The Film Daily (1948)

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"WS? Thursday, May 20, 194& Vol. 93, No. 98 Thurs., May 20, 1948 lOCts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate and General Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President; Donald M. Mersereau, Vice-President and Treasurer ; Patti Alicoate, Vice-President and Secretary. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Ralph Wilk, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Granite 6607 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Joseph Esler, Chief C. L. Esler 6241 N. Oakley Ave. Phone: Briaraate 7441 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS LONDON— Ernest YV. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. 1. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco. Virtudes 214. BOMBAY — Kam L. Gogtay, Kitab Mahal, 190 Hornby Rd., Fort. Bombay 1. ALGIERS — Paul Saffar. Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. MONTREAL— Ray Carmiehael, Room 9. 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER — Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg. SYDNEY — Bowden Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. Phone, TJY 2110. BRUSSELS— Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paquercttes. COPENHAGEN— John Lindberg. Jernbanealle No. 3, Copenhagen -Van Loese. ROME — John Perdicari, Via Ludovisi 10. Phone. 42758. nnAnciAL (May 19) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Low Close 23% 233/8 231/4 23 V4 02 102 12V4 123/4 447/8 168 1/2 High Am. Seat 233/8 Bell & Howell 233/4 Bell & Howell pfd.. .102 1 Columbia Picts 12l/2 East. Kodak 45 44 do pfd 1 68 1/2 168 Vi Gen. Prec. Eq 17 16% 1634 Loew's, Inc 19% 19% 19% Paramount 253/8 24% RKO 113/8 Hi/, Republic Pict 5 4% Republic Pict. pfd.. . . 10% 103,4 103/, 20th Cent. -Fox 25 24% 241/4 20th Cent. -Fox ppf.. 99 99 Universal Pict 1 5 'A 14% Universal Pict. pfd... 68% 68% Warner Bros 13% 13% 13% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts 3% 3% 3% RKO 33/8 3% Sonotone Corp 4 3% Technicolor 15% 15 Trans-Lux 6 5% 25 IH/4 43/4 99 14% 68l/2 33/8 3% 151/4 6 Net Chg. — Va — Va + 2 + Vb + Va + 1% + % + Vb + + Vi + 3 + 1% f 1 + Va + Va Meet on Golden Jubilee Cinema and legit reps, met with Mayor O'Dwyer yesterday at Gracie Mansion to assist and advise him on best means of promoting New York City's Golden Jubilee. Metro's J. Robert Rubin and Lee Shubert are chairmen of screen and stage committees, respectively. NEED A SECRETARY? Young man available immediately, eight years motion picture experience, secretarial, publicity, exploitation, public relations, foreign markets, expert steno-typist, linguist. Box No. 192, Film Daily, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. commG avid Gome MORRIS HELPRIN leaves for the Coast today and upon his return will go to London for conferences with Sir Alexander Korda. BLANCHE LIVINGSTON, in charge of publicity for RKO's out of town theaters, flies to New Orleans this week-end, and will proceed on a vacation in Guatemala City. Arriving today aboard the Queen Mary are STANTON GRIFFIS, U. S. Ambassador to Poland, and chairman of Paramount's executive committee; MAE WEST, HARRY GREEN and ELSIE RANDOLPH. LORRAINE MILLER, under contract to United States Pictures, has arrived in Hollywood from New York. WILLIAM V. SKALL, Technicolor cameraman, has arrived in New York via plane with special crew to shoot Central Park background for a trailer for "Rope." NOEL MADISON is here en route to London, to produce three pictures with frozen American money through his new company, Noel Madison Prods., Ltd. WILLIAM GARGAN leaves Hollywood May 29 fof New York to do radio guest spots to plug "The Argyle Secrets" in which he stars. A. J. O'KEEFE, U-I's assistant general sales manager, has returned from Nashville. CHARLES REAGAN, Paramount vice-president in charge of distribution, returned yesterday from Philadelphia where he conducted a three-day divisional sales meeting. He was accompanied by TED O'SHEA, and AL SCHWALBERG. Also returned from the Paramount Philadelphia meeting are STANLEY SHUFORD, BEN WASHER and SID MESIBOV. HUGH OWEN, Paramount's Eastern and Southern divisional sales manager, and AL KANE, are visiting the Jacksonville exchange. They will be in Charlotte May 22-24. JAMES DUNN arrives from the Coast at the week-end to replace Jack Buchanan in "Harvey." JACK BUCHANAN sails for London on May 29. HUGH HOUSTON, Melba Theater, Houston, Mo., is vacationing in California. Jerry Dale Returns From European Trip Jerry Dale, advertising-publicity director for the J. Arthur Rank Organization, Inc., returns today aboard the SS Queen Mary after a month in England and France. Dale went to England to confer with producers and executives there, regarding forthcoming product, going over with William Heineman and Mox Youngstein, Eagle Lion executives. WB Will Debut New RCA Tele to SMPE Tomorrow West Coast Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Hollywood — Warner Bros, will unveil its new RCA large screen television at the Burbank studio tomorrow at a private showing to members of SMPE. MADE RIGHT BY MEN WHj KNOW HOW! 'NEW YORK IIS W.11 55th St I LOS ANGELES 1574 w. Washington *" CHICAGO 1327 S. Waboih : Special TRAILERS SEND US YOUR NEXT ORDER / 3 COMPLETELY EQUIPPED PLANTS MAURICE DAVIS, manager, Will Rogers Theater, St. Louis, has returned home from the Massachusetts Memorial Hospital, Boston. DR. IRWIN E. DEER of the MPAA community relations dep't goes to St. Louis tomorrow from Chicago to address the Better Films Council of Greater St. Louis. ROBERT R. YOUNG is expected to return from the Coast at the week-end. ARTHUR ADAMS, of the M-G-M sales department, has returned from a visit to Milwaukee. ALBERT SUGARMAN, Columbus, Ohio exhibitor, leaves for home tomorrow night after a short stay in Manhattan. Eastman Directors Reelect Officers, Declare Divvies Rochester — Officers of Eastman Kodak Co. were reelected at a meeting of the board of directors. At the same time it was announced that quarterly dividend of 35 cents per common share, and $1.50 on the preferred were declared, payable July 1, to holders of record June 5. Officers reelected are: Perley S. Wilcox, board chairman; Thomas J. Hargrave, president; Albert K. Chapman, vice-president and general manager; Dr. C. E. Kenneth Mees, Charles K. Flint, Adolph Stuber, Myron J. Hayes, Ivar N. Hultman, Edward S. Farrow, James E. McGhee, Edward P. Curtis, and Donald McMaster, vice-presidents; I. L. Houley, assistant vice-president; Marion B. Folsom, treasurer; Archbold H. Robinson, David H. Fulton, and J. Donald Fewster, assistant treasurers; Milton K. Robinson, secretary; William F. Shepard and Harmar Brereton, assistant secretaries; Cornelius J. Van Niel, general conptroller; Thomas J. McCarrick, assistant comptroller. ARMIT Recommends 3-Month ASCAP Contract Denver, Colo. — Members of Allied Rocky Mountain ITO were recommended to sign ASCAP contracts, for three months only, at yesterday's session of the convention. Delegates voted to continue the committee on theater supply, candy and popcorn buying with purchases routed through the Denver Allied headquarters. Allied Caravan and film prices came under discussion. Officers are scheduled to be elected today. YOUR FILM DAILY DELIVERED TO YOU IN LOS ANGELES AND VICINITY BY MANNING'S DELIVERY SERVICE A SPECIALIZED MESSENGER AND DELIVERY SERVICE HO-3129 Trailer Plan Dropped in Favor of Industry Series Discussions on an industry-wid< trailer on future productions hav< been abandoned in favor of the In dustry Film Series, Maurice Berg man, chairman of the MPAA adver tising-publicity directors committee revealed yesterday. Series is h^m; produced under auspices of theg^i emy of Motion Picture Arts A • J& ' ences, in cooperation with MPAA. ] Another plan, under which an over all production story for radio broad; cast would be prepared, was tabled In its place companies will mak< available to all exhibitors radu platters pointing up current films. | Films-Makers to Produce Theatrical, Tele Pix Film-makers, Inc. has been formed to produce theatrical, television an<; commercial films, it is announced b$ Jean H. Lenauer, Joseph Goulds Mavis Lyons and George Jacobson?| directors of the corporation. Abrai ham L. Shapiro is general counsel oj the firm and a member of the board» Associated with the company ar| Max Goberman, musical director* Ralph Alswang, art director, ana Peter Lyon, Arnold Perl, Allai Sloane and George Bellak, writer as sociates who will participate ii specific production projects. NEW YORK THEATER! g_ RADIO CITY MUSIC Hill Rockefeller Center JUDY GARLAND • GENE KELLY n "THE PIRATE" Songs bv COLE PORTER Color by TECHNICOLOR A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION VERONICA LAKE JOAN CAULFIELD /*&*£& BARRY FITZGERALD/ JMfiSXfo' >^_ Picture 7?/?ft4A10<//Vr ', DANA ANDREWS • GENE TIERNEY "THE IRON CURTAIN" A 20th Century-Fox Picture PLUS ON STAGE ED SULLIVAN his DAWN PATROL REVUE ROXY 7th Ave. & 50th St. : Mer/e Ro6erf Ciar/es fiiu/ OBERON • RYAN • KQRVIN • LUKAS