The Film Daily (1922)

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THE jg^ DAILY Monday, July 17, 192;f Vol. XXI No. 1 6 Monday. July 1 7. 1 922 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 808 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — W. A. Wilhainson, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, London, W. C. 2. , „ . Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. . ^ ^ Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wenzelsplatz. Quotations y E. Kodak F. P.-L. do pfd. Goldwyn Loew's High . li . 825^ . 957/^ . 1V% 153/» Low Close Sales 7.1 12, 100 82 82-4 800 957/r 957/8 100 7'/8 7/8 900 IS 15/ 1,600 Griffith Not quoted Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted Tie Up Expose Film (Continued from Page 1) April, 1921, getting in some weeks more than $2,000. He says he has obtained injunctions in many States against persons attempting to imitate his act. The film objected to was made by Clarion, which disposed of the local rights to Alexander Film. In deciding that Goldin's act should be protected the court says: "The conclusion cannot be escaped that the purpose of the defendants in the making and exhibition of their picture is to unfairly and unlawfully take advantage of the success which has rewarded the plaintii^'s initiative and to deprive him of the fruits _of his ingenuity, expense and labor." The court says that the Keith circuit had written Goldin that the film is depreciating the value of his act to such an extent that his appearances must be cancelled in towns where his act has been booked if the film is shown there first. Berlinger in Charge Up State Charles Berlinger has been placed in charge of the uq-state territory of Berkowitz and Mills' Graphic Exchange. Seven Richard Talmadge productions are on the Graphic release list, as well as six other features and several short reels. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Vievopoints (Continued from Page 1) EUROPEAN THEATERS U.sually small. No C'c.pitols. Nor Roosevelts. Nor Rialtos. Rarely see a 1,000 seat house. In either Germany, Austria, or wherever you go. In this neighborhood. In Buda Pest and the surrounding country. There are about 400 houses. Seating on an average about 700. Finest the Kamara. In Buda Pest. A little gem of a place. With a wonderful ceiling which slides apart. And lets in the air. And moonlight. When it's too warm. Owned by the same firm which controls Starfilm. Which has a delightful little studio. Near Buda Pest. Very complete indeed. Have made about 64 features and 20 comedies. None ever reached America. Some beautiful girls in Buda Pest. One being tested out now. For American productions. Name : a secret. But she's a peach for looks. In Vienna the best house is the Oes which has about 900 seats and does a nice business. Even in these tough days. In Berlin there are quite a few good, big houses. The Ufa Palace; the Union; the Tauentezien Palace and the Marmor House. Also the Alhambra and the Primus Palace, and several others. AL KAUFMAN POPULAR Al has charge of Famous production in Berlin. But that hasn't stopped him from becoming very popular. They have named a schnitzel after him and also a cocktail,. The latter is just plain Bacardi. But the name makes it popular. SOME EXPERIENCES Enough to fill a book. Enjoyed — if that's the word — by Abe Carlos. Of the Fox organization. Who will be home in August. After about 20 months in Europe. Had charge of production of "Nero" and "The Shepher^l King." If Carlos wants to write his experiences in full they will make a great hit. He had some great times. To prove that picture making in foreign countries. By Americans. Isn't a joke. In Rome. W^hen making "Nero" all the papers took a wallop. At the Fox organization. And getting started wasn't 'easy. They wanted "Nero" to be left for an Italian producer. When they wanted 10,000 extras. For the Circus Maximus 'spectacle. Carlos could not get the Circus Internationale — where it was staged — until he lifted the mortgage on the property. Which, fortunately wasn't much. In dollars. Then all the supers wanted to wear straw hats. To protect them from the sun. As there were no straw hats in Nero's days you can imagine his 'difficulties. Finally he ofifered five lira for each hat checked. That made it easy. But the owners didn't care whether or not they found their own. In the thousands checked. They could buy new ones for less. At noon the extras quit cold. Nothing could induce them to work further. They had made 10 liras and even the inducement of an extra 10 for another hour meant nothing to them. They would return after they had spent what they had earned. To get the lion episodes Carlos took his principals to Cologne, Germany. Where a troupe of trained lions was available. The military authorities didn't like the idea and stopped it. Finally, in a little summer park outside the city Carlos arranged the shooting. And then one of the lions escaped, dashed through the city and frightened the kiddies. Who were just returning from school. Imagine the result ! It took endless efifort and guarantees. To allow the shot to be tried the next day. In making "The Shepherd King" in Egypt there were other troubles. The authorities did not want a crowd to congregate. Because of possible political difficulties. Finally an entire regiment of native troops was hired. In their stead. The funds going to the mess. Then there were more objections, but finally it was all finished. But — Just try and get Carlos. To produce in Europe again. Just try. SOCIAL NOTE Ralph Kohn. Famous. Acting as interpreter for all American film folk. Visiting Berlin. And he couldn't speak a word of German. A year ago. DANNY. ROTHACKER PRINT and SERVICE E. O. BLACKBURN SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE Rothacker Film Mfg. Co. Chicago, 111. Rothacker-AUer Laboratory Hollywood, Cal. 542 Fifth Ave., N.Y., Murray Hill J W. A. FLEMING & CO. Dependable Public Accountants and Auditors 452 Fifth Avenue at 40th St. Telephone Longacre 9074 STUDIO FOR RENT Most complete in East. Perfect lighting equipment. Modern sets. Extensive props and wardrobe departments. World Film Corp. 130 W. 46th St. Bryant 9900. MOTOR CARS For Location $18.00 Per Day COLUMBUS 5430 ji Blue Bird Auto & << ) Aero Service. Jack Mandela, Gen. Mgr. ABSOLUTELY CLEAN PRINTS The Tube System is a remarkable improvement over the antiquated tank method of film developing and printing. In our Flushing laboratories we develop, tone, fix, tint, and wash film in tubes through which the solutions are circulated by pumping. And every foot is under the constant and careful inspection of experts. Our drying system is just as great an improvement over the dust-catching, film-stretching drum dryers. We dry film in glass-inclosed cabinets through which washed" and humidified air is forced.' Film dried in this way is soft '■■ and flexible and long-lived. Every producer of motion pictures who wants absolutely ; clean prints of the highest qual ity should telephone Bryant i 1939 and get our rates. They will be found surprisingly low. *THE ASSOCIATED SCREEN NEWS, INC. 120 West 41st Street New York City ^