The Film Daily (1923)

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mm m Thursday, May 3, 1923 mma Exhibitor Loses •iitii-.ued from rai,'c 0 "1 cannot find that the CO this state have hitherto been called upon to decide whether it is actionable to use means not of themselves unlawful to prevent m itiations from ning into a contract. In I land Mich a question has been an red in the affirmative. If. how ch ci induct i • ev ei to b< held actionable. I think the present is ;r proper < ase for the taking of that important first step. The conduct of those of the defendants who wore actively concerned in the matter appear> to me to have reached the ut -t limit of what the law will tolerate in the way of oermitting harm to be done to another by one t -ho seeks merely to advance his own selfish interests, and who is not actuated by what Mr. Justice Holmes has called 'disinterested malevolence.' I am not able to discern, and I do not think it is contended that the defendants were motivated bv, any desire wantonly to injure the plaintiff. Although it has long been supposed to be the law th it conspiracy itself is not actionable, there is a strong modern tendency to ascribe to combination or concert of action the quality of Riving actionability to acts otherwise lawful. After giving to the matter the fullest consideration, I have concluded that while I have a strong personal inclination to grant the motion I feel that there is altogether too much room for doubt whether the law, as it stands today is with the plaintiff to make it • er to order a preliminary injunction." Those Long Features from Hay & Nicholas the Strand. Fairmont, 'Minn.: "At the Minneapolis convention attention was called to Marcus Loew's lit in THE FILM DAILY to the effect that the exhibitor wouldn't paj a fair price for pictures if they weren't of cxtr me length. Pleasi tell Marcuh from us that 'all wet' on this proposition. It ain't so. I f he will take the trouble to sound out the intelligent exhibitor— the man wdio has a big inx, uncut to protect, and who is using his brains to try to present programs that the masses really want, he will find an overwhelming sentiment in Eavor of a diversified prof"-am. And Marcus and his co-workers are deliberately preventing that sort of program. "One of Marc's salesmen told us this week that it was impossible to tell these stories in less reels, to which we replied that Dave Griffith used to tell them in two reels, and told them a damned sight better than most of them are told today. After mature reflection we don't care to qualify that statement." Signs Florence Vidor (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Principal Pictures have signed Florence Vidor to appear in "The Winning of Barbara Worth." Philadelphia Wants Light Saving (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Philadelphia — Despite the passage of a bill prohibiting daylight saving in Pennsylvania by the House and Senate, both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are in favor of such a measure. The City Council here has adopted a resolution requesting companies to operate under it. In all likelihood, local exhibitors will disregard V ■ time-saving measure if it i . generally observed and operate under standard time. New Hampshire Against It (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Concord, N. H. — The House of Representatives has nassed a bill prohibiting daylight saving in this state by a vote of 210 to 81. Say Films Ruin Morals An Associated Press dispatch from Pekin quotes the Pekin Daily News as saying that American motion pictures are debauching Chinese morals. Cases of robbery and murder along the lines made more or less familiar in American pictures arc reported from port cities. Some sort of Government restrictions may result. Balzac Story Starts Soon (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Production on Bal zac's, "The Magic Skin" will begin within two weeks. Plan Kid Stories (Special to THE FILM DAILY) I. os Angeles — Fisher Prod, will make a series of child stories featuring Virginia Lee Corbin. Using Color Film (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Scenes in color will appear in "Don't Marry for Money," Bernie Fineman's new picture. Kaufman in Montreal (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Montreal — Harry Kaufman has opened an office in the Albee Bldg. lie has purchased "The Greatest Menace" for Canada.. Reynolds New Illinois President (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — Glen Reynolds, of De Kalb is new president of the Illinois M. P. T. O. Samuel Abrahams is vice-president; Sidney Selig, treasur ■ and Ludwig Siegel, secretary. The latter three are from Chicago. Asbury Theater Sold (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Asbury Park, N. J.— A. M. Williams has purchased the Lyric on Cook man Ave., near the Boardwalk for about $75,000. Pictures will be shown during the summer and in the fall the property will be razed to make way for stores. Many Offers Made Sennett l Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Mack Sennett is said to have been made several offers from capitalists to locate in San Diego, Northern California, Florida, Texas and New York, as a result of his announcement that he would move the studio from Edendale. "Couldn't Get Along Without It" How often do you use this expression, and how often have you heard someone say it regarding 36* MMMET •/"FILMDOMJ fSM TS » "^ authority True enough. But if it is so important to you, what about your branch offices? What about the managers in your exchanges and theaters? It's just "good business" to have them as well posted as yourself. And the surest, most certain way of bringing this about is to see to it that they get it every day. Just as you do. $10 a year and worth a lot more