The Film Daily (1923)

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THE ■£*?k DAILV Saturday, January 6, 1923 Vol. XXIII in. 5 Saturday, Jan. 6. 1923 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1922, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc.. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y.. by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager ; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside ot Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00 . months $3.00. Foreign $15.00, Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5538. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. CI '>ago Representative — Irving Mack, 802 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. 1. Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau. Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wenzelsplatz. Quotations High low Close Sale* East. Kod. 94>S 93^ 94 1.700 F. P.-L. .. 91 K 90K> 90^ 3,000 . do pfd. . 98-ys 98^4 9&V& 100 f G'wyn ... 6'/, 5% 6 3,000 (jriHith Not quoted Loew's ... im 19'A 195/6 1,000 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted Bachman Due Jack Bachmann of the Al Lichtman organization, is due in Monday from the Coast. Briefs Filed Briefs will be filed in the "Peekskill" case on Monday. Craver Here R. D. Craver of Charlotte, N. C. is in town for a few days. Off Cn Vacation Al Kaufman, Famous Players, accompanicd by his wife, leaves tomorrow for Palm Beach for a vacation. Future plans unsettled. Fields Leaving Fox Harry Fields who has been connected for a long time with the Fox organization will join United Artists on Monday. Censorship Fees Since August 1, 1921, when the New York State Motion Picture Commission started, it has collected $307,000 for censoring pictures. During the same period the Commission has spent approximately $116,000, according to Chairman George II Cobb. There have been made about 5.001) eliminations and l>ss than 100 pictures have been condemned in their entirety. I -(( (QcluxuitLcrricii U'CctuAjL^ I Baxter Here L. L. Baxter, business manager for Marshall Neilan, is in town for a few days. "Robin Hood" Run Closes Douglas Fairbank's "Robin Hood" will end its long engagement at the Lyric tomorrow night. Harry Warner Returning (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — H. M. Warner and his wife are expect' \ to leave here today for New York. Mintz Closes Deal M. J. Mintz, of the Cameo Music Pub. Co., has ' losed negotiations with Famous Players for the adoption of his thematic music cue sheet in their houses. Duncan's Due William Duncan and his wife Edith Johnson, are expected in from the Coast soon. Upon the completion of the present Vitagraph contract it is said Duncan will make serials. Chaplin To Make Record (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Charlie Chaplin has closed a contract with The Brunswick Phonograph Co., to make a record when he goes to New York next spring. He will receive $10,000 in addition to 10 per cent royalty. Sistrom To Coast William Sistrom, Western production manager for Cosmopolitan, has returned to the Coast. He will immediately start work on F. R. Adams, ' "The Love Piker" and "Mother McGinn," by Jack Doyle. Frances Marion will direct "The Love Piker" and E. Mason Hopper, the latter. Pierson Going to the Orient H. Wayne Pierson, assistant General Manager of the foreign department of United Artists, will sail from Seattle on Jan. 14th, for the Orient on a tour of inspection of the foreign offices. His first stop will be at Tokio. His itinerary will include Russia, Japan, China, the Strait Settlements, Philippine Island, India, South Africa, Egypt and Australia. Gianninni Dined (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Joe Schenck and Sol Lesser were hosts at a luncheon tendered at the Ambassador to Dr. A. H. Gianinni, prior to his departure _ for the East. The Doctor again voiced his well known objections to bonuses paid for loans from banks and bankers. Among those present were Mack Sennett, Thomas H. Ince, Abraham Lebf, J. F. Godsol, J. D. Williams, Sam Katz, M. C. Levee, Ben P. Schulberg, A. L. Gore, Adolph Ramish, Michael Gore, Irving M. Lesser, Michael Rosenberg, Marco Hellman. Jack Coogan Senior, Sid Grauman, Jack, Sam, and Harry Warner, J. G. Bachman, George Lichtenberger, Sam Goldwyn, John GcCormick, A. L. Bernstein, Montague Glass, Edwin Carcwe and Harry D. Wrilson. In Russia (Continued from Page 1) ing pictures now. The last of these, Fakel. is also a distributing concern. While producing is going on at an encouraging rate, because of government aid, and the plethora of artists and actors at liberty, distribution is quite another matter. On account of the size of Russia, the scattered locations of the houses, and poor transportation facilities, this is quite a difficult task. The government department is lending as much aid as possible, while local distributing concerns, such as the Northwestern, are trying to meet the problem locally. In addition to studios, laboratories are being erected; foreign experts being employed largely for this purpose. All this work is under government supervision and control; but the government is not financially interested in the companies. The Russians have as their favorite star an Armenian, Moisse, who starred in a Russian moledramatic production, 'Father Sergius," which was completed about a year ago. The big German feature, "Lady Hamilton" is a favorite Russian film; as is every Chaplin picture yet shown there. "Lady Hamilton" was bought by a Russian for a sum equalling $800 in American money. Fox and Paramount pictures are seen very frequently. The more melodramatic pictures are the better they are liked. Admissions scale from 5 to 25 cents. Forbes Forecast B. C. Forbes, in Forbes Magazine, forecasting 1923, says in part: "Frankly, I hesitate to set down how doubtful I feel over what unwise action may cause in the second half of 1923. We have most of the elements and materials for the making of prosperity. But I am not at all sure that these elements and materials may not be mishandled— mishandled internationally by European and American statesmen; mishandled at home politically by the radicals in Congress; mishandled by industrial and other corporations overanxious to mark up prices unduly; mishandled by labor leaders blindly rather than prudently intent upon forcing up wages. "If I were to confine my forecast to the opening months of 1923, I would predict, with a fair degree of confidence, a continuation of the improving trend which has been under way for months. * * * "But when I try, as I have tried most earnestly and persistently, to read the outlook for the second half of the year, I confess that so many questions and questionings enter my mind that I hesitate to make any definite prediction one way or other. I am sorry to have to say that the scales threaten to be tipped towards the unfavorable rather than the favorable side. * * * " Southwestern Notes (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Dallas — E. S. Lowery, formerly read man for Paramount has joined Hodkinson. Alpine, Tex. — C. D. Stewart has taken over the management of the Mojave. Rusk, Texas — Eugene Kennedy, formerly manager of the Palace, Tyler has taken over the Jewel. Bartlesville, Okla. — Mr. Chandler has taken over the management of the Cutler theaters. Pittsburgh — Maurice Geiger has resigned from the Famous PlayersLasky office here and will travel Ohio for United Artists. $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 wanted to close quick expansion opportunity offered established small but successful motion picture producing Company HANDLE YOUR OWN MONEY Write Box S I c/o The Film Daily 71 West 44th Street New York WANTED Experienced laboratory manager for plant in East. Must be good mechanic and know service requirements film industry. Give full details, first letter as to age, experience, salary desired, etc. Address Box AA— Film Daily, New York. CHAS. 0. BAUMANN, Pre*. RESOURCES $5,000,000 — LEGAL RATES — PRODUCERS & STARS represented. Also every form of financial service rendered in connection therewith — at legal rates. GREAT NORTHERN FINANCE CORP. Knickerbocker Building Broadway at 42nd Street, N. Y. City Telephone Bryant 2989 NEGATIVE TITLES 10 cents per foot, including cards. Through our revolutionizing process we give you, choice of 10 high class hand lettered alphabets. The highest class illustrations. 24 hour service. TITLEGRAPH STUDIOS 203 West 49th St. Circle 10.056 Laboratory Wad. 3443 TITLES NEGATIVE POSITIVE Inch CARDS 15 CENTS PER FOOT 24 Hour Service if necessary SIMPLEX TITLE SHOP 220 W. 42d Street Bryant 0985