The Film Daily (1922)

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iTHE Pi> brAdstreet < FILMDOM 2^^RE(0GMIZEir Authority FORMERLY XI No. 44 Monday, August 14, 1922 Price 5 Cents )eal With ans :an Releasing Takes Over Two ires for Most of Country — Has Cassinelli Film rican Releasing has made a ■ith Herman F. Jans for the ation of two Jans Prod., "The tig Lovers" and "Man and n" in the territories where IS not sold the pictures to state luyers. major portion of the country :ver seen these two pictures. for New York, New Jersey, ngland, "Mississippi, and Louisive been sold by virtue of predeals with independent operalUt American Releasing will the picture elsewhere. For^hts have also been turned over lerican with the exception of lia and Argentina. ; Challenge" starring Dolores t\X\ is another new release of ban. This picture was made m Terriss. kghty Back to Long Island mas J. Geraghty will again asjactive charge of Paramount's 'Island City studio when it reifuU blast. Geraghty is now in jj-nia at the Lasky plant. imonwealth Gets Two More s Country Flapper," starring liy Gish and "Sure Fire Flint" !xh Johnny Hines is the prinhave been acquired by Comsalth for release in the metroIt territory. Iford in Temporary Charge fecial to THE FILM DAILY) 'ago — Ralph Bradford of First lal has been named as tempomanager of the Minneapolis i left vacant, by the resignation f. Cubberley. Jeeldng a World Market pedal to THE FILM DAILY) don — Graham-Wilcox Prod. le company which brought over Marsh to appear in a picture it is producing for the world's H and not merely for England. 'st two pictures will be "Flames -,ssion" and "The Wonderful 'i' Charles Wilcox will go to |ca next month to establish an Ithere. '>n Mae Marsh completes her I;, for p. W. Griffith this fall, ill again go to England to ap■j!! two more pictures for Gra^ iiyilcox Prod. ' Inspiration A Every American director. Every important American producer. Owes it to himself. To see the Louvre. It's the palace of Paris. Where there is more art to the square inch. Than can be found anywhere in the world. Oh ; I can see the old heads shaking. I can see the old crowd. And altnost hear them saying: "He's of? again." But it isn't so. If any director. Or producer. Cannot learn a tubfull. And more. In the way of composition. In direction. In definite effects. Of grouping and handling of individuals. Froin the paintings in the Louvre. Then I miss my guess. Don't start talking. About Art. With the capital A. That isn't it at all. It's simply a matter of good business. That's all There are some masterpieces. That all but talk to you. They are so perfect. And that is what moving pictures should do. They should be so complete ; so perfect — in their composition, effects and purposes, as to tell you what is intended. Without Ralph Spence. Or anyone else fussing with the titles. SCHOOLS NOT ONLY FOR STARS But for directors as well. Perhaps all the directors and producers cannot come to Paris. All right. There are lots of magnificent art collections in America. Let them go there — whereever they are — and see if they can't get an idea or two. Everybody knows how the buck is passed. Everybody wants credit for the good stuff. And piles what's wrong. On the other fellow. But if the stock compianies and schools. That I read about. Are going to get anywhere. Let's see what can be done for the director. There are a lot of people who think they know it all. And there are a lot of people who hang around studios. Or Bryant Park. Who once upon a time. Belonged to this very same ^^^^^ GETTING THE MONEY Understand old George Bowles. Has closed for "Orphans of the Storfn." To Films Erka. For France. And that the Paris premier will take place sooru Reported that Bowles got 750,000 francs for the show. That's about $80,000. Which is_ a good price for France alone. Even for one of DW's masterpieces. It'll be interesting. To see what the Parisians think. Of DW's ideas of the Revolution; and how he has interwoven the old play into the picture. Because here is where the great old play got its real start. MARCUS ARRIVES jiist to see how "Metro" looks in Paris Marcus Loew and one of his sons. Are scheduled to arrive. In a day or so. ^ Hope to catch him and get the news -.of what's what. And who's who. Jumping about so much haven't been able to get -the little old paper. ■ So of course don't know. ^ ':^''^/'^^\ UP IN MABEVS' ROOM At the Crillon. One of the Y6r,y:tsraart hotels. There are dressmakers. And milliners? ga)Gfi&-< Referring to. Mabel Normand, Who has bought so 'mitch'finery. That when she shows ■'■'■ (Continued" on Page 2) After Si es Chief First National Expected to Make an Appointment by the First of the Year It is understood that First National is looking over the distributing field for a high-powered sales executive to take charge of their distributing system. Between now and the first of the new year an announcement of some sort may be looked for. It is understood that the selection of the man has been held up because of the prolonged conferences on the Goldwyn merger. Now that matter is out of the way. Undue pressure on the executive committee has been removed and a number of matters that would have ordinarily been disposed of before this will now be taken up. The post to be filled is the one for which Al Lichtman was at one time slated. "Monte Cristo" Opens Tonight "Monte Cristo" opens tonight at the 44th St. theater. Meighan Coming in September Tom Meighan will be in New York the end of next month to work at the Paramount Long Island studio. Gish Girls in Special? It was reported on Saturday that Lillian and Dorothy Gish would appear in a special production for Inspiration Pictures, Inc. Dorothy is at present supporting Richard Barthelmess in "Fury." Other plans of Charles H. Duell, president of the company are said to include the removal of Henry King as Barthelmess' director and the placing of him as head of a unit to produce specials. Elliott with F. P. in France (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Paris — William Elliott, formerly a partner of Elliott, Comstock and Gest is appearing in a picture for Famous Players here. It is "Les Opprime" with Raquel Meller. Henry Rousell who produced "The Sheik's Wife" is actually directing the picture. "The Sheik's Wife" was released by Vitagraph in the States. It was pointed out on Saturday at Famous Players that while it was true that such a picture was being made in France, the production is being made for Continental consumption only and will probably never reach America. A serial is also being made in France for distribution abroad only.