The Film Daily (1922)

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THE ^5^ DAILY Friday, November 3, 1922 Vol. XXII No. 33 Friday, Nov. 3, 1922 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., Vew York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLK, INC. loseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; I W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man iger ; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, jt the post office at New York, N. Y., under Che act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign ^15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. lollywood, California — Harvey E. Oausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. hicago Representative — Irving Mack, 802 S. Wabash Ave. .ondon Representative — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury ^ve., London, W. 1. Paris Representative — Le Films, 42 Rue de Clichy. entral European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia). Wenzelsplatz Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 85^ 841/^ 84^ 1,000 F. P.-L. . . 95.34 941^ 953^ 4,200 do pfd. . 98^ 98 98^^ 200 G'wyn ... 65/$ 6^ 6H 600 Griffith No*^ quoted Loew's ... 195^ 19 195/^ 2,000 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted $25,000 for Exploitation Sawyer & Lubin have laid out a $25,000 exploitation campaign for their "Quincy Adams Sawyer," to be released by Metro, including a page ad in the Saturday Evening Post, an 8-page broadside, special photoplay edition of the novel, serial publication of the story in 500 newspapers and advertising aids including autographed photos, oil paintings and huge banners.' Rochester Meeting (Special to THE FILM DATLY^ Rochester, N. Y. — The Rochester M. P. T. O. met at the Elks Club to arrange further meetings with the Central and Southern New York branches of the organization with Jules Greenstone, nresident, in the chair. Sydney S. Cohen, national president; M. J. O'Toole, head of the public service department; Howard Smith, president of the Western New York M. P. T. O. and L. J. Dittmar, president of the Kentucky M. P. T. O., were present. George Eastman took Cohen, O'Toole, Smith and Dittmar on an inspection tour of the Eastman theater and the Eastman School of Music. f^d.ux:.atUryuxl (R-ctuA^y "THE SPICE OF THE PROGR.->.M' Among the ''Indep endents'' Amalgamated Franchises (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cincinnati — The Lande Film Distrib. Corp., of Cincinnati and Cleveland and the Quality Film Corp. of Pittsburgh, have become franchise holders in Amalgamated Exchanges of America, covering Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. Opens Charlotte Office (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cliarlotte, N. C. — The Enterprise Dist. Corp., has opened an exchange here, this city. Announce First Production The Dranius Prod. & Releasing Corp., composed entirely of women, will make "The Soul of the Violin," by Philip Van Loan, as their first production. Say they will make four a year. Another Independent (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Rollin S. Sturgeon, director, and Lucien Hubbard, former scenario editor for Universal, have leased space at Universal City to produce independent pictures. M. K. Wilson is production manager. Independent Buys Arrow Film (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — Patten, McConville & Hefifron, who comprise Independent Films. Inc., of New England, have nought distribution rights to Arrow's "The Streets of New York." Two for Arrow Arrow Film Corp. will distribute "High-Speed Lee," made by Atlantic Prods., featuring Reed Howes. Martin J. Heyl will oroduce "The Old Red Schoolhouse" for Arrow from the stage plav by Hal Reid. John G. Adolphi will direct. Hyperion Sell Territory Hyperion Pictures has closed for the series of six with Imperial Pictures of Philadelphia for Eastern Pennsylvania and .Southern New Jersey. Georpe H. Wiley will visit all the important key cities in the East and middle West. Another "Snooky" Series John Rounan, owner of Snooky "The Humanzee." announces a series of six 2-reel comedies featuring Snooky. He will be assisted by Tom and Jerrv, other monkey actors and the entire zoo owned and controlled bv John Rounan productions. Inc. The first will be titled "A Jungle Romeo." South American Deal Distribution rights to Argentine. TTracriiav, Paragiiav. Chili. Peru and Polivia have been sold to the ■^ncieded General Cinematoerafica of Riienos Ai'res. bv Second National T5,Vf.irpq Corn, for five features: "T^-x'i'' nn-l Tonathan " "The Night Ri^I-r-,." "Her Storv," "Broken Shadows" and ''One Moment's Temptation." Hartford Shows "The Rapids" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Sault Ste. Marie, Can. — Several thousand persons tried to crowd into a 1,000 seat theater when David M. Hartford showed "The Rapids," by Alan Sullivan, in six reels, dealing with the romance of the Soo. The directors of Sault Ste. Marie Films, Ltd., moved Hartford a vote of a recognition and urged him to make more pictures here. Regal in St. John (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. John, N. B.— Regal Films have opened an exchange in Waterloo St. H. Smith is manager. Opens Two Exchanges (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cleveland — J. A. Donaldson has opened the Imperial Prod. Inc. exchange here and a similar exchange in Pittsburgh. "The Contrast" to Smart Films "The Contrast." made by Contrast Photoplay Co. will be handled by Smart Films Inc. It is a labor story, dealing with the coal and railroad strikes. Dorothy Bernard plays the leading role. Winkler Secures "Inkwell" Comedies M. J. Winkler has secured .the second series of Max Fleischer's 13 single reel "Out of the Inkwell" comedies for distribution in the United States and Canada. Greenberg With American Releasing (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Philadelphia — Jack Greenberg has been appointed resident manager of the American Releasing Corp. office succeeding Edgar Moses. Greenberg has been with Selznick here for several years. To Revive Old Two-Reelers The Independent Pictures Corp. has_ acquired 12 old two-reelers, the majority of which were directed by D. W. Griffith. Lillian Gish, Harry Carey, Mae Marsh, Henry Walthall and Lionel Barrymore appear in the productions. Betty Blythe Float Jack Stebbins of Merit Film Corp., distributing the Betty Blythe feature, "How Women Love" in the Greater New York territory, is building an immense Betty Blythe motor driven float for local exploitation. The star is making personal appearances with the picture. Holman Day Organizing (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Bp.ston, Mass. — Holman Day is organizing a producing company to operate in New England. It is understood that Shawmut Pictures, of which Day is head, will be reorganized and enlarged as Superior Pictures. George W. Smilev. former representative of Pathe in New England, and Percy Carver are reported as factors in the new company. Howard Mann Buys "Notoriety" tbpecial to THE FILM DAILYj Baltimore — Howard Mann, of Equity Pictures Co., has bought Will Nigh's "Notoriety" for Maryland. Delaware, District of Columbia anc" Virginia. Two Buy C. B. C. Series Ben Friedman, of the Friedman Film Corp. of Minneapolis, has bought distribution rights for Min nesota. North Dakota and South Dakota to the series of six C. B. C.' features starting with "More to be Pitied" and "Only a Shop Girl." Liberty Enterprises of Omaha bought the same series for Iowa and Nebraska. Franchises Disputed (Special to THE FILM DA 1 1 V) Philadelphia — David Segal of Roya Pictures, and Harry Segal of the Pioneer Exchange, Boston, clairr that they are entitled to the Amalgamated Film Exchanges franchises fot these territories by contracts signed July 20-21. Chas. Kranz of Amalgamated says that the Philadelphia franchise goef to Bob Lynch of Metro and the Bos ton franchise to Herman Rifkin o Eastern Feature Film Distribntor> Inc. as originally annouiiced. AN INTERVIEW INVOLVES NO OBLIGATIONS You may not need additional capital this minute, but it's a mighty good thing to know where to tvirn to when you do. Here's one financial organization you ought to know about. Let's get acquainted. CHROMOS TRADING 1123 Broadway CO. Suite 616 'Phone Chelsea 8284 WILLIAMSON'S "WONDERS OF THE SEA" Art Titles by LOUIS MEYER Craftsmen Film Laboratories 251 W. 19th St. Watkins 7620-7461 OFFICE FOR RENT With Vault Space Suitable for Film Exchange or State Right Distributor Room 901—130 W. 46th St. Phone Bryant 6436 4