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LFriday, January 5, .1923
The Troubles of an Exhibitor
(Continued from Page 1) arts to sink because the water shes in, but now comes the climax the scene. The hero,, (and I think e can get Rudolph Valentino to plav iis part because he is out of work )w) remembers what happened to e Lusitania. Wading into the water > to his neck, with a large drill he mply drills a large hole along side the first hole and lets all the water it again and thus saves the boat om sinking.
Another thing about my scenario that the cast won't be expensive, he leading lady dies about an hour tiore the picture opens so you can t Norma Talmadge or any other ar to play this part cheap. What worries me is the title for the cture. I was going to call it "Did le Sink or Was She Scuttled." I ve been fooled so many times on les that I will leave " it to the evada Circuit to suggest the title. I t fooled when I thought the "Four orsemen of the Apocalypse" was an imal picture. In fact the exhibitor this town ran this picture as a )uble feature with one called "Some TM Oats." Probably he intended feed the horses for fear they would op dead during the show and crab
In case this scenario meets with ur approval, I have another storv mine called "The Football Coach" ut what is puzzling me is the fact at every kind of a coach that I have er seen has wheels on it but this e hasn't. What do you suggest? Tell Mr. Deneker that I may be in vada soon because the other night en the way-freight came in I went wn to get the mail without a hat id coat on. My left lung has been sthering me since and I may have to [ out there for my health. In leavg the town the freight pulled up e tracks, the post master got fired, the only way you can answer this ter is to address me care of Harry 'eiss, First National Office, St. iuis, Mo. He will be coming through te in his car pretty soon and he will ing me the letter. Wishing you a good New Year, Sincerely yours,
Northwest Notes
(Special to THE FILM DAILY) Georgetown. Wash.— A committee of local citizens plan to erect a new house here.
Sheridan, Wyo. - Fred Bezold. former owner of the Gem, has let contracts for a 900-seat house costing $90,000 to be ready by May 1st
La Grande. Ore.— The Star was damaged by fire in a store next door. It has been condemned, and is closed for repairs.
Universale January Releases
Universal will release five features "January in addition to "The Flirt." | order of release "The Flaming bur," starring Frank Mayo; "Kinjjjd Courage," with Hoot Gibson; phe Scarlet Car," starring Herbert S.whnson; "The Ghost Patrol," with ilph Graves, and Bessie Love; and ►hann Bojer's "The Power of a ie."
Clover Productions Start
(Special to THE FILM DAILY)
Baltimore — Milton Caplan and arry S. Shapiro have formed Clover rbductions, with offices at 240 Fallsay. Thev have acquired "The sildness of Youth," "The Wrong [bmen," six five-reel Westerns, six ■p-reel Westerns and ten two-reel jriedies for distribution in Dela, #., Virginia and the Dist. of jJlumbia.
Roundup, Mont. — The American destroyed by fire. John W. Anderson, Jr., at this time does not know whether he will rebuild.
Jensen & VonHerberg are rumored contemplating a temporary house in Astoria, to be later replaced by a fine theater. The rumor has not yet been confirmed.
Weiser, Idaho — The Strand, formeily operated by F. J. Becker, is being run temporarily by Mrs. Carrie Barton, owner. Frank Mortimer, president and manager of the Standard Amusement Co., expects to take the house over early in the new year.
Seattle — John Hamrick opened a temporary Blue Mouse in Astoria, Christmas Day in Lovell's Garage with "Tess of the Storm Country" playing to packed houses. The converted garage boasts a Robert Morton Organ, Simplex Machines, and is the finest "garage moving picture house" on record.
One of the most modern studios in the East. 25 minutes from Times Square. Every modern device. Can be rented for any length of time. Terms reason
able. Address
B-1923, care The Film Daily
Indianapolis, Ind.
Al Lichtman Corporation, 1650 Broadway, New York.
We are happy to report that "SHADOWS" is a real box-office attraction. The patrons comments on the picture were "wonderful", "a real picture", and "the best acting ever seen".
The picture opened very big and held up for the entire week. More pictures like this would be a pleasure to all concerned.
Very truly yours,