The Film Daily (1922)

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Marjone 'Daw Geoii Pictune miih a Pxinch In May and June, 1,000 theatres bought this fastmoving, powerful production and this fine combination of skilled director, great cast and resultant good entertainment is drawing heavy patronage into theatres everywhere. With such a title as your audience-magnet there are instant values for you in 0h9 Mario 0 \ Pat ^i OMalky Jiarshall iX£KH JVoah Beeri; With an all-star cast Including NOAH BEERY^ MARJORIE DAW« PAT O'MALLEY TULLY MARSHALL Written and directed by MARION FAIRFAX Johnston's Motion Picture News praised it for box-office power and human interest. Moving Picture World rated it as sure-fire entertainment, Harrison says it has good audience values and that all kinds of audiences will like it. Film Daily says, "You will certainly do business with this one;" Exhibitors Trade Re view say s,"Nobody can fail to like it" and Exhibitors Herald says, "Marion Fairfax left out nothing that audiences like on the screen." In Cuuda: Canadiap Releasing CorpomiioD, himiied