The Film Daily (1923)

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7Ae BRADSTREET of FILMDOM 20<?re<ochizei Authority Vol. XXIII No. 5 Saturday, January 6, 1923 Price 5 Ccnti Hays on Arbuckle Issues Final Statement ""ays Question Must Be Left lly to Public The following statement v^as issued by Will Hays yesterday on the Arbuckle matter, and refers to the suggestions and comments of all kinds and from all quarters that have been received by him. This, it is said, will be the final word on this matter. Says Hays. "All suggestions which have been received from all viewpoints, and they are many and varied, will be referred to the proper parties. This is the kind of question that must be left finally to the judgment of the public on the one hand, and on the other hand to those who have business associations with the individual and the individual himself. I have removed the artificial situation of one man being or appearing to be the judge in such matters either for one hundred and ten million people, or for a great industry and art. Such a condition in the development of a business is absolutely unsound economically, and from every other standpoint, and permanently must not be. A temporary framework or scaffolding may be a very valuable tool for a period in the remodelling or construction of a great building, but it must be remembered as the building progresses that such structures are only temporary facilities." Arbuckle Working? So Reported on Coast But Not Believed in East — 'Frisco Capital Involved (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — It is reported here that Gavin McNab, one of the leading attorneys of the West, who defended Arbuckle in the three San Francisco trials, has gathered together a group of San Francisco financiers, who have organized a motion-picture producing corporation to be capitalized at $100,00(1. The new film producing organization, which probably will seek a location in Los Angeles for production purposes, will be directed by Attorney McNab. but it will be Arbuckle's company and the corpulent comedian will be its active head. It is also said here that McNab has denied the report that he was interested in financing Arbuckle. In New York the report is discredited. The Hays Committee on Public Relations in a resolution adopted Thursday disapproves of Arbuckle pictures being shown. Johnny Hines, Doris Kenyon and Robert Edeson in one of the peppy scenes from "Sure Fire Flint." Presented by Mastodon Films, Inc., this C. C. Burr production has been the talk of Broadway during its engagement at B. S. Moss' Cameo theatre this week. — Advt. Pre-Release Showing (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Newark — "The Plaything of an Emperor," Jesse A. Levinson release, being distributed through Independent Exchanges, opens today at the Paramount for a pre-release run, ' $40,000 For "Masked Woman" It is reported that A. H. Woods has received six offers for the motion picture rights of "The Masked Woman." the highest offer being $40,000. Woods says he will invite producers to his next opening and auction the play off the stage. M. P. D. A. Officers At the last meeting of the Ne York Lodge M. P. D. A., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Director, Kenneth Webb; Assistant Director, Geo. Irving; Technical Director. John W. Noble; Treasurer, C. Jay Williams (reelected); Secretary. William F. Haddock, (reelected); Inner Guard, Oscar Lund; Outer Guard, Joseph Richmond: Trustee for three years, J. Searle Dawley. oldwyn Gets "Merry Widow" Goldwyn has purchased the picture rights of "The Merry Widow." Von Stroheim will probably direct. "Willat With Technicolor" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — "Doc." Willat, one of the best known of the old-time pioneers, has shown up in Boston where he will stay for some time to come. Doc is the practical mechanical chief of Technicolor, being the link between the scientific theorists in the company and the theater screen actuality. w 1; Big Business at Capitol "The Stranger's Banquet," Neilan's latest, is reported to have broken all records at the Capitol this week with the exception of "Passion," which did about $53,000 the first week of its run. The Neilan picture would have been held over had it not been for a series of bookings, which would not permit of extension. The booking condition at the Capitol has resulted in "Robin Hood" being delayed from Jan. 21 to Jan. 28. There is some talk of bringing "The Stranger's Banquet" back later. Off On Mission Sidney Garrett ^ails for London for Associated Exhibitors and Other Matters Sidney Grrrett. of Inter-Globe Export, sails today on the Majestic for London. While there he will look into several matters of importance regarding Associated Exhibitors product, and will also take up with Ideal Films and Gaumont (Bromhead's) several productions so far as the American rights are concerned. One of these is the Ideal production of "Harbor Lights." made by Tom Terriss and featuring Tom Moore, and the other "The Hawk," in which Charles Hutcheson is starred. The Bromhead's now have Terriss under contract for a special which, it is said, will be made in Egypt, and for which a number of important American stars are being secured. Garrett signed Wanda Hawley for one of the leading parts just before sailing. He will be away about six weeks. In Russia Producing and Distributing Arrangements Weak — Fox and Paramount Popular According to Charles Recht. Soviet attorney here, picture conditions in Russia are very promising. A special government department, the "Photo-Kino." headed by Libermann, a former engineer, has been formed to foster and encourage the industry. Every picture shown or made in Russia must be licensed by this bureau. There are four producing companies. Moskwa. Russ. Screen, and Fakel. engaged in makfContinued on Pape 2) It's a Business F. B. O. is claiming a record for booking the smallest theater in the country. A report from a Los Angeles salesman shows that he recently sold a contract to the Simpson theater, with a post office address of Niland, Cal. This theater stands out on the prairie a mile and a auarter from the nearest habitation. The total population is two consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. The rest of the audience is drawn from the farmers and ranchmen within a radius of 20 miles — all of whom are forced to cross a mile and a nuarter of the Imperial Valley desert before reaching this unique "neighborhood" house.