The Film Daily (1922)

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l/io brAdstreet »/* FILHDOM I Authority FORMERLY ol. XXI No. 18 Wednesday, July 19, 1922 Price 5 Cents II From Vitagraph feht Specials, 28 Features and Five iRobbins Prod. On List Beside I Comedies and Urban Classics \'itagrapli j-estcrday issued its first s'tement covering 1922-1923 produc:jn. Forty-one features are defi■ely' promised with a promise that ■\xt will be more from independents lithe season progresses. There will be eight seven reel I'cials, 28 features with Corinne jffith. William Duncan, Earle nlliams, Alice Calhoun and Jean iige, and five special Jess Robbins :neclies, each in six reels. In the :nedy list -will be six Larrj' Semon niedies and eight with Jimmy jbrey, each in two reels. ^n interesting announcement conns a contract with Charles Urban, ijereby \'itagraph will release 52 ■ban Popular Classics. List Up to 965 riie only national distributor which i; not yet announced its approxite output for next season is United liists and its new subsidiary, the ied Producers and Distributors rp. With Vitagraph definitely list 41 with more to come, the list nationally released productions is teased from 513 as listed in the cial anaylsis of THE FILM lILY recently to 554. Preferred itures, as the output of the Al htman Corp. will be known, will il 12, and B. B. Prod, will have r starring Betty Blythe. That inases the state right total from 395 411. The grand total of producis for next vear will be 965. Safier Leaves "U" for F. B. O. lorris Safier has been named a cial representative at the F. B. O. me Office. Safier comes from iversal. osephson Doing Metro Script (Special to THE FILM DAILY) -OS Angeles — By arrangement h Famous Players-Lasky, Julian ephson has been secured by Metro 5cenaroize "All the Brothers Were iant." .ambs Club on Coast Planned (Special to THE FILM DAILY) ,.os Angeles — Meetings have been jd preliminary to the formation in llywood of an organization similar the Lambs' Club. Virtually every le celebrity in films is named jOng the supporters. Theodore berts is chairman pro tem, Wedged Nowell is secretary and Milton fTman, treasurer. Not With Allied Lillian Gish Prod. Expected to Be Released Elsewhere — May Head Inspiration's Second Unit It is understood that although plans had been made with D. W. Griffith, Inc., for the release of a series of pictures starring Lillian (jish through the Allied Producers and Distributors Corp., the original order of things has been changed. Miss Gish's pictures will be released elsewhere. There were three propositions on tap for Miss Gish. One called for the supervision of production by Griffith, another for an additional unit with the Mae Murray company and a third for a second Inspiration Pictures, Inc., unit. In all likelihood it is the latter company which will make the Gish series, although it was characterized as merely a rumor at the offices of Charles H. Duell, president of Inspiration. Sargent in "U" One Reelers (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Lewis Sargent, will star for Universal in one-reel human interest comedies, directed by Robert Kerr. Green Again with Meighan (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Al Green will direct Tliomas Meighan in "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow.'" Green has just finished Wallace Reid's "The Ghost Breaker." Alleged a Bankrupt A petition in bankruptcy has been filed against the One West 143rd St. Amusement Co., Inc., and William Etgen, Jr., and J. Douglas Wetmore appointed receivers under $1,000 bond. Two Stars in Selznick Film (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Elaine Hammerstein and Conway Tearle are to appear together in a Selznick film, which, has been given the production title of "Blazing Sands." Lichtman's First Five Al Lichtman's first five pictures to go to liis franchise holders throughout the country will be: "Rich Men's Wives," directed by L. J. Gasnier; "Ching Ching Chinaman," directed by Tom Forman; "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," directed by Gasnier; "Are You a Failure?" directed by Forman, and "The Girl Who Came Back." directed by Gasnier. Looks For It Oklahoma City THE FILM DAILY, New York City. Gentlemen. I look for THE FILM DAILY each morning with the same degree of delight that I eat my meals and do not fail to recommend it highly to the exhibitors, whenever the opportunity presents itself. With kindest regards, WALLACE WALTHALL Enterprise Dist. Corp. Oregon Combine Portland Suburban Exhibitors to Book Together — More Theaters Now Involved Portland, Ore.— W. E. Tibbitts, owner of the Highway has been named chairman and director of a proposed booking circuit for suburban houses here. Nine, theaters comprise the association whose object is to secure second run pictures before the downtown exhibitors. They are planning to book all service together; and from all available reports are expecting to dictate to cxchangemen, how they shall handle their product. There have been no evidences of approaching the matter from a cooperative angle. Downtown theaters are running from four to seven clianges weekly while sub urban theaters have but tliree. A strong feeling of antagonism has^ lieen created as the downtown show men have no motion of sacrificing their regular service, even if the exchangmen were so disposed. The firm has offices in Portland, and representatives are dailv expected in Seattle. '__ Jackie's Next "Fiddle and I" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Jackie Coogan's next production will be "Fiddle and I." John Ince Prod. Formed (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Dover, Del. — The John Ince Prod., Inc.. have been formed here with a capitalization of $1,150,000. The Three Arts Pictures Corp. has also been formed here with $1,000,000 capital. V ;w Counsel Francis Gilbert Representing M. P. T. O. at Hays Conferences — Only On This Matter, Says Cohen An attorney named Francis Gilbert who maintains his office at 43 Exchange Place has been retained by the M. P. T. O. to represent that organization in its dealings on standard contracts with Will H. Hays. Gilbert has been attending the meetings together with Sydney S. Cohen and the latter's committee. The M. P. T. O. followiup the break with .State Senator James J. Walker never made any statement regarding its new national counsel. When Cohen was asked whether Gilbert had taken Walker's place, he said that the attorney was representing the exhibitors at tlie Hays' meetings only. Wlien further pressed for information on Gilbert's status as national counsel, Cohen said he had no statement to make. Marcus and Arthur Loew Sail Marcus Loew and his son, x\rthur sailed for Europe yesterday on the Mauretania. They will be gone at least a month. Chase Here from Buffalo M. A. Chase, Eastern division manager of Universal, with headquarters in Buffalo, was at the home office vesterdav. Glyn Story for Miriam Battista Mrs. Elinor Glyn is writing a story called "Miriam," especially for Miriam Battista. It will probably go in production in the Fall. Memoirs in Pictorial Review f Samuel Goldwyn's memoirs of the picture business, which will be called "Behind the Screen," will be first l)iil)lished in the Pictorial Review. Priscilla Dean Coming Here Priscilla Dean and her compay are en route for New York to shoot scenes in the Eden Musee at Coney Island for her new picture. Tow Browning is directing. Waterproof Film Invented Chicago — According to report, Ben Beadell, for years manager of Select, has invented a new process of waterproofing film. He has sold the American and German rights to this process to the Cromwell Film Laboratories of New York. Allan A. Lownes, of Cromwell, closed the deal with Beadell here.