The Film Daily (1922)

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iTHE rAff brAdstreet >/* FILHDOM 21^^RE(0CMIZG Authority XXII No. 65 Wednesday, December 6, 1922 Price 5 Centa. Sennett Switches ure Releases of Features and Specials Probably Going to Abrams Organization is understood that details have :tically been concluded which will it in all future Mack Sen.iott feas and specials being released ugh Hiram Abrams. Whether ugh United Artists or Allied St is not known. The first will Suzanna," in which Mabel Nord is featured, and which has been ing release for some time. had been expected that Asso. t National would handle "SuzanFirst National will complete contract with Sennett so far as two reelers are concerned. ;nnett has been arguing with First onal ever since the old Associated iucers went by the boards. His jciate, Thomas H. Ince. was also itisfied with the First National but this was finally patched up. Investigating South America ayton P. Sheehan sailed on rday for South America to make txtensive tour through the counof the southern continent in beof Fox interests. He will reabout March 1st. I. P. T. O. Pow-Wow Sunday ( to THE FILM DAILY) liladelphia — It is said that imant national officials of the M. ^ O. will hold a pow-wow here Ihunday in advance of the party :h is scheduled by the local nization. Sydney S. Cohen, ; O'Toole, True, Fay and other ;rs are expected to attend. he Troubles of an Exhibitor Split Lip, Nevada. Danny: old you last week about the noseI took on "The Flour of Minnes," but you aint heard nothing smart sales slicker came through the other day with a line of talk would sell radiators in Hades, lad a picture called "Cape Cod s" and the flowery terms he used xplaining the dough-grabbing 8S of this picture was nothing of miraculous. As near as I ecollect. the following are a few ; promises he made: would require two trips to bank refits from the picture." !ie community would oflFer me a of thanks." (CoTitinufd on Page 4) Tom Moore wired this yesterday from Washington: " 'Rich Men's Wives' pleased our patrons immensely but 'Shadows' opened yesterday (Dec. 3) at Rialto playing to 2,076 paid admissions over 'Rich Men's Wives.' Congratulations and many thanks." Merely mere proof of what AI Lichtman has said right along — Advt. The 10 Best The first percentage table showing the standing of productions listed by motion picture critics of trade press, fan magazines and daily newspapers will be found below. It should be remembered that reports are still being received and will be until THE FILM YEAR BOOK, 1922 finally goes to press. Grandma's Boy 100 Blood and Sand 100 Orphans of the Storm 100 Prisoner of Zenda 98 When Knighthood was in Flower 94 Smilin' Through ■ • ■ 93 Nanook of the North 92 Tol'able David 90 Oliver Twist 88 Eternal Flame 88 Manslaughter 88 Robin Hood 87 The Masquerader 87 One Glorious Day 85 Three Musketeers 83 Monte Cristo 81 Foolish Wives 80 It should be remembered that some of the more recent releases have not yet been seen throughout the country. Abrams Busy Says He Will Start Booking Combinations Among Exhibitors Whereever Possible Hiram Abrams is on the warpath, and frankly admits it. The general manager of United Artists had this to say yesterday. "I am going to start A. B. C.s, or booking organizations among exhibitors wherever I can as fast as I can," he said. "There is no reason except to give the independent producer a chance, and take him out of the clutches of the exhibitor, who, blocked in his booking by being compelled to buy 39 or 41, or whatever the number may be, to get a few good pictures, is thus shutting out the producer who makes a good picture. We want every picture to stand on its own, and that's the way it is going to be Jone. If any excuse further is necessary just look at the report in THE FILM DAILY of what the West Coast Theaters are doing in California, and there the answer is plainly to be seen. And what is happening there is happening everywhere. Either there is chain booking or circuit booking and the independent producer is at the mercy of one gang or another. That's why I'm interested iri developing combination booking; to let one crowd offset the others and fight them wherever necessary. I've been waiting four years to do this. And at last I'm in a position to go ahead," he concluded mysteriously. Just what is behind .\brams declaration that he has been waiting four years to "do this" is somewhat puzzling unless it means that Abrams has secured additional product for United or Allied Artists. Wiley to Release "Malcolm Strauss'" Salome" George H. Wiley, Inc., yesterday announced it had acquired "Malcolm Strauss' Salome" for distribution in the independent market. Bobby North, of Apollo Exchange. Inc., has obtained the rights for Greater New York and Northern New Jersey. Other deals now pending, for additional territory, will be announced shortly. Malcolm Strauss, the artist, personally supervised the production. The featured players are Diana Allen, as Salome, Vincent Coleman, as the Prince of Egypt and Christine Winthrop, as Herodias.