The Film Daily (1922)

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E IGHTY riLLlON PATKON eiQHTY Hiuuion, People buy one uvnvnco AYIV FORTY MlUuion VAPORS A t»AY TO feCAt) THc IhATCjt /eujATion. (^/CAnmi^ NOToi^ieTY i; thc brcakfast rGODji^WATion. NoToRteTY inTHe HeAbuNej* NOTOi^ieTY in eonven.mTiofi arud aov WiUtlic^h. kc^tj^ (^ivcnikcnh KoTomeTY onTHe sctzccn^ C^ig>h/ti| -million kuman hcin^s devouring Tlotoricti/ astPieir da^ilv <ii<2t ^ilt make Slghtb/ million picture pitronb t^^ho ijlll 3.'lock to6ee vjhat tiaev read and talk5lbout expresbed orvthe screen bt/ Ihe !?orem.o6t inxiependeiat dircelorr'of ibe Will NiQH^S PHOTODBAMA rf iTf r i^ ij available for" terr^ltoria^l purchase iroin. the PP.ODUCe:125^ d/t)i/Tl^it3UTOle5 LLMRGMCE WEBER dmmi NORTH ^60o P>roa.dwa.\4 New YorR Cv t^^: Foreign Rights Controlled by Apollo Trading Corp., 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C.