The Film Daily (1948)

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w DAILY Tuesday, April 27, 194 =1 Gov't Prosecution of Scophony is Allowed (Continued from Page 1) concern was British and not within the court's jurisdiction. Justice Wiley Rutledge, writing the court's opinion, declared that as a result of the precedent set in the Eastman vs Southern Photo case, "A foreign corporation no longer could come to a district, perpetrate there the injuries outlawed, and then by retreating or even without retreating to its headquarters defeat or delay the retribution due." The lower court finding, according to Rutledge, "ignores the fact" that Scophony was in New York "carrying on largely, if not exclusively, the only business in which it could engage at the time. "The company's prime purpose was to find a way to save and to exploit its patents," he wrote, and that endeavor was being carried on mainly in New York. TBA Protests AT&T Tele Relay Rates as "Excessive" (Continued from Page 1) by TBA said that rate justification offered was based upon engineering and experimental costs which "appear to include costs properly applicable to long distance telephone and other operations" of AT&T and its manufacturing affiliate Western Electric. That newly established video licensees were being unduly burdened with unreasonably discriminatory rates in that they discriminated between rates on a monthly basis and an hourly basis and as between shared channels and exclusive channels, was protested by TBA. TBA requested the Commission to inquire "into the ability of national tele networks to exist under the proposed rates, especially in the light of Commission proposals to allocate to the common carriers a major portion of the spectrum available for intercity microwave relay." Insisting that the rates and regulations be immediately suspended, TBA asked that a full investigation and hearing be conducted by the Commission at the earliest practicable date. MPAA Board Sustains Bureau Decision of the MPAA title registration bureau to refuse to register the title "Rose of the Cimarron" has been sustained by the board of directors. Title was held to conflict with Edna Ferber's "Cimarron." •*♦>♦.*♦.*♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦.*♦.♦♦.♦♦>*♦ IVV.V.V...V.. ♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦.♦* VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W....'..* 8 a & 8 }.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: Send &irthdau% Qr eetingA Utr a a a April 27 U Bert Ennis Edgar Kennedy XX Peggy Knudson Gordon Oliver ♦* Gordon W. Hedwig it *•* ♦♦ j ♦>•>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦>♦.♦♦>♦>♦>♦>♦ ,♦♦,♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦**. '/•WW*****************.************ ♦*****•*'♦*♦**♦* WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD kyJEL FERRER. Actor, director and producer. Born Elberon, N. J., Aug. 25, '»' 1917. Attended Princeton University. In the year he has been under contract to David O. Selznick, he has played the lead in one Broadway production, "Strange Fruit," directed "Cyrano de Bergerac," stage play, assisted John Ford in the direction of "The Fugitive" in Mexico, and directed two plays in Mexico City. Recently finished directing "Vendetta" for Howard Hughes. Was the only sophomore to win a playwrighting award while at Princeton. Has published one children's book, "Tito's Hat," and now is half-way through a novel. Worked for four years as a producer-director in New York radio. It was his performance in Lillian Smith's "Strange Fruit" which brought Ferrer five Hollywood offers, all of them three-way deals. He signed the Selznick contract for various reasons, but refused to tie up his writing for the screen. Has been given the assignment of directing Shirley Temple, Jack Agar and Guy Madison in Shirley's next film, "What Every Young Bride Should Know," which will be produced by Robert Golden for release by the Selznick Releasing Organization. Is a permanent director of the Actors Co., Summer theater at La Jolla, Calif., which was started in 1947. Weighs 165. Stands 6, 2V4. Hair, brown. Eyes, Hazel green. Exhibitors Mull Own Foundation Chances (Continued from Page 1) the fact that the issue has been the subject of private talks. Major exhibitor associations which have reneged in joining MPF to date include National Allied, PCCITO and ITOA. A fund of $3,000,000 is envisaged by exhib leaders who favor the plan which would be administered for theater employees. Union groups would also be invited to participate. Concrete airing of the proposal is expected to take place at approaching meetings of board of directors. Question may first be raised at the Allied sessions scheduled for Denver, May 15-17. E-L Sets 13 Releases In Next Three Months (Continued from Page 1) Arthur Rank executives. He will be accompanied by Max E. Youngstein, vice-president in charge of advertising-publicity-exploitation. List includes "Raw Deal," with the same star, producer and director as "T-Men," and "Oliver Twist," adapted from the Charles Dickens' novel, initial Rank film released by E-L under the new pre-selection plan. Schedule includes: "Open Secret," May 5th; "Prairie Outlaws," May 12; "Assigned to Danger," May 19; "Raw Deal," May 26: "Sword of the Avenger," June 2; "Close-Up," June 9: "The Tioga Kid," June 16; "Mickey," June 23; "Canon City," June 30; "The Spiritualist," July 7; "Oliver Twist," July 14; "Shed No Tears," July 21, and "Northwest Stampede," July 28. Name Nu-Art Distributor Nu-Art Films. Inc. has been appointed official distributor for Films of the Nation, a non-profit organization. News Video Station Buys Korda Pix Rights (Continued from Page 1) throughout the country for exclusive showings," Coe said. "The 24 pictures are packaged for a full year of programming on 16 mm. prints." Pollak pointed out that quality films of this type have not been heretofore available to television because of the "reticence of American picture companies" to make their product available. Deal marks the first time that Korda's films will be released via video, with showings scheduled to begin when WPIX goes on the air June 15. Pix include "Scarlet Pimpernel," "Private Life of Henry VIII," "The Ghost Goes West," "Thief of Bagdad," "Lady Hamilton," "Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel" and "The Man Who Could Work Miracles." Pegler Screening Films for Fairbanks-NBC Video Library Screening of films leading to the building of a permanent NBC picture library for television is now under way here under the supervision of Jack Pegler, Jerry Fairbanks, Inc., representative. As film buyer for NBC, Fairbanks, who has also contracted to produce video films for the system, plans to buy outright film programs of all types for distribution to the network and affiliated stations. Chi. Operator Seeks to Bar Duals in B & K Houses (Continued from Page 1) feature programs. He will seek to include leading film distributors in the injunctive action. Fain Chosen Mayor Woodville, Tex.— J. Wood Fair, owner of the Fain Theater, has been elected mayor of the community. ANFA Film to Plug Non-Theatrical Pix II (Continued from Page 1) how many are now used in the area" being studied, number of projector available and to what extent the are used by owner and ' j;owei | and what films are best JV^d fo' such diverse groups as churche: schools, unions, civic and socis groups, hospitals and homes. Carter also announced that therl would be three regional meetings ol ANFA: St. Louis in June, New Or leans in October, Richmond in Janu, ary. Operator of film library, audio-vis^ ual dealer and manufacturer of stag sets in Raleigh, N. C, Carter wa elected president of the ANFA las Saturday at convention in the Hote; New Yorker. He succeeds Williar F. Kruse who served two terms * prexy. Other officers elected were: Ed H> Stevens of Atlanta, 1st veepee; Mau rice T. Groen, 2nd veepee; Jerome J Cohen, secretary; George H. Cole treasurer; Harold Baumstone, J. K ' Lilley, Alan Twyman, the Rev. Wib : liam L. Rogers, directors. To Demonstrate 8 mm. Sound at SMPE Meet Santa Monica — A method of soum recording on eight millimeter filn will be demonstrated by H. A. Leedj of the Armour Research Foundatioi at the 63rd semi-annual conventio of the Society of Motion Picture En gineers here May 17-21. A magnetic powder material ha been developed, which, through th use of a suitable binder, is coated or eight millimeter film in the form o a track .03 inches wide, placed be tween the sprocket holes and the edge of the film, thus avoiding re duction of the limited film area. Th method makes possible conversion oi eight millimeter silent projectors foi1 use with the magnetic sound film. UfEDDIRG BELLS I Jack C. Alicote of Eagle Lion will; be married Thursday to Jeni Free-fl! land of Florida. Groom's father is Chas. A. Alicote of The Film Daily. ! J Turner-Topping West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Lana Turner wasili married yesterday to Henry J. Topping, Jr. ' I Brown-Granovitz Cleveland — "Bobbie" Brown, secretary of Ohio Theater Service Corp., announced her engagement to Marvin Granovitz. Glans-Samuelson Cleveland — Marvin Samuelson of Ohio Theater Service Corp., will be married June 19 to Lily Glans.