The Film Daily (1922)

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iTHE 7Ae BRADSTREET o/ FILMDOM Zi^^RECOCMIZEIli Authority FORMERLY 'o!. XXr No. 16 Monday, July 17, 1922 Price 5 Cents TT. '^)eal Pending , \j. Old Agreement Up — New Oi eld in Abeyance for l!/asier Rulings It was learned on Saturday that he T. O. C. C, is holding in abeyince the signing of a new agreement 'ith the F. I. L. M. Club and the loy Reporting Service in order to ;;cure what the exhibitor organizaon feels will be more equitable jlings. The T. O. C. C. is represented on le arbitration board of the F. I. L. I. Club by three members. The tchange managers have a similar ■presentation, but the chairman of le body is an exchangeman. The d agreement with the T. O. C. C. icpired on June 14 and it is quite ,-cely that nothing will be done about ;new pact until the Hays organizabn gpts. into motion its proposed tbitration board. F George E. Kann in Paris ^ George E. Kann, foreign manager [' Goldwyn. is in Paris. He drops line saying "Hello" from there. Browning Planning Power Film Irving Browning, who has been at \rious times connected with Edu.tional, Universal and Kineto, has •come business manager of Tyrone jDwer and is making preparations fr a six reeler in which Power will I starred. It will be produced in anada. Fie Up Expose Film ' arion and Alexander Enjoined from Releasing "Sawing a Woj ■ man in Half" — Goes to Trial The Appellate Division of the ipreme Court has reversed the !;,wer court and granted an injuncim to Horace Goldin against Clarijb Photoplays, Inc., and the Alex:|der Film Corp., restraining them pm exhibiting "Sawing a Woman i Half," or such part as purports show the illusion of severing a iman body in half, and the manner : which the illusion is accomplished. he court decided that as a condi■)n of granting the injunction a ind to protect the defendants :nding. the trial of the suit will be : quired. The decision of the Appellate . vision refers to the affidavits filed Goldin to prove that he had been owing in vaudeville an act similar his present act, since 1911 and :ice 1919 has been exhibiting "Saw:? a Lady in Half." He made a |ntract, with the Keith Circuit in (Continued on Page 2) Viewpoints Kipling said it : "East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." And that is certainly true. Of European production. As against America. Ben Blumenthal expresses it like this : "They have their own ideas over here. And they think they are right. They think the American idea is wrong. Until they have been proven wrong by the success of American pictures in Central Europe they will continue their way." Which. In a nutshell. Is about right. Modern pictures, as made in, and liked by Americans, are foreign to producers in Central Europe. That is the whole story. In a nutshell. FEW AMONG MANY There are today In Central Europe. Notably Berlin. Probably 40 to 50 big productions being made. But a trifling percentage of them are good for the Amer-f-an market. The reason : That the producer has given no consideration. In the making. To what America wants. Or likes. In Vienna. At the Sacha plant. I saw them finishing "Sodom and Gomorrah." Based on the Biblical legend. It has taken eight months to do it. At a cost of about $80,000. You need a Burroughs to add it up. In Austrian crowns. Which are about 14,000 to the dollar. At this writing. The sets are marvellous. One is tremendous. It has been sold to France. And Wertheimer has it for England. Fox will look at it. For America. If he reaches Vienna. "Monna Vanna" is being made in Munich. In Berlin the EFA — which is Famous Plaxers — is about half through with "Peter the Great." In which Jannings appears. Negri is doing a costume play. Of the period of the 16th century. When completed she sails for America. And it will be a long time before she returns to Berlin. She is picking up English now. And speaks a few words. Lubitsch has acquired a large assortment of American phrases. Which he will demonstrate when he arrives. About next Christmas. EMERSONS BUSY John Emerson and his clever wife — Anita Loos — are busy working. In Vienna. Where it is so quiet. They get a real chance. John says they have almost finished another. For Conny Talmadge. The Emersons return in September. -Or later. And on his return John says. He will get busy again. Seeking a real tarifif. On German made pictures. He has a lot more arguments than he had before. Insists pictures can be made here. By American producers. At a much lower cost. Than in America. And every picture made here. Blocks some American-made picture. Very emphatic is John. Very. Of course John doesn't look. At the other side. Which is — that if America shuts out foreign pictures. Foreign nations will retaliate. With a tariflf. Against American pictures. And it is a fact. That they like American pictures here. As much. If not more. Than the home product. One Viennese girl said "We all loafe Sharley Shaplin vair mooch. And Pearl Vite — she is nicht schoen. Oh, saer schoen." Meaning Pearl is very beautiful. (Continued on Page 2) More F. P. Exchanges Four Planned — Move Designed to Give Small Town Exhibitors Better Distributing Service Famous Players has made plans to open at leat four new exchanges in this country. These will be located in Peoria, 111.; Columbus, O.; Sioux Falls. S. D.; and Butte, Mont. One exchange in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., is now being made ready and will shortly start operations. The company is taking this step in order to give small-town exhibitors the service the theater man in the larger city gets. It is figured that with new exchanges located at strategic points out in the territory, there will be fewer instances of shows failing to arrive in time. Nat Wolf Here from Dallas Nat Wolf, former Educational iTiaiiagcr a.i Da'.laj. is :;t the Flanders. He has just arrived from the South. Banks in New Federated Series Ben Wilson has wired Federated that the star to appear in one of the scries to be made by him is Monty Banks, who previously appeared in two Federated series. F. B. O. Will Open in Salt Lake A new Film Booking Office of America exchange will be opened at Salt Lake City on Sept. 1st. Emil C. Jansen, western division manager, will make arrangements for the opening. F. P.-L. Exploitation 3 Years Old P'amous Players-Lasky is celebrating the third birthday of its exploitation department, founded July 10, 1919. (Driginally, the staff consisted of eight but has been increased and in addition, each branch office has its own exploitation man. Va. Exhibitors to Show Slides (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Ocean View, Va. — The Paramount Publicity Corp., of New York has agreed to pay the annual dues of $52 of members of the M. P. T. O. of Virginia, under an agreement whereby the exhibitors will show slides supplied by Paramount at every show. Buy "Othello" L. Auerbach, on behalf of The Export & Import Film Co., and David P. Howells have just closed a contract whereby they have jointly bought the American and Canadian rights of "Othello," featuring Emil Jannings.