The Film Daily (1923)

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. _JTHE 7ho BYSTREET Borzage Signed oductions To Be Released Through First National— Tender Him Luncheon Today frank Borzage's future productions I be released through First Nalal. The first will be "Wandering ughters," a Dana Burnet story. Jorzage is under contract to Arr H. Jacobs and intends starting rk on "Wandering Daughters" as n as he finishes "The Nth Comndment" for Cosmopolitan. To' at the Ritz Carlton, First Naial will introduce Borzage and obs to the trade and fan magab editors. Richard A. Rowland other First National officials will :nd. Committee Leaves 'he executive committee of First :ional has completed its work. The ious members have departed for ir homes. • C. Pictures Alleged Bankrupt n involuntary petition in bank :cy has been filed in the U. S DisCourt against C. C. Pictures. Inc. hamel S. Corwin has been apted receiver. The company is discing the 12 Chaplin Classics. Film Folk at Premiere -actically all the important exec58 in the East attended the uere of "Extra" last night at the ?acre Theater. "Extra" was ten and produced by Tack Alit of THE FILM DAILY. Vray Here; Signs With Ince hn Griffith Wray arrived in town Monday from the coast. Yes ■y he confirmed the report from Angeles that he had signed a •act with Thomas H. Ince to t three and possiblv four pic • Wray is at the Biltmore, and ;:kmg material and talent to take to California with him. Sht^dSS'from^ S±Tinger PrCdUCti°n "is a *«™ ! Claims Usury Selznick in Court Action Seeks (unction for Return of $28,525 Interest J"S J. Selznick has filed suit in ,'Upreme Court against Jacob ■ and the T. & T. Films, Inc., Mg usury, and asking an injuncM the return of $28,525 which id .as interest on a loan of "0 m excess of the legal rate <eges that prior to May 5, 1921 •?ohated with Wener for the 1 w3" anlm,ads an agreement 1 Wener $700 a week for the •n addition to the interest of •' :ent. (Continued on Page 6) The Market Abroad England to Be Busy Producers Planning Pictures Which Will Find Place in International Market m ^y ERNEST W.FREDVAN The Film Renter and M. P. News, London (Special to THE FILM DAILY) London — Nineteen hundred and twenty-three promises to be a very busy year for the British producing companies, judging by the ambitious plans that the leading producers have scheduled for the ensuing 12 months. Graham Wilcox have already produced "Paddy-The-Next Best-Thing," featuring Mae Marsh, and this will be shown to the trade inside the next three weeks. They have secured a capture in the world's rights of "Chu Chin Chow," which is to be produced with part of it in Prizma color, with scenes laid in Algiers. Herbert Wilcox the controlling genius of the Graham Wilcox Co.. informs me that the cost of this production will not be less than £60,000, and some big stars will appear in the picture. This (Continued on Page 4) Germans May Cease Production Expected to End— Exports from Berlin Reach Enormous Proportions Rights Revert Chaplin Secures Rights to a "Dog's Life in April and "Shoulder Arms" in October Charlie Chaplin shortly secures all dfrH Arm '^TD°g'\Life and "Shoul he J» r whatever disposition he may care to make of them under «ct Tl °f thC FlVst Nati0nal »" r£hh V1! -u,rcult mere'y has the five ye°ars bUtC them f°r a Period °f Dore'SApirii"hat pr°-d expires on "A <>^g ij * and In October on Shoulder Arms." It is intimated on the coast, that Chaplin intends reissuing them but no mention is made of the releasing medium. daSC nf0llrinfig are the exP''ration r iff ^e five year distribution nghts on the Chaplin releases. ?,°^Life A 192 Shoulder Arms Oct. .. 1923 t™Y%df ^22, 1924 Pdle SrfJeaSUre Dec 22 ^24 K-J Day Mar. 20, 1927 Kld Feb. 21, 1927 Lynch En Route to Paris (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Atlanta-S. A. Lynch is en route to I^ans and is expected to arrive there on Saturday. He will remain on the Continent indefinitely. (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Berlin— The impending stoppage of production owing to the rise of raw stock price— one point of a sixreel feature costs 1,000,000 marksis the chief topic of conversation. The optimists have a strong argument in their favor. An enormous amount of German films has been recently sold to foreign countries, and the safes and "foreign currency accounts" of the producing firms are literally crammed with valuable foreign money. The Emelka, in Munich, was on the verge of bankruptcy. The banks refused to supply funds for completing half finished pictures. William Fox then bought "Monna Vanna, ' for $50,000, and the deficit accumulated by Emelka was wiped off. The U. F. A. recently bought up Decla Bioscop. The incorporated (Continued on Page 2) Berger Joins TriStone 'ci'-iK" Berger has resigned as APr^a frePresen*ative for United Artists to manage the sales of the Keystone reissues through Tri-Stone Pictures. "Doug" Plans Grecian Story (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles-It is reported that Doug Fairbanks will produce a story laid in the times of Pericles and that he and Edward Knoblock are collaborating on the script The Times quotes Fairbanks as saying that he was tremendously interested in appearing in a story of that period. T. O. C. C. Breaks With F. I. L M Club A resolution was adopted at yesterday's meeting of the T O C C in which the F. I. L. M. Club was charged with not acting in good faith. As a result the T. O. C. C. will withdraw all representation from the Arbitration Board, which has heretofore been comprised of representatives from both organizations and which had settled all film lisoutes