The Film Daily (1923)

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THE rhursday, May 3, 1923 &&*, DAILY Among The "Independents" Davis Resigns (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Seattle — Ed Davis, Arrow manager iere, has resigned. B. M. Snooker, listrict manager, is temporarily in harge. The Arrow office has moved nto new quarters at 2004 3rd Ave. Denver — Arrow has moved into [uarters in the new exchange buildrig at 2040 Broadway. New Equity Deals Equity has sold "What No Man Cnows" and "The Wordly MadonnJ' o Cuban Film Co. for Cuba and 'hipman, Ltd., for Brazil. $100,000 Film Company Formed (Special to THE FILM DAILY) j Duluth — The Federal Film Co., has ,een formed here by Fred B. Desch kid Rollo and M. M. Chafee. Capital $100,000. New Winnipeg Exchange (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Winnipeg — F. W. Crosbie, has opled an exchange here to book "The arish Priest" which he has secured >r Western Canada. Kenmat Makes "TipW Off" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Kenmat Prod, a San rancisco company has completed Tipped Off" in which appear Noah eery, Tom Santschi, Arline Pretty id Stuart Holmes. ROUSE AUTO §f|7YICR $2 Per Hour by Day 9 W. 51st St. Circle 0446 the National Cocktail It's on everybody's tongue — Took six months to mix — Makes the Exhibitor the Life iver of his community! M. J. Cohen To The Coast (Special to THE FILM DAILY) New Bedford, Mass. — M. J. Cohen has resigned as assistant manager of the Olympia and has left for the coast to take up the duties as sale manager of the Granada Co., a new producing organization. The company was recently organized by William Drummond. Ebberly With Educational (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Oklahoma City— N. K. Ebberly of New York is the new resident manager for Educational. "Barefoot Boy" in Work (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Work has been begun on "The Barefoot Boy" by Mission Film Corp. The cast includes Elliott Dexter, Helene Chadwick. Lon Chaney, Eva Novak, Raymond Hatton, Mary Alden and Lloyd Ingram. David Kirkland is directing. Burr Signs Thorpe Credit C. C. Burr has signed Richard S. Thorpe as leading man for the permanent stock company he is organizing. Some Foreign Sales Joseph Simmonds who is handling the foreign distribution of the C. B. C. product, has closed the following deals: Henrique Blunt will distribute "Temptation" and "Her Accidental Husband" in Brazil. InterVariety & Theatrical Agency purchased Temptation," "Her Accidental Husband," "Only A Shopgirl" and "More To be Pitied" for South Africa. Jacobo Clucksmann will handle the last four in Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentine, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. More Sales By C. B. C. Several other sales were consummated this week by C. B. C, namely: All Star Feature Dist., Los Angeles secured rights to "Her Accidental Husband," for California, Arizona, Nevada and the Hawaiian Islands. Big Feature Rights, Louisville, closed for "Temptation,'' and "Her Accidental Husband" for Kentucky. Fine Art Pictures, St. Louis closed for "Only A Shopgirl," for Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois. AJti* itf\ JWUfi. Klein Closes Foreign Deals Edward L. Klein has sold "The Empty Cradle" and "The Broad Road," for United Kingdom; "Women Men Marry" for Belgium, England and Czecho Slovakia; "Determination" for Czecho Slovakia; Independent's "Favorite Star Series" and Minopol's "Three Star Series" for United Kingdom. Arrow Deal for Central Europe D. J. Mountan, of Arrow, has closed a contract with Hugo Neudecker of Vienna for nractically the entire Arrow output for Austria, Hungary, Czecho Slovakia, Roumania and Poland. The Sociedad General Cinematografica of Buenos Aires has purchased the following from Arrow for Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador: "The Rip Tide," "Jacqueline," "Lost in a Big City," "None So Blind," "The Broken Violin," "High-Speed Lee," "The Little Red Schoolhouse," "Man and Wife," the William Fairbanks westerns and 24 two reel comedies. Grand Signs Alf Goulding (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Sam Grand has signed Alf Goulding to direct comedies. The Grand organization has started active work at the old Chester studio. Goulding is directing Monty Banks; Hugh Fay is directing Sid Smith and Joe Rock, his own comedies. Iris Handling Apollo Shorts John J. Iris has taken over from Bobby North of the Apollo exchange, all of their colored scenic reels for distribution through the Iris Film Exchange in Greater New York and Northern New Jersey territory. 15th Century Story for Dinky (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Dinky Dean's first picture for Dinky Dean Prod, will be "John of the Woods," a 15th century Italian story by Abbie Farwell Brown. Split in Spanish Company (Special to THE FILM DAILY) London— Word has reached here that there has been a split in the affairs of Atlantida, S. A. of Barcelona, a company in which it is reported the Spanish Government is semi-officially interested. Films Espana, backed by the Banco Urquijo, has been formed with a capital of 10,000,000 pesetas or about 350,0^0. Hal Hodes Back Hal Hodes has just returned from a trip on the road representing C. B. C. Do lit fo r $et YOUARE GUILTY 1 CAST JAS KJQKVOOD UOMlS r£N»uH 008T EOESON l/IARI LAOO, EOMUND8UEESE RUSSELL CJUfiiw An tJf s proiluititin "A Progressive Vaudeville Agency for the Progressive Theatre" "Superior Vaudeville" for the variety houses, also special attractions, drawing novelties, and prologues for the straight picture theatre. HARRY YOUNG and MARTIN WELLS (agency) 1493 Broadway Suite No. 323 New York City Tel. Bryant 1073 Now furnished in thousand foot lengths EASTMAN POSITIVE FILM Results obtained through printing on Eastman Positive Film justify the painstaking efforts of the camera-man. It reproduces with striking fidelity every tone of the negative from highest light to deepest shadow. It carries quality through to the screen. Eastman Film, both regular and tinted base now obtainable in thousand foot lengths, is identified throughout its length by the words "Eastman" "Kodak" stenciled in black letters in the transparent margin. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. Y.