The Film Daily (1922)

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i THE jiay, October 14, 1922 kkeN eW5 No. 83 y A AFTER THE FIRE— Graphic ic devastation of the once prosper :i N VOTES "WET"— Scenes of the litest which resulted in victory for cohol. V DAY" — Why it should be observed. : ews from Venice, Cal. ; Pitt River, ashington, etc. etc. day Putting It Over Here is how a brother exhibitor put his show over. Send along your ideas. Let the other fellow know how you cleaned up. b Some Sales , g Lesser, reports the follow;es on "Flesh and Blood" staron Chaney. monwealth Pictures Corp. of I'ork; First National of ChiEastern Feature Film Corp. of ' ; Standard Film Service of md, Pittsburgh, Detroit and lati; Midwest Dist. Co. of Mil:; Enterprise Dis. Co. of New fs, Atlanta, Dallas, Kansas City, I, Oklahoma City and St. H. Lieber of Indianapolis; ir Feature Distributors, Inc., of rancisco and Los Angeles and Film Service of Washington. Goldwyn-United Cigar Tie-up Goldwyn has effected a tie-up with United Cigar stores whereby each store will display a card advertising I* "Remembrance." The card contains a picture of Claude Gillingwater as "Pop" Grout in "Remembrance," holding his grandson's face up against his. "Pop" is smoking a cigar. Above the head of Gillingwater are the words, "Hello Pop," while underneath, running clear across the page is the title of the picture, "Remembrance," in red letters. The text underneath runs as follows: "That's the title of Rupert Hughes' perfect picture now playing, and one of the things that Old Pop Grout in 'Remembrance' never forgot was to smoke his Ricoro, Old Pop's choice," followed by prices of the cigar. This tie-up was engineered by W. R. Ferguson who has also arranged a national tie-up with the Victor Talking Machine Company by which "Remembrance" is to be exploited in windows of stores selling Victrolas and Victor records. Newspaper Serial Helps Seattle Wash. — The run of Guy Bates Post, former Seattle stage favorite in "The Masquerader" at the Coliseum, was tied up by Manager Frank Steffy with serial publication of the story in the Post-Intelligencer. Want Ad Stunt Draws Erie, Pa. — The management of the Perry executed a clever newspaper contest in connection with the run of "Monte Cristo" working with a local daily at an expense of twenty-five pairs of seats for the show. In the want-ad columns of the newspaper extra letters were inserted which, when located and assembled, spelled the words t-h-e w-o-r-I-d i-s m-i-n-e. The first, twenty-five contestants to solve the problem received the passes. More than 5,000 answers were turned in and all attendance records were broken. Trailers Supplanting Slides The Export & Import Film Company, in cooperation with the Republic Laboratories, have prepared a special "stunt" trail r ot about three hundred feet for advance announcement of "Jungle Goddess" screenings in theaters. The reel is made up of thrill shots from the fifteen episodes of the animal chapter-play and its use as a serial business getter has already been proved by many exhibitors. It is gradually supplanting the use of slides for serial advance announcements. Due to its fast action, exhibitors have been able to pack their houses on the premier showing of the first episode. St. Louis Notes (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis, Mo. — The Majestic has been sold by the McKinley Amusement Co., to Sam Lewis and H. R. Hamburg for a price said to be approximately $20,000. Hamburg and Lewis have also taken a five-year lease on the theater building which is owned by A. D. Pappas. The house seats 1,100. Hamburg and Lewis also control the New Shenandoah and the Bridge. Mike Newman has joined the Paramount organization and has been assigned to the Southern Illinois territory. The St. Louis Motion Picture Exhibitors League has voted to place a float in the Armistice Day parade fostered by the American Legion. The Rothacker Film Mfg. Co. has been awarded the contract to make an official moving picture for the city of St. Louis to be known as "The Spirit of St. Louis." The Committee of Fifty, the Church Federation and similar organizations interested in censorship are canvassing candidates for the state legislature. There is every indication that when the new body of lawmakers convenes in Jefferson City next January the old efforts to enforce censorship and blue laws in Missouri will be renewed. Elinor Glyn 's version of a Screen stars life in Hollywood The Biggest Attraction Ever Offered Through Independent Exchanges ELINOR GLYN'S 44 The World's a Stage" STARRING DOROTHY PHILLIPS SUPPORTED BY Kenneth Harlan, Bruce McRae and an all star cast Directed by Colin Campbell DISTRIBUTED BY PRINCIPAL PICTURES GO., 1211 Loew State Building, New York City