The Film Daily (1923)

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THE t, January 25, 1923 >yright Change Continued from Pige 1) \ new draft has been made copyright law with such s would permit of admission ternational Copyright Union lg transmitted to the authorBerne for consideration. A the proposed amendments sting law has been embodied shortly to be presented to iches of Congress. ithors' League has submitted nadian Authors' Association ipt of these changes, consistency in the existing leen the topic for discussion )d many years and has reproper adjustment before ;o an agreement on copyrs existing throughout the d it is hoped that the prescript will unify the entire so that an international unng will be arrived at in the »n of copyrights, which will a great deal of criticism. Itart Lardner Series ial to THE FILM DAILY) lgeles— Lee Moran and Arxom have started work on of Ring Lardner stories in form. Release will probably jh Educational. tn "Archie" Comedies rchie Comedies, Inc.. have ned to produce a series of eel comedies, to be known "Indiscretions of Archie," the stories by P. G. Wode'roduction in New York. Tom Moore in Nigh Film Tom Moore will probably appear in William Nigh's second picture for Weber and North. The title is "Marriage and Morals." "Dangerous Age" at Strand "The Dangerous Age" will be the feature at the Strand next week and not "The Voices from the Minaret," as stated in Monday's issue. DeCordoba Signed Through Jess Smith, Pedro De Cordoba has been signed to appear in "Fires of Faith," to be made by Gaumont in England, with Tom Terriss directing. De Cordoba will sail Saturday on the Celtic with Nigel Barrie who will also appear in the picture. Reproductive quality enables the sensitive emulsion to correctly portray every step of gradation from highest light to deepest shadow. EASTMAN POSITIVE FILM faithfully reproduces every tone of the negative. It carries the quality through to the screen. Eastman Film, both regular and tinted base — now available in nine colors, is identified throughout its length by the words "Eastman" "Kodak" stenciled in black letters in the transparent margin. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. Y. ftars 'Stars! Stars!