The Film Daily (1922)

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iTHE 7/ie BRADSTREET of FILMDOM js^^recogmizeii Authority Vol. XXII No. 71 Tuesday, December 12, 1922 Price 5 Cents Pledge $500,000 A. B. C. Members Ready to "Go the Limit" — Dickering for a Broadway House Members of the A. B. C. undeterred by the attitude of the large producer-distributors with regard to securing important productions for the booking organization at a recent meeting pledged a half million, to be used if necessary, to put the A. B. C. over. While the pledges were not recorded, nor was any need of funds expressed at the meeting, the willingness of the 70 or 80 men to advance this sum was regarded as a strong evidence of their intent to protect their interests against circuit booking. At this meeting there was a discussion as to the advisability of renting, or if necessary, leasing a Broadway house in which to make downtown first run show'ngs for the pictures which the A. B. C. will handle. Nothing definite, however, was accomplished on this point. Coast Bound Dr. A. H. Giannini, of the Commercial Trust Co., and Bank of Italy, is scheduled to leave Thursday for the Coast. He will accompany the Joseph Schenck party, which will include Norma and Constance Talmadge and the Buster Keaton familv as well. Entries for Western Golf (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Entries for the first western motion picture golf tournament include: Johnny Muscall, Owen Moore. Neal Burns. Nat Deverich, Al Jamison. J. D. Hampton, Harry Beaumont, A. J. Eddington, Jack Cunningham, Jerorne Beatty, Frank Condon. Pat Dowling, Myron Selznick. Mike Levee. Wesley Smith. Guy Price, Frank Borzage, Roy KlafTki, Colin Kenney, Tom Kennedy, Rex Taylor, M. E. Hoffman, Jack Gardner, A. MacArthur. Robert Z. Leonard, Brandon Hurst, Harold Miller, Mark Goldain, Burt Armstrong, Larry Semon, Jess Robbins, Duke Wellington, Warner Oland. Millard Webb, Harry Rapf, Sam Warner, Abe Warner, Jack Warner, Harry Cohen, E. Mason Hopper, L. Seiler, George Ovey, Ed Kennedy, J. C. Jessen, Ike Buell, Max Parker, P. A. Powers, Nigel Barrie, Frank Griffin, Richard Schuyer, Bernard Durning, James Dugan, Mike Yak, Sol Wurtzel, Slim Summerville, Clyde Cook. E. M. MacCray, Wid Gunning, Mike Farley, Earl Hammons, Matt Moore and A. J. Hughes. "More than satisfying as the major cinema offering" is what the Washington Post said of "Shadows" which closed an extremely successful run at Moore's Rialto last week. Unanimous praise pouring in on the AI Lich*-' man Corporation from everywhere. — Advt. Payroll Stolen T he payroll for the home office of Film Booking Offices was stolen from the safe in the main office sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning. The staff had to accept checks. Several thousand dollars were taken. Vitagraph Active (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Vitagraph announces an extensive production program which will be started at once. They will produce "Masters of Men," with Wanda Hawley, Earle Williams, Cullen Landis. and Alice Calhoun. North Carolina Convention (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Greensboro, N. C. — The call has been issued for the mid-winter convention to be held at the O'Henry Hotel. Dec. 27-28. The call says: "We must defeat the Music Tax. We must kill censorship. We must reduce the present exorbitant special taxes which we are paying the state and city. We must reduce film rental. We should effect an Arbitration Board to see that the exhibitors and exchange men treat each other .fairly and honestly." Corinne Griffith With Hodkinson Corinne Griffith's productions will be released through Hodkinson. Publisher Held (Special to THE FILM DAILYl Ed Roberts, former publisher of "It's" magazine, has surrendered to United States Marshall Sittel as the result of a seceret Federal Grand Jury indictment which is said to name him as author of "The Sins of Hollywood." Movie Chat's Revenue to M. P. T. O. (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Philadelphia — Addressing the M. P. T. O. of Eastern Penna. and Sou. New Jersey Sunday night at the gathering at Fay's Theater, Harry Rappaport, executive committeeman of the M. P. T. O., said that at present Movie Chat's, distributed under the auspices of the national organization, was doing a gross of about $12,000 a week, of which the M. P. T. O. realized five per cent. It was decided to have another meeting at the Vendig Hotel on Dec. 22, when Sydney S. Cohen and national officers are expected. .'^t the gathering Wesley Barry appeared personally during the showing of "Little Heroes of the Street." Harry Warner was also present. Considering Ideas Definite Production Plans for Next Season Will Be Decided by First National Later Richard A. Rowland and Harry O. Schwalbe of First National, returned from the Coast yesterday. They had accompanied members of the Executive Committee to Hollywood to look the situation over and consider production plans for next season. "We have nothing to announce at the moment," said Rowland. "The Committee looked things over and will meet here within a month or S3 and then determine definitely what we will do. But our plans are far from settled and any statement now would be premature." Rowland spent most of yesterday with Joe Schenck, who leaves Thursday for the Coast to start production. Going to the Coast Harry M. Warner leaves Thursday for the Coast. Irving Lesser leaves today to spend the holidays with his folks. , Stroheim to do "McTeague" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — "McTeague," Frank Norris' famous novel, will be produced by von Stroheim for Goldwyn. Al Kaufman Due Al Kaufman is due on the Majestic, scheduled to arrive today. He has been in charge of the EFA (Famous Players) studio in Berlin. In Specials Hope Hampton to Work with Fox and Famous Before Completing First National Contract Hope Hampton, whose recent productions have been released through First National will not complete her contract until after she has appeared in -two specials; one for Fox and the other for Famous Players. It was reported yesterday that MissHampton would start work next Monday in the big special at the Fox studios; but the Fox organization reported that the scenario had not been completed, and it was specifically stated that Miss Hampton w-ould not be featured, but would be one of a number of stars to appear in the production. At Famous Players it was said that "Lawful Larceny" in which Miss Hampton would appear, would not be started for a time, as it was for next season's release. George Fitzmaurice will in all likelihood direct. When Miss Hampton completes these pictures she will make her last special for First National release.