moved to the Northwest corner of State and Lake St., which is owned by the circuit Plans still in preliminary stages. STATE THEATER CORP., Jess Day, district manager, plans erection of a 600 seater on Ninth St., Fort Dodge, la The one-story, 70x137 foot building will cost about $200,000. .... .Wetherell & Harrison, of Des Moines, are the architects. • RKO Circuit, John D. Redmond, division manager, Minneapolis, Minn., has awarded a contract for a 1,000-seat house to be built on East Main St. to Svensson & Edstrom, Inc., Minneapolis. ... • In Joplin, Mo., the Joplin Little Theater, Inc., with George A. Spiva chairman of the financing committee, is raising $15,000 for a 300-seat little theater playhouse. * * ♦ nOY HANSON has reopened the El '^ Rancho Theater in Culver, Ind., after extensive renovation. . . . • John N. Allison will reopen the Sioux Theater, in Carlisle, Ind., during the Christmas week. . . . New screen, seats, and projectors have been recently installed. . . . • Cedar Theater, Cedar Hill, Tex., has been reopened following a shutdown of several weeks due to an estimated $1,000 damages resulting from a fire which broke out in the projection booth. . . . House owned and operated by W. A. Shaw. . . . 9 In Pear sail, Tex., a new $17,000 theater, with seating capacity of 478 is now being built. . . . House will be owned and operated by S. Silva and will be known as the Silva Theater. . . . 9 As part of the expansion program of K. Lee Williams Theaters, Inc., of De Queen, Arkansas, headquarters ivill be housed on the second floor of a building leased here . . . According to Williams, president of the circuit, future plans do not include theaters in Texas. . . . • Norma Feth has been named assistant director of the Bell & Howell payroll department, at the Lincolnwood plant, Chicago. . . . • Also in Chicago, Robert W. Northway was made sales manager of Randolph Laboratories. . . , • Wallace C. Johnson netv sales manager of Admiral Corp. L. J. DUNCAN, general manager of the Al-Dun Amusement Co., has announced purchase of a 50x100 lot on Lanier St., Lanett, Ala., as site for a new theater as soon as materials are available. . . . Present plans call for a seating capacity of 850 on the main floor, and 400 in the balcony. . . . House wilt have a stage large enough to accommodate big name bands which Duncan expects to feature. . . . Duncan said he would remodel the bowling alley on the purchased site into an arcade flanked on each side with small shops, and a facade in modern style. . . . • Peter B. Poulos, owner of the new Griffith Theater, Griffith, Ind., says the house will open this month, with seating capacity of 600. . . . • Great States Theater Circuit plans a new 2000seater for Decatur, III., and tests are now being made for the foundation of the projected house. . . . Milton Carstens supplied the blueprints. . . . Circuit now has Lincoln and Empress theaters, in Decatur. lA^ CHICAGO, the Terminal Theater * of the Balaban & Katz circuit, will soon have new Kroehler seats. . . . 9 Belpark Theater will soon have a new Whiteway electric sign for the front of the house. . . . 9 A Christmas party and celebration of the 50th anniversary of J. S. Arcus in the theater ticket business was held at the. Lake Shore Club recently, with more than 100 present. . . . Gifts were presented to Arcus by his employes. . . . 9 In Wheatcraft, Ind., Holt and Allen closed their Wheatcraft Theater. . . . House was completely dismantled and all equipment stored. . . . 9 Redecoration of the Lanett Theater, Lanett, Ala., and installation of new seats has been completed by the Al-Dun Amusement Co., owners, at a cost of $12,000. ... 9 In Pepin, Wise, the new Time Theater is scheduled to open soon. . . . Under construction for the past eight months, house will cost about $45,000. . . . Jack Retinger is the owner. . . . 9 The Revilla Theater, in Renville, Minn., has been destroyed by fire. . . . Loss is estimated at $30,000. . . . 9 In W^icomico, Va., the Abington, 1350-seater, built in the middle of a corn field between the town and Lee Hall, opened on Christmas Day. . . . House has RCA sound. * * * MAX CHECHIK, owner of the Bay Theater, Vancouver, B. C, has obtained Dominion rights for the Korn-King Popcorn machine, and Is at present in Eastern Canada organizing distributors. ... No popcorn machines are operating in any B.C. theaters to date, none being approved by the fire warden up to now. . . . • Concessions Supply Co., Toledo, has recently moved into its new quarters, a $15,000 buiUing at 3916 Secor Rd. . . . • Bradford Brockway heads the firm which sells popcorn and candy floss machines, caramel kettles, ventilating fans. . . . Front of the modern one-story structure is red brick and glass block. . . . • Altec Service in Detroit claims an all-time high for the number of amateur radio station hams in one office. . . . Edward Miller, W80WK; Carl Bacon, W8MPX; James Day, W8NJY, and Fred C. Dickeley, W8AB. Sanford Back From Coast Altec Confab Bert Sanford, Altec's Theatric. Sales Manager, has returned from month's West Coast business surve during which pei iod he sr "■+. con siderablt ^le a , the Altec iJa'nsin; plant and was ii conference witl A. A. Ward, vice pr e s i dent an general manage of Altec Lansinj Corp. Sanford anc Ward discussec future plans fo] sale and distribu tion of Lansing products througl qualified dealers and co-ordinatinj details between Lansing and Service Visting a number of dealers dur ing his trip, iSanford found interes in Altec speaker systems high. H( said that extensive plans are nov « under way to provide promotional material to the dealers in the fom of direct mail, as well as trade pape] advertising to help bolster sales. BERT SANFORD Latin American Theater For International Building! San Antonio, Tex. — Cornerstone dedication was made here on a' $1,000,000 international trade building to be known as the Casa de Mexico. Project is being built by G. A Lucchese, president of International'!' Enterprises. As part of the build ing there will be a Latin Americaii^ language theater to be known as the' Alameda. Lucchese owns and oper-* ates a group of Latin American language houses here. \ New Coin Counting Machine Ace Coin Counting Machine Co.^ offers a completely new design with{ simplified mechanism. New counting'^ machine is guaranteed for a year,' and comes complete with carrying sj case and money tubes. NEW THEATERS It's the David Crockett Gatlinburg, Tenn. — Gatlinburg's new theater has been named the David Crockett. Carver Opens in Waycross Waycross, Ga.— The $75,000 Carver Theater, a first-run house for Negroes, has been opened by Georgia Theaters. Shelby Bows in Logan Logan, la. — Robert Johnson will' open the Shelby Theater here Jan. 1. He recently purchased a building here.