The Film Daily (1922)

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THE ■^mk DAILY Friday, July 21, 15 X Vol. XXI No. 20 Friday, July 21, 1922 Price 5 Cents Copyriglit 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, inc.. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS. INC. loseph Dannenberg. President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under th<r act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-S558. Hollywood, California— Harvey E. GausmaH, ■ 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 808 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — W. A. Williamson, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague -(Czecho-Slovakia), Wenzelsplatz, Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 1Z ll'A li " 400 F. P.-L. .. 82J4 82^; 821^ 1,900 do pid Not quoted G'wvn ... 71/' T¥t, IVi 2,900 Griffith Not quoted Loew's ... \W% 15^ 15^ 700 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted Incorporations Dover, Del. — John Ince Prod., Inc. Capital $1,150,000. Attorney, Delaware Registration Trust Co. Dover, Del.— The Three Arts Pictures Corp. Attorney, Delaware Registration Trust Co. Want Receiver for Palisade (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Newark, N. J. — Arguments will be heard at the Chancery Chambers on Tuesday regarding tiie action of the Consolidated Films Laboratory Co., against the Palisade Film Laboratories, Inc., the American Discount Corp.; Charles H. Cole as agent and trustee and William H. Irish, William L. George, John Montgomery, John A. .'\ndrews and Donald B. Redfern. Consolidated is seeking the appointment of a statutory receiver to handle the affairs of Palisade. Pending this action Joseph L. .Smith has been appointed receiver bj' the court under bond of $20,000. Gets Simplex Distribution (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Minneapolis — The Exhibitors' Supply Co. has secured the distribution of the Simplex projector in this territory. Reg. U. S. Pat. 06f. Finance Unit Formed (Continued from Page 1) ting adequate credit nt the l)'inks. 13anks have been unv,ill!ng .a give sufficient advances to producers because of their scanty knowledge of llie nature of motion picture collateral, credit and integrity. Producers Finance Corp., oiScered by responsible motion picture men who understand motion picture values and who know the credit and integrity of producers and distrii)Ution companies can pass safely on such loans." In a prospectus appears a letter from Wilson to Converse D. Marsh, in whicli he outlines the following plan of operation: The company limits its loans to SO'/e of the cost of production. It advances no money until the producer has already invested his own and then the loan is advanced weekly as production progresses. The company exercises a first lien on the completed picture and therefore gets its profits from the first receipts. No loans will be granted unless a distributor who wants to finance production has a high commercial rating. The letter states that a number of loans have alreacfy been made which will vield an annual return of 32%. No production will be undertaken, but it is quite Hkely that some of the producers who are on the board will arrange for financing for their own units. The executive committee consists of Wilson, Friend. Banzhaf, Brulatour and Price. The company has oflices in the Longacre Bldg. Phi la. Sewed Up (Continued from Page 1) there is every indication that it will be — the Felts will have brought to a close their latest activities in the exhibiting field here. The Ambassador in West Philadelphia, was recently taken over by Fred G. Ni.xon-Nirdlinger. The Stanley Co. will have absolute control of the local • firstrun situation. The only apparent relief is the new Fox theater in construction, work on which is being rushed night and day. Independents. how.ever, cannot hope for any aid to speak of in that quarter, because of the large number of his own pictures which Fox will have. The Aldine is at present owned equally by M. Eugene Felt and David Bortin, the latter an atorney. Ingram Leaves J. E. D. Meador of !Metro received a wire yesterday from Rex Ingram, in which the .producer said he was to leave for New York on Wednesday last. With him are coming Alice Terrv and his technical staff. Brackett Here With Foreign Films Robert A. Brackett is at the .A.stor with a number of pictures taken in the Far East. He intends calling his films "People and Things," and has with him 16 reels showing Japanese life and customs. A second series of 10 reels covers Mexico, while included in 84 more are reels shot in India, Burma, Malay States, Straits Settlements and parts of South .\merica. DON'T MISS IT " THE MOTION PICTURE THEATffi Of TO-MORROW ?? BY S. L. ROTHAFEL CAPITOL THEATER, NEW YORK CITY IN THE Program Building Number OF THE FILM DAILY OFF THE PRESS AUGUST 6th i| ■'r^URING the current s ■^^^ son," says the hloi Picture World, "there have b presented to the trade some feature productions. Of thi the generous estimate for ab lute big successes is 35 prod tions. Of the remain 6b5 productions, some 365 coi be called failures. The rerriii ing 300 can be termed aver pictures not good enoi . to set the great public a frame of mind to care whet! they saw more of them or no 1 1 IS worth recording in this com tion that the National Committee Better Films, in its "Year's [ List." awarded Hodkinson Picli 10% of the finest product of the f year This, in the face of the I that Hodkinson Ex.changes tributed only about 2% of the ye productions The selective principle exercisect this corporation, as applied both? pictures and sales personnel, comen near as is humanly possible to assuM the Exhibitor a steady supply of fl ure-proof product J^ ^.The Theatre Owner who can t "\ play Hodkinson 100%,"" ai matically reduces his percentage poor pictures — a fact that is bo out by the impartial judgment of best critical bodies of the industry, HODKINSOl^ PICTURE