The Film Daily (1923)

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THE eMU DAILV i a m >rill 11 , )t, S," g' :\ on LS> iH r ie< 11 t(! h ) ; i? rb IT r'f e? it v vi 10 «/" FII>ffiOM ^^WWf^9 ^ AUTHORITY — %EiaimH ' ■ Vol. XXIII No. 24 Thursday, Jan. 25, 1923 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1923, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by VVID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor ; W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00 ; 3 months $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5538. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 802 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. 1. Paris Representative— Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmsehau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia ' WmzHsplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 97l/2 96^ 96^g 700 F. P.-L. .. 86J4 84^ 84>/> 5,000 do pfd. . 95 95 95 300 G'wyn ... 6l/& $y2 6 2,000 Griffith Not quoted Loew's .. \9% 19 19'4 2,600 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted Harry Fields in Denver (Special to THE FILM DAILY) a Denver — Harry Fields, who ref cently joined United Artists, is here. 1 Buys "Wonders" For England F. Mordaunt Hall has purchased , "Wonders of the Sea," the William1 son sub-sea picture for the F. B. O. of London for English distribution. Luz On Way West Ernst Luz, general musical director for the Loew circuit, is enroute to the coast to study picture presentations in that territory. Hearst Buys "The Grey Cloak" William Randolph Hearst has purchased film rights to "The Grey Cloak" by Harold MacGrath from Jacob Wilk. tusXJLA-s SIMPLEX TITLE SHOP 220 W. 42nd St. Announces the closing of a contract giving it exclusive sales rights on the FAMOUS STONE LIBRARY Over two million feet of selected shots as far back as 1897, negative and positive, are now made available for your requirements. Phone Bryant 0984-0985 Among The "Independents" Nelson Named Manager (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Minneapolis — E. P. Nelson has been made manager of advertising and publicity for F. & R. Film. Receiver's Sale (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — The assets of the Better Pictures Corp. were recently auctioned off at a receiver's sale held at the studio on N. Wells Street. Zierler Buys Burr Feature Sam Zierler, of Commonwealth, has purchased "Secrets of Paris" for Greater New York, and Northern Jersey. William Vogel has purchased the foreign rights. Plan Six Reeler in Texas (Special to THE FILM DAILY) San Antonio, Tex. — Shamrock Photoplays, with studios at Terrell Wells, will produce a six-reel feature "The Germ." Third Robbins Film Finished (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — "The Front Page Story," the third Jess Robbins production has been finished and was given a pre-view recently before the Screen Writers' Club. Ford Serial for Arrow When W. E. Shallenberger was on the coast he arranged for Francis Ford to produce a 15 episode serial for Arrow. Acquire Hart Films For Nebraska (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Omaha — The Crescent Film Exchange have purchased the new series of Neal Hart productions for this territory. Get Michigan Rights (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Detroit — Jack Moss has taken over the Michigan rights to "Ten Nights In a Barroom," formerly held by Joe Horowitz. Enterprise Get Hart Features (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Enterprise has secured Southern Illinois and Eastern Missouri rights to six Willam S. Hart re-issues that will appear under new titles and with new paper. New Goldwyn Office (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Milwaukee — Goldwyn will open a new branch office here about Feb. 1st. This marks the fourth new Goldwyn exchange to be opened since Sept. 1st. DISTRIBUTION UPON A GUARANTEED BASIS —PLUS is offered to renowned Stars, Directors and Independent Producers. BAUMANN DISTRIBUTING CO. under the supervision of CH AS. O. BAUMANN, originator and organizer of: — Kessel-Bauman, New York Motion, Keystone, Sales Co., Universal and Triangle Film Companies; producers of Ince-Kay Bee, SennettChaplin-Keystone and other Famous Productions. 130 W. 46th St., New York City Telephone Bryant 4200 ■ »'■'■■ i — <% Thursday, January 25, 1923 m iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii "Roxy" Sails on the 30th S. L. Rothafel leaves for Europe on the 30th. Sailing on the Berengaria. FILM EXCHANGE EXECUTIVE Who has made an exhaustive study of the Executive Duties pertaining to the management of Branch Exchanges and Sales Management and who has spent Twenty-four Years in the Theatrical Profession in America and Countries abroad, desires to make a connection with a reputable organization that can use his services. Experience covers branch management, publicity, sales and exploitation. First class credentials. Personal interview by appointment. Reply A B-3, care Film Daily CHR0M0S TRADING CO. 1123 Broadway Suite 616 'Phone Chelfea 8284 Ready | Money I WHEN YOU I NEED IT I REPUTABLE PROPOSITIONS FINANCED. IN ANY AMOUNT. Specialized Service to Motion Picture Enterprises. Quick Action. Consult with us in Confidence.