The Film Daily (1922)

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THE ■!:«H7aps -:*«■-- -;xi^t DAILY Tuesday, February 21, 1922 In the Courts David G. Fischer, of 1540 Broadway, has been sued in the Supreme Court for $31,454 alleged to be due Edmund K. Fox on notes signed in Washington, D. C. A default judgment for $5,058 has been filed in the Supreme Court against Supreme Pictures, Inc., in a suit of Charles G. Genne on a note. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has decided that the Pathe Exchange, Inc., is entitled to keep the partitions constructed by it in the building at 25 W. 45th St., which the Century Holding Co. claimed when the Pathe Exchange moved out. The partitions were valued at $9,500 and that landlord contended that the partitions were covered in the lease under the term of "alterations, additions or improvements,"' which were to remain the property of the landlord. Incorporations \lbanv. N. Y. — Chester E. Sawyer, Inc.. New York. Capital $10,000. Incorporators: C. E. Sawyer. A. L. Pratchett and S. M. Kohn. Attorney. C. Katzenstein, 115 Broadway. Albany, X. Y. — Patchogue Theatrical Corp., Patchogue. Capital $125,000. Incorporators: D. W. Fairservis. and L. Cohen. Attorney, H. J. Schofield, Patchogue. The Robertson-Cole Distributing Corp. has sued the Precision Machine Co. for $2,708 rent for part of the ground floor of the building at 906 South Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Jo.seph F. Lee filed a default judgment for $1,500 in the City Court against the American Cinema Corp., under a contract bj^ which he was hired as general assistant at S250 a week. Albany, N. Y. — O. and I. .A.musemcnt Corp., Brooklyn. Capital $20,000. Incorporators: O. and N. Schwartz and H. Tell. Attorney, F. J. Knorr, Albany. \!bany. N. Y. — New Chester Theater Corp., New York. Capital $20,000. Incorporators: F. Koren, M. Plager. Attorney, A. S. Goldberg, 1480 Broadway. Albany, N. Y.— George W. Wiley, New York. Capital $10,000. Incorporators: P. M. Clark and J. Tannenbaum. Attornev, George M. Wilev, 220 \V. 42nd St' Albany, N. Y. — Murray Phillips. New York. Capital $5,000. Incorporators: P. Phillips and M. Rosenthal. Attorney, C. M. Rosenthal, 1476 Broadwav. Dover, Del.— Blue Ridge M. P. Co. $500,000. Attorney, Corporation Trust Co. of America. Wilmington. Censorship Hearing Today (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Albany — There will be a public hearing today on the bill introduced by Assemblyman Louis Cuvillier for the repeal of the Clayton-Lusk Law ^under which the Motion Picture Commission operates. The operators' bill will also be given a hearing today. Frederick H. Elliot, and Lloyd Willis will represent the National Association in Albany today. The Rev. Thomas Dixon will appear for the Authors' League, which is cooperating with the N. A. M. P. I. The Real Estate Owners' Ass'n and the Citizens' Union will argue for the repeal of the measure. Senator George H. Cobb and Joseph Levenson, chairman and secretary of the M. P. Commission, will attend the hearing in opposition to the bill. In connection with the operators' bill which would make all applicants serve a six months' apprentice term before being licensed, Samuel Kaplan, Edgar T. Stewart, A. J. McCosker, of the operators' union; James T. Holland, president of the N. Y. State Federation of Labor; Sherifif Edward H. Flynn of the Bronx, Peter J. Brady, supervisor of the City Record, and Judge Jeremiah Mahoney, counsel for the union, will attend the public hearing. Kirkpatrick's Son Buried Funeral services were held yesterday for Arthur S. Kirkpatrick, Jr., son of the vice-president and general manager of Exceptional Pictures, who died Saturday night of diabetes. The child was three years old. Dover Del. — Chelsea Pictures Corp. Capital $500,000. Bernard Levy, Arthur Levy and A. Allen Lane, Brooklyn. Attorney, Colonial Charter Co. $500,000 Capital Increase (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Albany, N. Y. — Poet's Photoplays liave increased their capital from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. Alcazar, Montreal, Burns (.'Special to THE FILM DAILY) Montreal — The Alcazar, one of the older tiieaters here, was destroyed by fire, along with a number of stores, the loss being estimated at $250,000. The .'Mcazar catered to FrenchCanadian patronage. Defective wiring was the reported cause. After Hudson Bay Films (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Ontario — Filmcraft, Ltd., has sent cameramen on exploring expeditions to the Hudson Bay regions. Until recently, the company made the Canadian Fox News and has also specialized in aerial photography. Kauffman, Selznick "G. M." (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Toronto — Phil Kauf?man has been appointed general manager of the Selznick Pictures Corp., Ltd., which is now releasing through Regal Films, Ltd. Friedloeb Turns Exhibitor (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — H. S. Friedloeb, formerly connected with Pioneer and Universal, has been appointed manager of the Lyceum on 39th St. Walter Price Here Walter Price of Niagara Pictures, Buffalo, is in New York. Stoll Gets "Sign on Door" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) London — Stoll Film will distribute "The Sign on the Door" in England. Woods, Chicago, Back to "Legit" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — The Woods has gone back to the "legit," after having shown Fox films for some weeks. Kansas Confab Soon Salina, Kans. — The Kansas M. F T. O. will hold its next conventioi shortly. No date and place hav been set. but it will be cither her or in Wichita. Wclsh-Pierson Expanding (Special to THE FILM DAILY) London — Welsh-Pierson as part of its expansion policy has engaged F. Martin Thinrton to make a series of productions, the first to be "A Sailor Tramp." Pageant Planned on Coast (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angele.s — An annual film pageant may soon be a reality in Los .Angeles. It is understood that negotiations will be opened soon with producers and stars, so that six or eight weeks will be spent in working out the details. Five shares Film Developing Corporation stock par $100.00 per share. What am I offered. G. L. Barrows, 213 Water St., New York STUDIO FOR RENT Equipped. Bergen Blvd. and Lafayette Ave., Grantwood, N. J. For particulars write E. K. LINCOLN 110 W. 40th St., N. Y. C. Bryant 5307 Lakewood's Largest and Foremost Hotel The lAKEWOOD tlOTU LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY $35.00 Weekly $6.00 up Daily Special Week-End Rates Inducements to Parties. Clubs and Conventions. Wonderful Food. Finest Service. Dancing Nightly in Ballroom. Unusual Entertainment Features. .Athletic and Social Directors. Indoor ami Outdoor Sports. NOW UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PINES HOTEL CO. For reservations phone Lakewood 505 or N. Y. Booking Office Barclay 7940 Call it latitude— ^call it lofig scale or call it g7~a(iati()7i — Eastman Positive Film Has that pliable, reproductive sensitiveness that responds to the quality ot the negative — that registers brilliancy in every detail ot highlight, halftone or shadow. It carries quality through to the screen. . East //mil Fi///i, botli regular a /id tinted base, is ide/itijiable tliroiigJj-^ out its entire length by tlie -uords * ' East /nan " " Kodak' ' ste /idled in tJje jil/n margin. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. Y.