The Film Daily (1922)

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THE ■^tn DAILY Saturday, October 14, 19lB<^ Vol. XXII No. 13 Saturday, Oct. 14, 1922 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. V., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man»ger; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, •t the post office at New York, N. Y., under aie act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside sf r ..iv.-New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign |15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York. N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 802 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — W. A. Williamson Kinematograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, London, W. C. 2. Taris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-SlO' vakia), Wenzelsplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 85^ 85 85^ 1,100 F. P.-L. .. 97J4 95^ 97y& 3,000 do pfd. . 102J4 102^ 102}^ 200 ■G'wyn ... 75^ 7>^ 7j^ 1,400 Griffith Not quoted Loew's.... 20^ ZOYz 20 J^ 3,000 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted Will Take Company to Georgia Roy Sheldon will leave this week for Albany, Ga., where he will film "Way Down South" for Murray \¥. Garsson Inc. with a cast including Jack Richardson and Joe King. '.'Orphans' Dajr" Performance By arrangement with Bird S. Coler, Commissioner of Public Welfare of New York City, 1290 orphans will see a selected program this morning at the Audobon. The performance is sponsored by the New York .State Ltague of Women Voters. Mrs. George A. Skinner is in active charge. She plans to give similar performances in other cities in the near future. This performance is the materialization of "Orphans Day," which was announced several weeks ago as a very elaborate affair. At that time the co-operation was announced of the Hays organization, the M. P. T. C, the T. O. C. C, and the leading theaters of New York City, Albany and Buffalo. But the plans proved to be too elaborate to be practical, especially as it developed that many orphanages have their own motion picture shows, and the heads of these institutions felt that this covered the need for entertainment. ;e (^^^turrual (Rctu^ THE SPICE OF THE PROGR ' M Golfers, Attention ! Fill in the following and forward to the Editor of THE FILM DAILY. Enter my name in the third semi-annual Fall Film Golf Tournament. Fox Changes Release Dates Release date of "A Little Child Shall Lead Them," a Fox special, has been changed from Oct. 29 to Nov. 26. "Lights of New York," another Fox special, will be released Nov. 12 instead of on Oct. 22 as previously scheduled. "My Friend the Devil" is now set for release Nov. 19. Metro Closes with Southern Circuits Tom Connors assistant sales manager for Metro, who has j ist returned from a four weeks' trip through the South, reports that contracts have been signed for the Metro product by the Sacngcr Amusement Co. chain and by the Southern Enterprises. Connors reports business as greatly improved through the entire South. Ginsberg Returns Henry Ginsberg, sales manager of the Al Lichtman Corp., is back in New York from a trip through the South, where he arranged for the opening of exchanges in Atlanta. New Orleans a^id Dallas. R. A. Davis, formerly with the F. B. O. in Atlanta, has been appointed manager in Atlanta; F. J. Briant, in New Orleans, and, as noted, E. C. Leeves in Dallas. Knoblock Arrives With Fairbanks Data Wiicn Edward Knol^lock, the playwright, arrived on the Bercngaria he was met at tlie pier by Douglas Fairbanks, to whom he was bringing the historical data for the coming Fairhanks ]iroduction of "Monsieur Beaucairc." John J. Jasper Here With Films John J. Jasper, builder of the Hollywood Studios, Inc.. is in New York, at the Ambassador, to arrange distribution of "Over Here' and "When Might Meets Right," fivereelers. Jasper reports that prod iction conditions on the Coast are nntch better than they were two months ago. "Robin Hood" Hollywood Opening / The following telegram has been received by Douglas Fairbanks from Sid Grauman : "Every seat for premiere showing of 'Robin .Hood,' at $5.00 each was sold afte- the box office had been open only two hours. I consider this a marvellous compliment to 'Robin Hood.' The first tickets were purchased by Wm. G. McAdoo, who stood in the line that reached completely around the block. * f *" Important Announcement Exhibitors are advised that the proposed contest for the best exploitation idea furnished regarding the showing of "Oliver Twist" and advertised in this publication, has been abandoned by the Jackie Coogan Productions. The plans of the proposed event failed to conform to the Postal Regulations governing such contests. ■ Rogers Hit at A. M. P. A Will Rogers witty sallies at pict folk and film companies were a 1 mendous success yesterday at A. M. P. A. luncheon. He m< probably the greatest hit of any ts' er who has ever spoken to the Adv tisers. He brought a gale of laugh when told of Doug practicing archd on the roof of the Ritz and hovi' butcher on Second Avenue was by the arr-ow, and suggested that th were hotels in town that had larj roofs. He also brought a roar by ferring to the Marion Davies hit "When Electricity Was in Flov/ ^nd said when the picture left Brc»| way everyone would have to ca. lanterns. Referring to his own pictures V said that every time Griffith madt picture his organization said it ] the industry five years ahead, a added that he had to make a picti every time Griffith did to keep the S dustry on a level keel. He brouj forth another roar when he referred the Advertisers as the Mother Led of Liars of the World, and start off by saying that it was the fi; time in the history of the world tl a press agent had paid for an acto lunch. "I'm not out of it yet," commented, "they may slip me t check any minute." Rogers was introduced by Hati Reichenbach. Because of the Film Golf Tourn ment it was announced that on regular business would take place the meeting next Thursday. B. Moss will be the speaker the follow ing week. James Young Addresses Student James Young addressed the Colur bia University cinema class on cor mcrcialism in art and other subjec pertaining to the motion picture. LOANS ON New Negatives or other Good Collateral Enquire Room 705 — Woolworth Bldg., Telephone Barclay 7940 I » ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT -ARE MODE WITH OS MUCH j ' CARE as THE BIGGEST PRODUCTIONS DND aS BEauriFUL . f You can obtain FILMACK , fP reduction Trailers on 'All Features for • 6 A F O O T ,„, TINTING FREE;'' Elaborate Borders lof 24 Hour Service I Presentation Trailers I lolol iWVWGMl^CK^CIi iv/>iiy>vi;lrtTis -CHICAGO, ILL. 'JOi