The Film Daily (1922)

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THE ■<Et!k DAILY Friday, October 27, 1922 fal XXII No. 26 Friday. Oct. 27. 1922 Price 5 Cents ropyrielit 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Ine , Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., ,nv York, N. Y.. by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLK, INC. o<;pnh Dannenberg, President and tditor; r W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Maniccr ; T A. Cron. Advertising Manager, l-'ntere'd as second-class matter May 21, 1918. the post office at New York, N. Y., under H,e act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside .f Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 •■ontlis, $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. .\iltlress all communications to THE FILM OATLY. 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, (■■111 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood I'l'icago Representative — Irving Mack, 802 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury ^ ve.. London, W. 1. Paris Representative — Le Films, 42 Rue de Clichy. rentral European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), WenzelsplaU. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod... 85^ 85 85 2,000 F. P.-L. . . 945/g 92^ 933/i 5,000 do pfd. . . 99 99 99 200 Soldwyn . . 7Yi 7 7 200 jriffith Not quoted Loew's ... 20 18^ 18^ 8,500 Friangle Not quoted World Not quoted Incorporations Dover, Del. — Gloria Productions, Slew York. Capital. $1,400,000. Atorney, Registrar & Transfer Co., 3over. Albany — Inkwell Distributing Zorp., Manhattan. Capital, $15,000. [ncorporators: H. S. Bareford, J. H. HIazen and A. C. Thomas. Attorney, rhomas & Friedman, Manhattan. Albany — Novel Film Co. of Amerca, Manhattan. Capital, $100,00. In:orporators, E. Roder, H. Halmow md G. F. Cowen. Attorney, M. J. lunger, Manhattan. Albany — Page Cape Producing Co., Manhattan. Capital, $25,000. In;orporators, M. Klein, A. Werner and H. E. Diamond. Attorney, W. Klein, Manhattan. (T^cULCcdlcrruii 6\c Ilk -THE SPICE OF THE PROr;K->.M JJB V^ ^^rr NOTICE We are in the market for state •ight features for greater New York ind Northern New Jersey. What have you to offer? Address all communications to Charles H. Streimer, Jawitz Pictures 2orp., 729 Seventh Ave., New York 3ity. Phone Bryant 9444 Guts and Flashes Mary Carr has been invited by Gov. Edwards, of New Jersey, to be guest of honor at the Kiddie Karnival, soon to be held at Union Hill. Bebe Daniels, with her mother, are expected in New York soon, to begin work on "Glimpses of the Moon," directed by Allan Dwan. Dolores Cassinelli is appearing in "Pochontas," being produced at Whitestone, L. I., by Chronicles of America, with E. L. Hollywood as director. William B. Laub has completed the editing and titling of Second National's "One Moment's Temptation," and is putting the final touches to this organization's "Men Who Forget." Tom Wiley, secretary of the A. M. P. A., is now special representative of the National Photographers, Inc., as well as special representative of the Excelsior Illustrating Co. Alice Brady and Henry Kolker, director, have gone to Florida with a company filming South Sea island scenes for the "The Leopardess," for Paramount. The cast includes Montagu Love, Edward Longford, Charles Kent. George Beranger and Marguerite Forrest. Al Hall is assistant director and Gil Warrenton, camera GentryJones Office Opened Caroline Gentry and Marc Edmund Jones, operating as the GentryJones service, have opened offices at 562 Fifth Ave. They specialize in titling and editing. Filming "Robin Hood, Jr." (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — "Robin Hood, Jr.," is the title of the first of the Clarence Bricker two-reel comedies now in production, starring little Frankie Lee. On "Backbone" Location Trip Henry M. Hobart, production manager of Distinctive Pictures Corp., t ''!ier with Clarence Buddington Kelland, author, and Charles Whittaker, scenarist, are leaving today for Island Falls, Me. to select locations for "Backbone," by Kellabd. Eckhardt Assistant to Sheehan (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — Clyde Eckhardt, for the past six years manager of the Fox office here, has been made assistant to Winfield Sheehan, general manager. Eckhardt's successor has not been named. $1,250,000 Theater Lease The theater being erected by Humbert J. Fugazy and Antonio Rosetti at Macdougal and Houston Streets, has been leased for 21 years, from Dec. 1st to the newly formed Deentraus Corp., at a net rental approximating $1,250,000. The lease also carries an option for purchasing the property before Dec. 1st, 1923 for $650,000. The theater will seat 1,769. Its estimated cost is $150,000, Two Join Goldwyn (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis, Mo. — Jack Weil, Goldwyn manager, has added Morris Aaron, formerly with United Artists, and R. M. Beck to his sales force. New Fox Exchange Opening (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Buffalo — Fox Film Corp. will open its new exchange in North Pearl St., Nov. 15. Winfield R. Sheehan, general manager, will come back to his home town for the event. A Fox special will be screened for invited guests. Prepare for Censor Fight (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Philadelphia — The Pennsylvania M. P. T. O. have decided to prepare to combat hostile legislation, especially censorship laws, by meeting early in January, just before the Legislature convenes, to formulate an active campaign. San Francisco Clearance Schedule (Special to THE FILM DAILY) San Francisco — The San Francisco Film Exchange Board of Trade has adopted a clearance schedule ranging from 28 days for downtown theaters, to 70 days when the subject plays, from one to three weeks and 42 days when the subject plays over three weeks. Oakland first runs are protected against Berkeley and Alameda, where first runs may start the day after the Oakland first run closes. No exclusive contract shall be given anywhere for Greater San Franscisco. A Censor in Pictures (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. John, N. B.— For the first time in the annals of motion pictures, a member of a censor board is to play a part in a film production. Mrs. A. C. Wilson, of St. John, a member of the New Brunswick Board of Censors, is playing the role of a hospital matron in the New Brunswick Films, production of Blue Water, under the direction of David M. Hartford. Mrs. Wilson is an amateur elocutionist and actress and a directress of amateur plays in St. John. Golf Photographs Photographs of individual players who appeared in the Fall Film Golf Tournament last Thursday, can be obtained from the Kaplan News Service Company, 154 Nassau St., or by communicating with The Film Daily. OFFICE FOR RENT With Vault Space Suitable for Film Exchange or State Right Distributor Room 901—130 W. 46th St. Phone Bryant 6436 LOANS ON New Negatiyes or other Good CoUateral Enquire Room 705 — Woolworth Bldg., Telephone Barclay 7940 FINANCING and COUNSEL This organization has a sta£F catering to the fihn industry. They know every phase from the angle of the producer, distributor or theatre owner. Consultations invited. No proposition to small or too large. CHROMOS TRADING CO. 1123 Broadway Suite 616 'Phone Cheltea 8284 Mr. HENRY KING announces he has secured for production and wifA all ngAts fully protectea "OLD HUSBANDS and YOUNG WIVES" By RALPH PROCTOR Mr. King states this piece will be presented both as a STAGE and SCREEN offering during next year when he has completed his production, in Rome and other European locations of ''The White Sister," in which Miss Lillian Gish will be starred by Inspiration Pictures, Inc. The production of "OLD HUSBANDS and YOUNG WIVES" is promised to be unusually pretentious.