The Film Daily (1922)

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THE ■e^Hi DAILY Wednesday, September 13, 192 Vol. XXI No. 73 Weil'sday. Sept. 13, 1922 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y.. by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor ; J. \V. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. .Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York. N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 808 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — W. A. Williamson, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slo vakia), Wenzelsplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 87j^ 86^ ' 86j^ 2,900 F. P.-L. . . 104>^ 102}^ 10334 2,900 do pfd. . 104^8 1041^ 103.Ki 300 G'wyii ... iy^ 6^ 7^ 8,000 Griffith Not quoted Loew's . . . 20^ \W% 20^ 4,700 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted Incorporations Albany — Ealt Pictures Corp.. NewYork. Capital. $5,000. Incorporators. I. S. Borden, G. M. Arthur. R. Mailer. Attorney, D. Mailer, New York. Albany — Stanep Amus. Corp., Bronx. Capital, $10,000. Incorporators. A. Stanzler, J. Epstein, C. Cartoon. Attorney, Kornblush & Hutler, Manhattan. Dover, Del. — Russian Pictures Corp. Capital, $1,000,000. Incorporators, H. Stern, M. Greenburg, I. Schmal. Attorney, Dela. Corp. Co. Dover, Del. — Turnstall Film Exch Wilmington. Capital, $50,000. Attorney, Corporation Trust Co., of American. Trenton, N. J. — Independent Picture Exhibitors, Jersey City. Capital, $75,000. Incorporators, S. Pesin and L. J. Kriegel, Jersey City and H. Zeiman. Union Hill. ' Trenton, N. J. — Sterling Pictures Corp., Union Hill. Incorporators, A. Zecker. Grantwood, Agnes Vogt. Jersey City and Edna Weisman. Weeliaw ken. Pathe's President n'oritnned from Pa.tie \) I'athe Exchange after he reached France. He arrived in Paris the larly part of the summer. Brunet has long been closel)' asfcciatcd w'th Charles Pathe. the head of tic i)ig foreign Paliie Consortium. It would not be surprising to find Brunet made president of the French organization, nor would it be surprising to find some interesting developments on the other side following this move. Those who know Brunet say that being a Frenchman he naturally prefers to live on the other side. It was anticipated that Brunet would visit this coimtry bringing with him Charles Pathe. some time this fall. Coast Brevities (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood, Calif. — Christie comedies are starring Xeal Burns in a house-boat comedy, directed by Sidney, with Charlotte Merriam, Sylvia .Vshton, Don Bailey and Bebe Blackburn, three and one-half year old swimming actress, appearing in the cast. "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall" will be Mary Pickford's next starring picture. Harry Carey has started another five-reeler, \'al Paul is the director. Pollard a Star Sept. 17 will show Snub Pollard a star, in his two-reel comedies. Larry Semon is working on another feature comedv Invasion of American Stars (Special to THE FILM DAILY) London — It is reported that film men here are much interested in the invasion of American stars in Europe. Universal to Make New Serial Work has been started on the new Universal serial. "Around the World in Eighteen Days." J. P. McGowan will direct. Powers Move The Powers P^ilm Products, Inc., will move to their new quarters in the Robertson-Cole Bldg., 723-7th Ave., Sept. 15. Nat Ross is directing the opening scenes of the next Gibson _ picture, "Kidin' Wild," written by Roy Myers. Sanford Prod, have finished another Tweed}' comedy and will soon start work on a new feature. Maryon Aye has been cast to play the lead in Bull Montana's current ]Metro comedy, "A Punctured Prince." Gladys Walton has finished production on "The Lavender Bath Lady" and will seek rest in Catalina. King Baggot directed. Lee Sliumway is co-directing with Phillip Hubbard at the Cosmosart studio, a new independent producing unit. Bessie Love in Two Reelers Bessie Love has completed three of the twelve two-reelers being made by F. G. Becker, managing director for little Arthur Trimble. Buys French Play "La Belle Marsellaise," a French pla\' written by Pierre Berton, was sold by Bory Osso, American agent of the Society of Authors and Composers of France to the International Film Serv.. for picture purposes. Wallace Reid has started a new production, "Thirty Days." in which Wanda Hawdey appears. James Cruze is the director and Karl Brown the cameraman J. P. Spencer expects' to leave for the Hawaiian Islands Nov. 1 to shoot some pictures with Duke Kakmakau. the famous swimmer. Henry McCarthy has started a new Doubleday Production at Fine Arts. Lester Cuneo is star and Mrs. Cuneo (Francelia BiUington) plays the opposite role. H. E. GAUSMAN <'^fi9^. MY EXPERIENCE TEACHES ME Yon insure your life and your property. Yon do not insure your business prosperity. We fill the gap between you and the distributor, and it's mighty good i>is)irance. ALEXANDER S. ARONSON Producer Service 1540 Bdwy. (Loew Bldg.) New York "The Eternal Flame" Opens 'Special to THE FILM DAlLYi Des Moines — Norma Talmadge ; "Tlie Eternal Flame" had its premie? at the Des Moines Monday night. Will Bring "Robin Hood" Harry D. Buckley will arrive liei some time this W'eek from the coat with a print of the Fairbanks pictui "Robin Hood." \\'hile here. Buckle will arrange with Hiram Abrams fr a premiere at one of the Broadv houses. 1 Equity Gets Einstein Film Edward M. Fadman. of Equil Pictures, recently returned from (le many bringing over with him a pcii of the film on the Einstein theor According to a representative of tl company it took six German profe sors to translate the theory for pit tures. .i\ Meighan Arrives Thomas Meighan arrived here fro the coast yesterday, and on Frida will leave for Brooks, Ind., where I will visit Geo. Ade to talk ovi stories, Ade writes for Paramoun Upon Meighan's arrival from Indiar he will immediately start work in tl Eastern studios. WHATWOUIDN'I YOU GIVE fOR A linL[ EXTRA CASH NOW Your plans are completed — everything ready to go ahead — but there's a hitch — not quite enough cash to see it through. We'll tide you over if the proposition is O.K. Financing film enterprises our specialty. Rear sonable terms. Quick action. CHROMOS TRADING CO. 1123 Broadway Suite 616 'Phone Chelsea 8284 Mammoth Mailing List of Theatres JUST OFF THE PRESS IN 21st Supplementary Ediuon 1922-1923 $1.50 net 20lh Edition1 921 -$3.00 net $4.50 Complete Julius Cahn Gus Hill Guide Rm. 207—701 7th Ave., N.Y.C.