The Film Daily (1922)

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Playing Jgainst Big Opposition, "^ Sisters 'is Hailed asVlw Best Show inNejii)Yorl{' V ยป.<fei, m Service Co. Production NEW YORK GLDBEr"Sisters" is one of the most interesting problem films we have seen. Done with admirable restraint by a capable -emd well-selected cast and directed with skOl by Capellani. Seena Owen proves herself one of the exceptional actresses of the screen. EVENING JOURNAL: One of the strongest productions of the past two years. This picture bids fair to remain on Broadway at the Cameo many weeks and it deserves to do so. In a season of public approved for sincere plays and sincere pictures "Sisters" will be a hit. EVEhUlNG TELEGRAM: One of the best pictures seen on Broadway in a long time and everybody at the Cameo yester^ day liked it. .: NEW YORK AMERICAN (Alan Dale) : The simpUcity and sincerity of "Sisters" gives it its hold upon all who see it. Admirably acted with beauty and dignity. A useful, entertaining as well as ornamental picture that "says things" and has a peculiar flavor. NEW YORK TIMES: "Sisters," the International photoplay at the Cameo, has moments of genuine pictorial and dramatic strength and is to be especially commended for its sincerity. It is possible for a photoplay to be interesting and have a moral at the same time, and "Sisters" goes fair towards acquiring this double value. The picture is generally excellent and the direction of Capellani results in many of the best things in the story. NEW YORK TRIBUNE: Every time we see Seena Owen we like her better. Mighty few actresses on the screen can compare with her. In "Sisters" she makes you believe in the unloved wife. The picture is beautifully done without the slightest attempt at sensationalism. 71i6 titles of the story are perfect and Capellani's direction splendid. NEW YORK EVENING POST: There is much material to make "Sisters" an interesting picture and it is capably handled by Capellani, the director. The characters are played sincerely ; the picture is not sensational in its thematic development and it entertains excellently. American RE LEAS I NC CO R P O RATION WALTER E OREENE. 'Ftavtal f. B. WARREN.'FiaulM 15W.44*>^St.N.Y.C.^Phones^Vanderbilt7078-9 SF^~ nm^f